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Everything posted by PENEJANE

  1. Ok I am looking into getting some angels at some stage and I was wondering how big do they have to be in order to breed them if I am even lucky enough to end up with a pair? Do they require anything special? I know they prefer a flat surface like a piece of slate on an angle or a tile even. But what else do they require? If all goes well they will be in a tank by themself. Cheers
  2. Yeah I might look into the 10ltrs of bottled water. Even at $5 a month it still cost the same for salt for my other tanks per month lol. When there is a will there is a way. Now I just got to change the will before hubby kills me! haha :bounce:
  3. and how do I do that? Is that something that I add to the water and let it sit for 24 hrs before use so it will remove the nasties from the water? There is a closer place that I could go to but I have yet to test the water (not that I have any current salt water testers apart from pH). Also that powerhead and filter, would it be to much current for a 65ltr tank? Its only 2.5ft long. I don't want the powerhead and filter creating such current that it moves the rocks about lol. Or would I be ok if I just stuck to the HOB 500ltr/hr? Cheers
  4. What is RO water? Yes I have access to the sea (bluff as far south as you can get ) but the problem with that is it cost 1/4 of a tank of gas (about $20-25 these days) to go there and back for a bucket of water which is why I was thinking the salt mix option and I am not always able to go out there and get water on a regular time frame. I am able to get a hold of a 200ltr plastic drum for about $20-30 but to full it and bring it home is the problem there lol. I am sure I will sort something out. I would much prefer to go with natural sea water because it also provides food for the fishies and other living things. But I am getting there Hopefully next month the tank will be ready for use. Once I get the 6ft sorted lol. :bounce:
  5. Ok I have told hubby that the little pico tank isn't going to work and I am best to put the money towards the origional idea of the 65ltr tank. Lights are going to cost about $50 (twin T8 holder) HOB filter $38 (500 L/H) 150W Heater $11 Power Head $17 (400 L/H) Then its just rock which I can get from someone around the corner (currently curing) for $12 per/kg and salt mix off trademe for $20 including shipping Soo not to bad so far. Just to get the gear is the problem lol
  6. Ohhh ok Ira. Sorry I was informed that they were the same.
  7. With the LED spot lights do they have a mcd rating? because the 10,000kelvin is apparently the same as 10,000mcd. I still don't think I would be able to fit enough of them in the hood to make it suitable for any form of coral but I could probably wire one up for a moonlight. I have seen them on trademe ...... MR11 holds 15 leds http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motor ... 845389.htm MR16 holds 21 leds http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motor ... 727455.htm There are a number of the MR16 available in an array of colours. If these are suitable (MR16 has an Ice White) how may would I need plus one blue and are they still suitable for corals. Cheers
  8. Ok I am going to go with the budget brand 6400K 14watt bulb. I am going to be making my own hood so the light will sit about 4-5cms above water. I have been told that this would burn any corals that I put in there. I have now been told that this is not true. The tank is 1.5gallons as mentioned earlier so that would make it just over 9watts per gallon. I am only going to have a small 1-2cm sand bed and I am thinking of making a mini mountain of rocks in the middle or having a small wall of rocks going around 3 sides of the hex tank. I was wondering, knowing that its a high wattage bulb (I am going to see if I can get lower wattage), what can I keep in this? frags, mushrooms??? I don't know whats available and I am able to have some corals higher up than others. So if someone could list me some names that i can google for what will be ok in this setup would be greatly appreciated. Cheers
  9. Just check the bulb that I have in another tank and its a 14w 240v 6400k energy saver bulb. Would that be enough for the 1.5gallon pico tank?
  10. Yeah but the thing is with thoes LEDs I need them to be strong enough to allow corals to grow. I have been thinking of rebuilding the hood and putting a budget brand (pac n save has them) energy saver bulb in which is 6500K. For this size tank would that be enough for some corals? Cheers
  11. Ok I have decided that I am going to rebuild the hood and put a Aqua Mini HOB filter on the back. Now the best bulb that I have come across is the 10W coralife 50/50 bulb. Are these available in NZ? If so where? They are big on them over in the states where there are a number of people doing pico tanks that require small light fittings with out all the extra ballasts and stuff. So if anyone could tell me where I can purchase these bulbs that would be great. Cheers.
  12. Ok Slappers that LED light that you got in the picture there come in white? and at least 6500K? The tank is a hex 1.5gallon in size. It states that its an all in one as it all runs off the one plug. It has an AC Adapter which runs the filter and the small centre piece of LEDs I am wanting to house a couple of corals or so and a crab or two but no fish as it just won't have the space lol Here is a pic of the tank, filter on top, light hood flipped over (white square has the LEDs in it) and the AC adapter. I have already resized the pic so I hope I dont' get into trouble! lol (just hope its small enough but still big enough to see)
  13. Its not moonlighting I am after. I am wanting to use the LEDS instead of a fluro as I don't thing I would be able to fit a small fluro in the 17cms of space I have available to me in the hood area suitable for a light. Thats why I thought LEDS but it seems I need a LOT of them (min of 50) which I just can't fit so I am not looking for other options. Cheers for the replys though.
  14. Hi again guys I would like to know apart from dicksmiths where can I get LEDs from in the right spect for marine tanks? I have been reading up at nano-reef and they have Pico tanks which are really fasinating and interesting. So I already have a tank (1.5g) with built in filter and already has a small circle of 8 LEDs. This setup all runs off one 12w big box plug thingy (yes thingy lol don't know its name) which runs the filter and lights. Would this still be enough to run the lights or would I be best to put an extra one in for the new lights? I have seen that Dicksmiths have 10,000mcd (or what ever it is) LEDs but they are in green (even though the bulb is clear). Do I even need 10,000 or can I get away with lower? This will not have any fish in it as I very much doubt that any would fit hehe but small crabs and if able to some small stars with a couple of corals would still look very interesting. Cheers
  15. Yeah well I do have more glass bits here that I can use to do bracing with so thats no big drama. But I was wondering if the stainless would be ok to use for a marine tank (salt water)? Some have said it is ok and others have said no. So I am stuck lol. Because if the answer is yes then that will be come my cold water marine Cheers
  16. Does your stainless tank have a glass front? Because I have access to the same setup. Would this be ok as a salt water tank? Cheers

