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Everything posted by HandS

  1. Ahhh, wrong link i think :roll:
  2. HandS

    Fish ID

    thank you so much I should of thought to let my fingers do the walking :roll:
  3. HandS

    Fish ID

    Does anyone know any other names for leppard fish, the live bearers that some lfs sell, ive been googling for a while, and had a browse through fishprofiles.com but havent found anything that matches my fish
  4. i think she is refering to somthing like
  5. No my macmacmastri arnt breeding, as i dont have a female :roll: but if anyone knows where i can get one................
  6. Just a update, 30+ gold ram fry are happly consuming bbs about 4 times a day :bounce: Also, i come home from work to another suprise... : x I NEED MORE ROOM FOR TANKS!!!
  7. HandS

    Hara hara catfish

    Ah missed that :oops: Thanks 8)
  8. Is there another name for these, ive been trying to find info on them, but "Hara hara" dosent come up with much :-? Thanks in advance Shane
  9. Im hoping i can rase these guys, they arnt taking bbs yet, but are eating powdered fry food :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  10. I use water straight from the garden hose, and fish are fine, and breed happily. I sterted keeping fish before i found out about these products, and they where fine then, so why change.....
  11. :bounce: Way to go ant :bounce: looks like there will be a good suply of localy bread apistos around soon
  12. Here is my male: And the suspected female: I keep them with discus, rummys, serpae's, kuhlis, other apistos,etc As with most apistos, the female is smaller and normally yellow, with less or no colour on her fins. HTH
  13. What do you want to know, i have 2 males, and maybe a female (she might be another apisto??) They are great fish, and they both interact really well with me. I dont find them agressive at all but i have read a artical where they can be...... HTH
  14. So you have a supplyer??? What worrys me is that if you pre sell 40 plecs, get them sent over, and maf distroys all but 10, who gets the 10?, and who's pocket does it come out of?? I REALLY hope you succeed in your venture to get these wonderful fish, but at the moment it seems like you havent got the finer details correct. Please, prove us doubters wrong and we will line up with cash in back pocket (once the fish are here....) 10/10 for effort :bounce:
  15. HandS

    Another tank

    ok, leaked like a sive was a bit servear, but there was a steady trickle, im stripping the silicon from the inside, and runnung a new beed around it Also, i live in a old state house, no carpit, and there are surficant gaps in the floor boards for drainage
  16. HandS

    Another tank

    Thanks all Ok so it looks like the gobies are out.. but then thats why i posted here first, to get the great advice from all you guys. The tank will be on the soft side (as are all my tanks) and lighting will be modirate to high (havent got the exact lights i will be using but i have alot of 2foot units lying around) I have read somwhere that sparkling gourami are happy in soft water with a ph of 6.8, so as far as im aweare that fits in well, but i will do a bit more research just incase the lfs have a good suply of them here, i have 8 now, and now on the lookout for cory pygmaeus, They are great little fish. Thanks Blue for your advice in the pencil fish, i too would like to breed to increse numbers, large schools of them looking at the sky would be cool. Are there anyother fish that i should be looking at??? P.S. Shortly after starting this thread, i test fulled the tank (luckley) and it leeked like a sive...... so wont be starting to setup the tank for at least another week..
  17. i think alot will depend on price, $20.00 id be in, $600.00 No way, and im shure alot of ppl would be the same......
  18. HandS

    Another tank

    Helen and i are starting another tank (75x40x30), We are keeping to a "small" theme, so far the fish we have for it are sparkling gourami, Cory Hastatus, rocket pencils, and will put in some of my smaller apistos. Fish we are looking to get are bumble gobies, otto's and licorice gourami. Can anyone else recomend some other smaller fish and some plants that have a "small" look to them(ie. small leaves etc) Thanks Shane P.S. for those who have seen our lounge, YES we did find room for another tank
  19. I would use pool filter sand instead of plasterers sand. Pool filter sand is not as fine so will not pack down to form a "brick" in the bottom of your tank (im shure there is a propper word for it), and will not alter the ph like some builders/plasterers sand will. As for price, i got 35kg for $20, so not to much extra
  20. I only pay about $5.00 a tube from bunnings, those flash grow tubes are not really necessary........ but then that is a whole new thread 8)
  21. Cool, so there is hope for me in the future. She was gravid when i got her, so the father could be anyones guess :roll:
  22. I just had my albino koi sword drop its first brood for me. I have heeps of fry, but none (that i can see) have red eyes, is this somthing that devalops, or will none of this brood be albino. Here is a pic before she droped
  23. Just a reminder that there is a meeting tomorow night (2/4/06) at the Link House, 4 Te Aroha St. Doors open at 6:30 and meeting starts at 7:00. Rob Torrins will be giving a talk about setting up a aquarium, and im shure he will answer any questions anyone has. New members are always welcome.. Hope to see you there 8)
  24. :lol: lmao :lol: do they hatch by chance???? P.S. Take the viagra OUT of the ox heart :lol:
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