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Bearded Dragons in Disgraceful Conditions


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Just went to a petshop, and was disgusted with the conditions that they are keeping their dragons in. I've never really been happy with how they keep them there and have spoken to them about it before, but its gotten worse since.

This dragon was so skinny and had no toes on his front left foot.


Same dragon with tail rot.


Same dragon showing how skinny he is.


Dragon was kept in a tank with another smaller dragon who looked like he had a tail kink, and these two massive blueys.


This is the food they had for them, chunks of carrot and apple bigger than their mouths, fine for a blue tongue maybe, but not for a dragon.


This was in their other dragon tank, a bowl with slaters and large wood chips, dirt and bark. Slaters carry parasites because of the rotting wood they eat. The tank also had ants and spiders running through it, i imagine from the wood chips.


Sorry about bad quality of photos, only had camera phone.

The other tank had 4 dragons in it, thank wasn't even big enough for one. Some of them had bits of tail and fingers missing. And the uv light was a single tube fluoro placed on top of the glass, about 2 foot away from the dragons. Way too far away and through the glass! What are they thinking!?

I'm pretty sure its a woman who supplies the dragons to that shop, and if shes on the forum i suggest she goes down there and sorts it out. its disgusting.

I wish there was someone to complain to, but with current problems with keeping reptiles in NZ I'm afraid it will lead to heaps of trouble for owners.

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Thats so mean, they really should not sell them if they can't provide for there needs, what are they teaching people that buy them.

You must be able to complain to places like spca or something reptiles and amphibians must have rights too.

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You must be able to complain to places like spca or something reptiles and amphibians must have rights too.

You can complain to them, but what if they say "right well no one can have dragons now"?

They saw me in there taking photos, I'm gonna give it a few days then I'll try writing them a letter.

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I'm pretty sure its a woman who supplies the dragons to that shop, and if shes on the forum i suggest she goes down there and sorts it out. its disgusting.

And i don't think the SPCA have the power or would even want to stop people keeping lizards at all. They are all for the humane and correct keeping of animals , not saying what should or should not be kept .

Unfortunately in the 'RETAIL' pet trade in NZ , you pay peanuts and you don't even get trained monkeys. There seems to be a few knowledgeable people in some shops , but alot of them seem to move on to other things.

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Hey guys...

This thread was removed due to a complaint that had been put into a mod, however the thread has been put back and the name of the place edited out of the main thread... It would be great if people are aware of what is going on and something done about the way these animals are being treated, hence why the thread has been put back. But please any discussion on the issue is fine, however, please do not use names of people or the place in question over this thread.

I do hope the matter has been brought to the attention of the petshop in question and that some drastic measures have been taken to resolve the issue.


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Alot of us no doubt have the same thoughts as that BK, however there have been rules stipulated on this forum and we have to abide by them in order to keep the thread alive.. The most important thing is the fact that now the treatment of these creatures has been brought to peoples attention, I hope there is enough fuss made up that way so that something is done about it, and the conditions and treatment addressed.

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i agree with looking after your pets properly, even ones for sale,

i agree with name and shame, but it is a last resort

but as bulldogod says talk toi the manager about your concerns

you may find the animals had these problems before arriving in their care

or they don't know how to care for them properly

if no action from them, then next step is spca

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I dropped in the other day and had a look, sometimes they do get slightly mutated beardies but usually price is lower, proberbly more a breeder fault.

I must admit the current beardies aren't looking that flash - worse than a couple of weeks ago when I saw them when first arrived.

in saying that I also visited a large chain pet store today and found their setups even worse, hardly any lighting and smaller enclosures.

I think it is the norm unfortunitely with pet shops and reptiles, just try to find a correct turtle set up at a pet shop.

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Hey guys...

This thread was removed due to a complaint that had been put into a mod, however the thread has been put back and the name of the place edited out of the main thread... It would be great if people are aware of what is going on and something done about the way these animals are being treated, hence why the thread has been put back. But please any discussion on the issue is fine, however, please do not use names of people or the place in question over this thread.

