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Everything posted by djsurfs

  1. Yowch! hope you're feeling better Silva... though I guess you were enjoying the nursing, LOL. Working on farms is hazardous! some old sheds are downright scary... just curious, do any of you get lepto vaccs for yourselves? I have know a couple people who've caught it , and boy-o-boy it is not a fun disease. havoc on your liver, so no drinking! ( and you feel so $#@! you wouldn't want to) my dog gets the jab, and some herds, so why not people at risk to exposure? I think it is wider spread than publicised... Whetu, thanks for sharing your story. That funny picture is my laugh o the day. :bounce: sorry! hope your tongue & pride are OK. I once got "bit" by a llama, LOL, not! silly me didn't see the wire & I could've sworn that sucker bit me! :lol: :oops:
  2. Ooooh! I like your board Roz some awesome "bluebird" days if ya there on the right ones... 27th@Whakapapa
  3. Of course you could vote for any dog you like..., but Go the Kiwi Tripods! :bounce: To view the NZ tripods go here--> http://geofftalbot.wordpress.com/help-find-scrap/nz/ To Vote, go here --> http://geofftalbot.wordpress.com/help-find-scrap/vote-here/
  4. Thanks for posting that Caryl, I didn't know BinnInn had a PB grinder. Yay! Ohhhminx... I am a sucker for that Lindt with Chili! But, I was experimenting to make treat without processed sugar and wow! I mixed mostly dates, cashews,cocoa powder & a touch of chili in the blender and rolled into balls... they were the bomb! I can't remember everything I used, I should have wrote it down. I think a little water to get the right cosistency & maybe a bit of milk powder(could easily go without it) ... Oh well, guess I'll have to try another batch
  5. Palm oil was the focus of some programme (was it 20/20?) a while back. Some little girl they featured had heard of the orangutans plight & vowed not to eat any more 3 minute noodles (one of her fave foods) because they are full of palm oil... this led me to make a change. I now buy noodles that don't have palm oil, and also happen to made in NZ. double-win! This is just another reminder to self of how * currently very peeved with our choices in supermarket!* was about to buy tinned beans "supermarket brand" because a few cents cheaper; decided to check & yep, made in China. It seems there isn't much left that Isn't. Didn't have the courage left to check where beetroot comes from now... :roll: the problem is, it's hard to even tell, with the scapegoat labelling of "made from local and imported ingredients" ....so many factories shutting down & jobs lost... isn't it sad we are losing the Choice to even buy "local made", for instance, Good grief, of all things Why do we need to import loo rolls?! can't even wipe our **** to save them! :oops: sorry! needed a good rant! ugh. I think I now need a good piece of chocolate
  6. OK, so it's not really a sign, but a funny error in packaging... Genuine mistake made in Ireland ... This was actually sold in the supermarkets - until they twigged ... Look at the bottom of pack or maybe the designer just wanted to stick it to Ainsley?! :lol:
  7. :bounce: good on ya for asking! (and Ira for answering) I think there were perhaps quite a few of us who just learned something It has been driving me nuts for a while, not knowing where to get the ¢ and £ symbols, just for starters! It's interesting how we assume some things which we learned long ago are "common knowledge", and can be quite funny when discovering differing spheres of knowledge. PS. Good luck with the insulating, Smidey. That poly has got to be helping!
  8. I was browsing around and discovered http://www.fishart.co.nz/ Of course I am partial to the seahorse prints but I think they are all fantastic :bounce: Just thought I'd share
  9. Wow, beautiful shots! and very cool to see the progression :bounce: But how sad you lost so much! I have limited knowledge in the corals dept.... do you mean a "bug" as in some type of bacteria, or did you get some actual critter like a type of worm or crusty that attacked all your SPS?
  10. I think that plastic craft mesh, like what is used for needlepoint or hooked rugs, comes in sheets big enough to divide a AR380. You can cut it with scissors and silicone it in place.
  11. Smidey, I am so sorry! I meant to contact you Before the weekend :oops: I packed & repacked the my little car for the roadie to Whakatane, trying to leave a 3' space to no avail .... and I thought I was good at Tetris :roll: guess I'm not used to this downsizing I changed to from my good old SW when fuel skyrocketed. Have you got your tank yet by other means? I'll probably be doing another trip just to Auckland within the next week or 2
  12. Sorry about your tank woes! I know it IS stressful, but try to not let it get to ya Hope you didn't have too much damage t other stuff. Have you tried contacting the NZ importer directly? the contact details are there on page 3. But I guess you've already spent money and applied to the Dispute Tribunal? And whoever showed up for Kongs denied prior problems? I would say the numerous stories in this thread are all evidence. I know there are some more, because a friend in Oz had 2 of these 620T tanks break in the Exact same way & place as mine. I'd have to do a search over on seahorse.org to dig up the old thread, if it's still around.. Is your tank also a "tall" or some other model? how long have you had it? Best wishes & good luck!
  13. looks like you'll be sorted 1 way or another & will keep ya posted if we do hit the road...
  14. looks at dawg... looks at pic.... uhhh 9.1
  15. I have never owned a HOB filter, so haven't a clue about that... perhaps the bumped post will get noticed by someone in the know *bump*
  16. the triplefins i had were happy to pig out on frozen mysis....
  17. What a little beauty and what a sweet name! :bounce: congrats
  18. dang, i just came up from Auck this weekend.... but Might be doing a roadie over Anzac weekend... hubby needs to make up his mind! will let you know... meanwhile, the tank: where/what suburb? size/ 3ft X?X? running the logistics of packing car, hubby, toys, dog etc etc thru me head... LOL :lol:
  19. I've been meaning to post a pic of my seahorse playground rocker... Thanks again Carznkats!!! I might have the SH rocker, but South Island SH'rs totally ROCK! :bounce: Hope your SH's are doing well & don't forget to post some pics some time nudgehintnudge :lol:
  20. Hi, I've been running an AR620T for __ years now (must go check diary) but as a seahorse tank with live-rock in it. Well, technically 2 of these tanks, because the 1st one spontaneously burst just prior to it's 2nd birthday! I had a skimmer in the back of the 1st tank, but since setting up the replacement, could never be bothered to re-rig and tune the skimmer ( it was finicky!) I'm sure it's been at least a year now... I'm not sure how necessary a skimmer is... I guess it depends on the type of inhabitants? not to start a debate or anything, LOL. I know there are strong opinions about it Filtration and flow I would imagine to be your 1st concern. Oh, and lighting and even a chiller!! if you are thinking of running a reef. I had to drill some extra holes in the cover, to plumb the cannister filter I've always run the 620T with. It just has the plastic bioballs, some phos-absorber and coarse sponge & floss. I am also using a chiller, because of the temperate SH's. But, I have also ran a small AR380 and an Aquamode 600 long term, using just their standard trickle filters that are built in, using the ceramic noodles, bit of extra small porous rubble (sintered glass),coarse sponge,2 types/weights of floss, and on occassion phosphate absorbing crystals. I have had the 600 running for just under 3 years with several non photo-synthetic corals living happily and multilplying. hope that helps
  21. Thanks for the all the info! wow! neato tho sad they are being mismanaged and overfished. And now very sad to know how old the GIANT one nearby was.(cuppla years ago) Neighbours went for a waterfall walk & brought back a trophy & let the dog have it. But cool 8) , I don't need to buy another tank for natives to have another pet! I can just go down to the creek & try feeding Mr. Eel :bounce:
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