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How do you prepare your heart meat?


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Livingart maybe your lucky? Or maybe its safe? I just stay away from them because I feel there are better alternatives, maybe in moderation its ok? Who knows, I definately wouldn't feed them to africans because of bloat..

With the shrimp I cook up a heap of pea's, a few spuds, pumpkin lettuce brocoli whatever greens I can find mash up the frozen shrimp first, add all the vege's add some garlic and some geletin and then put it in fish bags squash it all out flat and stick it in the freezer. It works well and 1kg of it goes a long long way..

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I feed raw shrimp, cooking it apparently takes away some of the goodness. There's no fat so it doesn't need to be trimmed like beef heart does, just chop it up straight out of the freezer and put it in the tank.

I've read things similar to what Ryan posted about animal fats and proteins aren't as easy for fish to break down, and going by how long the bulging stomach lasts on my big ornate after feeding beef heart I'd say its true.

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I have not ever had a problem with beef heart either.

I used to just clean it and freeze it and grate it directly into the tanks but as more and more recipes come out with different additions like carrots and paprika and garlic etc I have tried them.

I am about to go back to the plain heart as fish seem to like it better.

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yep ive been using beef heart for a little over 10 years now (ever since i was 10!).

It is always best to feed any fish a variety of foods and not just one type. so all my fish get a huge range of foods and they do really well.

Having said that as with most things in this particular hobby - there is always more than one way of doing things, so i think most people are best experimenting with different foods.

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What a fantastic response, cheers peoples. :hail:

I have my order placed for an Ox heart with my good lady; wot does the shopping....

I will do as suggested and; freeze, grate, add garlic and peas, mush together and place back in plastic cubes from blood worms and re-freeze.

My fish love shelled peas, corn and broccoli.

The on;ly other food they get is Tetra Min tropical flakes or crisps and JBL Pleco chips. As well as frozen blood worms and shrimp once a week.

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:bounce: :bounce: A big THANK YOU for the beef/ox heart recipes. I made some up 3 days ago and after only 2 feeds aswell as the usual bloodworm, flake, microworms I'm sure the colour is bought out more in all the fish in my community tank. I also had one tank recovering from a bout of Ich and am sure the garlic in the mix has especially helped my 2 surviving clown loaches :bounce: :bounce:

I used the basic recipe of trimming the fat and sinnew of the outside of one ox heart then chopping into small chunks and adding this along with about 1 teaspoon of crushed garlic and about 6 tablespoons of water to a blender and pulsing until it all minced down to about the same consistency as bloodworms. I'd kept some empty bloodworms containers so squished mixture into this and what was left over have put into a little tupperware container and will just slice off bits when I need it.

My fish went more nuts over this than bloodworms/microworms so I guess the proof is there :D

THANKS AGAIN!!!! :bounce:

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David R - do you feed frozen mysis shrimp?

I've tried feeding my fish that a couple of times but they don't seem to like it and I end up having to siphOn all of it out. PLUS - my Discus are becoming very picky, they try going on hunger strikes when fed granules but go nuts everytime the whiteworms and bloodworms come out.

Heard Beef hearts were good for Discus tucker?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

i use a blender.one cow heart. one bannana.glarlic.peas.and one vitamin c taplet..blend to a paste and into sandwica bags and frezze.

my fish go nuts over it, neven plecs.goldfish etc.

p/s dont use the wife house blender. ive got my own one.it save arguments over a dirty smelly blender.

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  • 3 months later...

So I would guess that BBS would be best for guppy fry and then this mix when in the community tank then... would it be good for priming them up for breeding as well or live food better?

I was thinking of going beef heart mixture, white worms and BBS as a diet for guppies.

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