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For your info, New Import regs


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It a shame that a lot of the fish not on the list are quite difficult to breed, and often quite scarce. I know there's other Polypterus here that aren't on the list, but finding one of them is hard enough, let alone a male and female of the same species... :cry:

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first thing I noticed was the number of spelling mistakes in the list!

Its irritating that the list is alphabetically by genus rather than arranged by family, it makes it far harder to actually find the fish and of course genera are always changing with taxonomic updates, eg, the clown loach is under "Cromobotia" so if you're looking for it under Botia you might be under the impresson it is now banned.

But there are still heaps of fish on there that we can get -- I was bored, so counted up no fewer than 41 Ancistrus species, 54 Hypostomus, 77 Corydoras, and 13 Apteronotus (thats the ghost knife genus)!!

I saw Ancistrus ranunculus on there -- anyone have any of these currently? They are AWESOME fish!

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There are golden arowana on there (on the CITES list too), do these often come in??

Also, just curious, I presume these are the fish that are allowed to be imported from the wild, but there is no restriction in importing any captive bred species if you manage to find a source, is that right?

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took me flipping ages to find pearl danios! They are the only ones listed as Brachydanio. All the other danios are under danio or devario. :roll:

I printed the whole list off so i can add it to the library. (48 pages :o )

There are killies on the list.

i have refered to the list tons of times and most of the time the fish i am loking up has been there. The only fish i was really disappointed that was not on the list was the celebes half beak/ nomorhamphus liemi

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Is the list on the MAF site out of date? And how do we find out what the current one is?

I heard today that they have decided to stop imports for:

Guppies :-?

Ancistrus :(

Corydorus :cry:

and some others.

But the list in Appendix D, (which is dated 21 March 2007,) has them on it.

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A couple of my fish are not on the list, Pitbull plecs - Patroclinus Jumbo (sp?), Blotch Fin Aspidoras - Aspidoras Pauciradiatus, Orange Cory - Corydoras Venezualanus and I can't find the Galaxy Rasbora/Celestial Pearl Danio? :-?

Mel :)

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There are a few things no longer on the list, nice fish but nothing to mager.

What has change is that the old list allowed genes to be imported ( as I like killies i'll use them as an example ).

All Aphyosemion's were allowed, as the Fundulopanchax genes was split from Aphyosemion's that means all Aphyosemions and Fundulopanchax were allowed this is a large number of species, now were only allowed to import 10 :(

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There were a few Corys (i think about six) taken of the list. Bandits (C. metae) were one I remember that are no longer allowed. So those people with bandits need to make sure they keep breeding them or they'll be gone for good.

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heard today that they have decided to stop imports for:




and some others.

News to me. i doubt they have as the list is the updated list put togeather by importers.

Maf/erma are looking to take some fish off, however they will have to consult importers before they can do that.

I have a interesting study done on ornamental fish in Australia, will post it once i work out how.

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I just spent a while going through the importable fish list and rearranging it by family so i could see what was actually on there. For example, only one hillstream loach ("Borneo sucker") Pseudogastromyzon myersi, but 21 New World knifefish; interesting to me as a catfish-enthusiast, if you take out the loricariids (plecs) and callichthyids (Corys), there are only 29 other catfish species, and 12 of those are mochokids!:

Amblydoras hancockii Blue-eye catfish

Bunocephalus bifidus Banjo catfish

Bunocephalus coracoideus Banjo catfish

Bunocephalus knerii Banjo catfish

Kryptopterus bicirrhis Glass catfish

Microglanis cottoides Bacon cat

Microglanis poecilus Dwarf marble cat

Microsynodontis lamberti

Mystus micracanthus Twospot catfish

Mystus tengara Silver mystus cat

Mystus vittatus Striped dwarf catfish

Ompok bimaculatus Butter catfish

Ompok sabanus

Pimelodella gracilis Slender pimelodella

Pimelodus ornatus Ornate cat

Pimelodus pictus Pictus cat

Platydoras costatus Raphael/chocolate catfish

Pseudomystus siamensis Bumblebee cat

Synodontis alberti Bigeye squeaker

Synodontis angelicus Angel squeaker

Synodontis decorus Decorated synodontis

Synodontis eupterus

Synodontis multipunctatus Cuckoo synodontis

Synodontis nigrita Upsidedown catfish

Synodontis nigriventris Blotched upsidedown catfish

Synodontis ocellifer

Synodontis petricola Cuckoo catfish

Synodontis pleurops Bigeye synodontis

Synodontis schoutedeni Vermiculated synodontis

sigh...oh well, still lots of cool stuff there...

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