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How do you save money on feeding your fish?


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just wanted to know what everyone here does to reduce the cost of feeding fish.

My method is to feed live food,


White Worms


Homemade Beef heart mix

Shrimps (since they are around $10/kg at the supermarket and cheaper than dry food from the pet shop)

Come on people.. what do you do?



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I make a lot of my own. depending on the diet I blend bought ingredients and freeze. $ 1o worth of product will give me trays of the stuff

For my vege plecs I throw the 'Trunk' or stalk part of broccoli or cauliflower.

It takes a long time compared to courgette to get mushy so can feed them for a few days. Cichlids like Uaru will peck away as well.

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save money on feeding fish.... gesh!!!

can it get cheaper?

for all my tanks and fish, it costs me maybe $5 per week at most.... dont forget that I have 47 tanks

Daphnia... if I could get it, I would have it with the fish almost 24/7 but its hard to get... Mr Wok mate... how about telling me where your stash is


My wifes doves cost $100 per month plus medicines and supliments

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i give my goldfish and plecos corgette i just boil it in microwave 4 a few mins so it sinks a whole corgette can dissapear overnight! i have been buying more expensive fish foods lately its worth it just to see the fish with better coulors and healthier they get a variety of freeze dried foods and live brineshrimp occaisionely finely chopped beef as well as sprilina flakes and jbl tabis, chopped freshwater shrimp and mysis flakes

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$10/kg? Where? I get mine at foodtown at $21/kg...

Asian supermarkets FTW. I get mine from silver bell in Panmure, usually around $12 for a 1kg bag.

I don't usually bother, one day I'll try to make my own frozen food with beef heart, greens, garlic etc, but for now I just buy the packet stuff.

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I'd be surprised if feeding mine cost me even as much as a buck a day. But I only have two tanks. I've been working on a medium sized container of little floaty bits on my tetra tank for probably 3 months so at that point that's costing me something like $.05 per day or less.

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Daphnia seem to be in short supply,

but one of my bathtubs seems to have heaps.

Will drop some off to you one day Barrie, Yet to get round to your place, petrol sooooo expensive.

I find it difficult to feed my GBA courgettes, since it cost nearly $9 per kg.

and my GBA eat one courgette a day. have moved to cucumbers at the moment.

I'm looking for food that is either free or cost next to nix to grow.

Brocolli Stalks is a good one... must try that.

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We feed what we need too, and only what they need to make sure they stay healthy. Their food goes into our fortnightly budget and we make sure we save and get food in advance so we dont run out. We never skimp on their food. Always live foods, Flakes, Pellets, Fresh Veges, Frozen Mysis, Frozen Bloodworms, Dried Bloodworms, Dried Foods, Tablets, Fresh Shrimp, Fresh Prawn, Frozen Liver, Frozen Heart, Colourbits etc. Quite a variety actually.

Mystic always says that you shouldnt keep an animal unless you can properly care for it, and that includes feeding/housing etc. This includes fish too. :)


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We feed what we need too, and only what they need to make sure they stay healthy. Their food goes into our fortnightly budget and we make sure we save and get food in advance so we dont run out. We never skimp on their food. Always live foods, Flakes, Pellets, Veges, Tablets, Shrimp, Prawn, Liver, Colourbits etc. Quite a variety actually.

Mystic always says that you shouldnt keep an animal unless you can properly care for it, and that includes feeding/housing etc. This includes fish too. :)


With prices going up even humans are having to budget some more than than they used too. You can make fish food go a long way if you feed out other stuff that may be cheap but also good for the fish that way your fish food will last longer and with out it costing as much :D

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With prices going up even humans are having to budget some more than than they used too. You can make fish food go a long way if you feed out other stuff that may be cheap but also good for the fish that way your fish food will last longer and with out it costing as much :D

I know that, but again, some people shouldnt own so many fish if they cant afford to feed them, am I not right?

I do agree that some things can be fed to fish that are cheaper, like the Liver, Veges etc we suppliment ours with.

Nothing wrong with saving money, as long as you understand that if you cant care for all of them, maybe you shouldnt own so many too.



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[quote="BallisticI know that, but again, some people shouldnt own so many fish if they cant afford to feed them, am I not right?

I do agree that some things can be fed to fish that are cheaper, like the Liver, Veges etc we suppliment ours with.

Nothing wrong with saving money, as long as you understand that if you cant care for all of them, maybe you shouldnt own so many too.



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