    A few pic's

    The tank is HUGE!! well from where I was standing it was! I personaly thought it was an awesome tank and where ever you looked there was life of some sort moving about. Btw what camera do you have? Awesome pics.
  18. Evil what size tank is this for again? I might be able to get you a cheaper HOB filter or even two filters to do the same job (one at each end of the tank ) Or how many ltrs are you hoping to turn over per hr? I will have a look on the weekend and let you know prices. Cheers
  19. Hey there Evil For the HOB filter I have read many sites that say they are great for water movement in a small sized tank but also say to not have any media in it. At the most only some carbon (which you will have to replace, I dont' know how often) to help keep water clear and remove colouration in the water and stuff. Your live rock should be enough for the filtration of the tank. Just make sure you have a reasonable amount of rock to provide for good filtration. Hope this helps. Cheers
  20. :bounce: :bounce: happy b'day cookie :bounce: :bounce:
  21. HAHAHA if only that was possible. They don't barter AT ALL! thats why I asked what the adverage price was. Apart from the big plastic bags of stuff they only have this in the box which only makes 60ltrs. Would be easier to spend the $25 on petrol and go down to bluff and get water in buckets! lol
  22. Ok I would like to know some prices of this instand salt water mix Down here we have a box of "instant ocean" it makes 60ltrs of salt water for $25. Is this the normal price or is it normaly cheaper than that? Cheers
  23. HAHA yeah it can cost a lot that is why the nano has caught my attention as I only have a small tank and I only wanted a small setup of a couple of fish, 3-5 corals (depending on size) and maybe a couple of critters. For thoes that are interested in something different for lights you could always try LED lights like this guy has setup. I don't know what the cost would be like but for thoes interested here it is..... http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/index.p ... opic=57855 Enjoy. :bounce:
  24. My Goodness I can't get over some of the tanks people have done on this site. 1.75gallons http://www.nano-reef.com/gallery/showph ... 2322&cat=2 bonsai reef http://www.nano-reef.com/gallery/showph ... imit=views Vases http://www.nano-reef.com/gallery/showph ... imit=views 0.75 yes correct its 0.75 of a gallon reef tank. Pretty shitty pic but you get the idea http://www.nano-reef.com/gallery/showph ... imit=views http://www.nano-reef.com/gallery/showph ... imit=views As you go through this site there are some real awesome looking tanks as well as some really weird shaped tanks. Some are made out of round pipe! like clear pvc tubing. Very interesting but weird. Hope you enjoyed. :bounce:
  25. http://www.nano-reef.com/gallery/showph ... imit=views That is the sort of rock work I would like for my marine tank when I get it setup. This site as a lot of awesome nanos. Including a .75gallon tank! its tiny!! but still well setup. lots of awesome ideas here and super small tanks. :bounce:
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