I do hope the matter has been brought to the attention of the petshop in question and that some drastic measures have been taken to resolve the issue.


are you serious? this is a clear case of cruelty and ignorance. Someone PM the name please, pretty sure I know who the supplier is...slaters for food....go figure...

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in saying that I also visited a large chain pet store today and found their setups even worse, hardly any lighting and smaller enclosures.

If its who I suspect it is, I was talking to the breeder and he said the stores seem to think that because the calcium powder they're using has vitamin D in it they don't need a UV tube. :roll:

They were also selling tiny little terrariums with them as a 'package deal'....

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Afrikan wrote:

Hey guys...

This thread was removed due to a complaint that had been put into a mod, however the thread has been put back and the name of the place edited out of the main thread... It would be great if people are aware of what is going on and something done about the way these animals are being treated, hence why the thread has been put back. But please any discussion on the issue is fine, however, please do not use names of people or the place in question over this thread.

I do hope the matter has been brought to the attention of the petshop in question and that some drastic measures have been taken to resolve the issue.


are you serious? this is a clear case of cruelty and ignorance. Someone PM the name please, pretty sure I know who the supplier is...slaters for food....go figure...

Sorry but my hands are tied... I am only a moderator here, not a gate keeper :roll: If anyone would like to know the store in question then email Tabz on his personal email address as he was the person who notified others that this is going on...

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i am a regular customer to this shop and i always enjoy my visits. These dragons are fed very well. They are given locusts, grasshoppers, crickets and mealworms. These are handfed to them early on in the day and so it is not surprising that many people do not know this. I think that you need to get your facts right before you go stirring up things. As for the spiders and the slaters, what do u think they eat in the wild in Auzie. After talkin to the staff i have learned that the little dragon in the bluey's tank is there because it was being picked on by the bigger one's and was getting stressed out.

I think that if you have a problem with the way things are done there i suggest YOU go down there and talk to them and express your oppinion, dont sit behind your computor like a coward.

like broms2 sed, there are pets shops out there with insufficient lighting and small enclosures. Is this a personal attack or something cause i believe that they are looked after fairly well!!!!

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ok people, i heard through the grape vine that my name and a certain pet shop was put in this thread regarding the baby beardies as mine,,,,,

PLEASE get your facts straight they are not mine i repete they are not mine,, yes i have sold ONE beardie at this shop 17 mths ago, yes i have sold slaters on TM along with crickets, mealworms and locusts,, but please if you decide to bark up a tree make sure you get the right one,,

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welcome to the forums snakey and alien4

sorry it took this thread to bring you on board

but it is good to get some facts instead of supposition

well answered

many people on here are very passionate about their hobby and care greatly about animals, so please don't judge too harshly

hope you stick around the forums

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I am a regular customer to this shop and i always enjoy my visits. These dragons are fed very well. They are given locusts, grasshoppers, crickets and mealworms. These are handfed to them early on in the day and so it is not surprising that many people do not know this. I think that you need to get your facts right before you go stirring up things. As for the spiders and the slaters, what do u think they eat in the wild in Auzie. After talkin to the staff i have learned that the little dragon in the bluey's tank is there because it was being picked on by the bigger one's and was getting stressed out.

I think that if you have a problem with the way things are done there i suggest YOU go down there and talk to them and express your opinion, dont sit behind your computer like a coward.

like broms2 sed, there are pets shops out there with insufficient lighting and small enclosures. Is this a personal attack or something cause i believe that they are looked after fairly well!!!!

So why are they/it so skinny, have tail rot, missing toes and a bent tail?

Because of the other dragons?

For the record this is not a personal attack.

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welcome alian4 and snakey, Like I said earlier, naming and shaming is fine, but helps to get the name right....Snakey, how long have you been working there :D .Its not about being cowards or personal attacks , its about caring for animals and that place isnt doing that.

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I have kept bearded dragons for many years now and I'm surprised to see ignorance of knowledge about them evident in your research. I buy food regularly from this shop and think you should get your facts straight before you start writing stuff like this on the internet.

why is it that so called animal lovers attack the people that really care. Your efforts would be better else where.

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