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Conference 2007


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Miss Australia.. (normally known as Mrs, however, not wanting to really be associated with that nasty Security man, I swear I don't know his alter ego) :lol:

Ahhhh... this is what happens when you make a man wear a tie and give him a torch in a dark and dingy hallway!

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I can safely say that Family and I are safe and well back home.

Chocolate Cichilds are acclimatising well in their new home but there was some bickering in the car with few frayed fins. :(

However they are swimming around seeing the sights of the tank.


Big congrats to ZEV for coming up with the Idea of passports.

Now where's caryl with the photos.

Time to get some sleep.. too much laughing

oh oh oh... diamonds go to South African, and..... BUZZ BUZZZ

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Chocolate Cichilds are acclimatising well in their new home but there was some bickering in the car with few frayed fins. :(

Didn't you set them up with the DVD player to watch in the car??

Thought you knew better, Wok!

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Hopefully Caryl and Grant will be safely home in the next couple of hours! And i would imagine it will be straight to bed! I am looking forward to seeing everyone elses photos too! I am busy loading mine right now! :bounce:

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Heres some of mine photo's from the weekend to start things rolling :)

New Exec



Who can tell the differance between these next Two ??? :P:P




Who's got there Passport ?


And who lost their's after a few too many ??


Eddie :hail::bow:


Ozzy Bird 8) :wink:


Met Their Match :)


More wild life !



A few quite ones


Meeting of the 3 wise men :hail:


Shopping for booze :roll:


There are lots more and from other too an Awesome weekend so again thanks everyone :bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow:

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Yikes Paul.. please tell me that was a wide lense on the camera you used! :lol:

How many pounds does a camera add? :lol: It seems I need to trim down a bit after seeing those pics! :lol: I blame it on Easter when Creme Eggs were in the stores :wink::D

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As everyone has said - brilliant conference and well done HBAS! I loved the passport idea and congratulations zev for doing such a good job with them.

I will be resizing and uploading photos later today/this evening, when I have time. Went straight to bed last night as very tired but good trip home. Meeting AMAZONIAN halfway betweeen here and Nelson today to hand over killifish. :D

I promise not to eat your cheese Loopy :lol:

Afrikan I hope you have dealt severely with that power crazy border guard! 8)

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Good to hear that everybody enjoyed themselves. Sadly I couldn't get off of work but I was able to take part in the passport event... there is still some jellyfish on a stick if anybody wants some. :wink:

Was great to meet you all and hope to see you all again next year if not sooner.

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Like all the others I also had a great time.

I was almost rolling on the floor after Paul play horsey with his chair.

A big thank you to the organisers

Kerri Anne, as that nasty security guard sent me around 4 or 5 time ( I can't remember after finishing off the rice wine ) I would have to say you can keep that jelly fish and if you can't get rid of it I suggest you dig a deep hole. :lol:

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For both security guard and jellyfish? :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

We really do still like you Mr Security guard!! :P

But what would possess Casserole to go round that many times???? :roll:

:lol: :lol: I would have told you what to do if you made me go round more than twice!! ha ha ha ha

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