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Everything posted by HandS

  1. Tanks a bit on the small side because both of those fish can be territorial (especially when spawning), but give them plenty of caves and hiding places and they should be ok. How many of each are you planing of having?
  2. While Helen was dropping the kids off i thought i had nothing to lose, i decided to add tonic salt as per instructions, i used one rounded tablespoon per 20L, rasied the temp a little and went off to work. While Helen was out she stoped in at the lfs and he told her to add tonic salt, so she come home and added one rounded tablespoon per 20L. I come home to find 1 discus swimming upright, pacing up and down the tank as if begging for food. He has a little fungis on him and it looks as if the pec fins disolved in the salt (as there are little stumps left) but i think we can recover from that. I am feeding him flake as i think this will be easy on his tummy, am going to do small daily water changes (to dilute the salt) am start on the melafix (for fungis and fin regroth) If anyone has any other ideas or advice, i am all ears...
  3. HandS


    Hi guys :lol: now i know who im talking too (its about time )
  4. Thanks for your responce Phill Well he has lasted threw the night, his bloatedness has gone down, helen noticed that he had a very large poo hanging out his anus, she talked me into squezeing it out, as i did he released alot of gas(and poo) and now his tummy is down to aprox normal size, but it still trys to float. He is still a strong swimmer (when he wants to be) so has given me a little hope, but i think i will be alot happier when i see him up the right way. Is there anything i can give him that would cause diearhea, so can flush his insides out??????
  5. ok i think it is bloat or somthing related, as his belly is floating, he is still very alert and can swim very fast but when he rests his belly (along with the rest of him) floats. Is there any helping him, i forgot to add that he is in a Q tank
  6. i just noticed that one of my discus was swimming funny, his hole body movement was very exegerated and his nose pointing down. he also looks fat or bloated, he has always been a bit poggier than the others but this is a bit extreem any one got ideas????? oh and ph 6.8 and gh about 40ppm, colour is normal and no other visual signes but breathing a little fast
  7. :oops: i never seen that sign :oops:
  8. Last time i got daphnia from brian, it was on a thursday afternoon and he had just got it in, will try to confurm it for you tomorow (if i remember :roll: )
  9. I have breed blues befor and had free swimming fry a little under 2 weeks old then they all died. I tryed to keep the water as soft as i could get it (have read that eggs will not hatch if water is too hard) temp about 28 C. and ph of 6.2. I let mum and dad do there job and (almost)couldent fult them. I think the fry died because of me rather than water conditions (over feeding :oops: and lack of water changes). I have also found that there are some fish that are sterile Hope that helps Shane
  10. Well i just got home from work and it was gone , id still like to Q the fish just in case of infection but i cant figer out which one it was. Thanks for all yor responses, and if the "thing" grows back caryl, your more than welcome to borrow him to keep ya female swords happy (if you have female swords)
  11. I notised yesterday that one of our swards had this groth on its gonapodium Any one got any ideas, is it somthing that should be treeted, or shall i leave it alone Thanks Helen and Shane
  12. that sounds about right for hamilton water, 6.5-6.8, and very soft, somtimes less than 20ppm, my discuss and dwarf cichlids love it. as for clorine removers i have never used them and all my water changes come straight from the garden hose (not saying that they are no good though)
  13. Im going to try breeding zebra danio's, Im after any info that might help me. At the moment im going to try them in a 30x30x30 with a sponge filter and a large breeding mop at the bottom. All ideas welcome Thanks Shane
  14. Yes, he died about 3 days after that post, and was still eating right up till the end, he dident look worse just a little slower, and slower, and...........
  15. HandS

    Fishy love

    Earlier tonight i was doing my usual fish watching and i came across this I first thought that the eel was dead and the sae was eating him but on closer inspection seen the eel was breathing and the mouth of the sae wasnt on the eel, after about 2-3 minutes i seen each of them give the occasional twich. After aprox 20 minutes i was starting to get worried so i stuck a peace of hose in the tank and tapped the top of the pot, They both shot off, looking a bit pi#*ed and very hungry Just thought id share with you all Shane
  16. This guy has been in a established breeding tank (60x30x30) with a female for well over a week, scince then he has been feed white worms, discuss tucker and JBL novobits. The water has been at 28 degreese, ph of 6.2, kh is less than 20ppm and small (aprox 10%) water changes twice a week. Up until yesterday morning he was fine, displaying to his female, luring her to there cave, and protecting the cave from dither fish (bronze cory and bn) but scince then he has been hanging around the surface (not gasping for air) and has started to look bloated. I suspect dropsy but i thought id get some ideas from others, as the scails arnt showing the pine cone effect. Thanks in advance Helen and Shane
  17. Thanks apisto. Cool name :lol:
  18. 35kg of pool filter sand (for $20 )
  19. it dosent really look like that john, but it could be, will try to get a better pic, all these plants were planted last tuesday, so havent established themselfs yet
  20. Thanks this is definatly 1 plant
  21. Cool thanks they are hatching now :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I can scence another addiction comming on.................. When do i start feeding??
  22. Cool , how long before they hatch, do i use the whole lot, or just a little bit of the peat Thanks
  23. how do i hatch these, i have got some off Eon aswell (THANKS EON) and im sure he told me how to do it, but it has been a long day :oops: and i should have written it down, these are my 1st killies, so simple please :lol:
  24. Can someone please help me name my plants so i can rescearch them on the net, im getting sick of not knowing what i have ..... 1 2 3 4 5 Thanks in advance :lol:
  25. Dont forget 9.45 am start too Dave :lol:
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