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Everything posted by PENEJANE

  1. Hey there and welcome aboard. Would love to see some pictures of your tanks some day. Where abouts in NZ are you hoping to be? Cheers
  2. Worst: Being married !! Best: Having a husband that works so I can spend his wages on my fish and tanks! hehe. Nah seriously Worst: Losing my cold water marine due to moving *but will get a bigger one later* Best: Starting my 7g Nano and joinging the Salties.
  3. Going by the video I would say that they are golden barbs. Not mollies but if I am wrong I am sure others will correct me. Cheers. Tank looks awesome

    Who To See

    LOL thats all good. Before we are ready to head off I will get a contact phone number and address off you so I can ring in advance to arrange a time. Depending on how we go with my fish room I will have to bring some pics up with me to. Cheers for the offer. I will send you a PM closer to the time

    Who To See

    Well we are going up for a wedding that is in Katikati which I belive isn't far from Tauranga. Problem is is that I don't know my way around to be able to drive there alone as husband is apart of the bridal party he will be busy with the groom and all. But I will see what I can manage. If the trip from there to your place is simple then I might consider it Cheers again.

    Who To See

    We are hoping to start boarding up my fish room in the garage soon. Husband is giving me 1/3rd of the 2.5 car long garage I will be selling off a lot of breeding stock soon to make way for the wholesale stuff.

    Who To See

    Well if all goes well we will be heading up to hamilton on the weekend of the 17th of Feb to the 8-9th of March. If possible I would like to meet some killie keepers while up there and maybe get some fish to bring back. I have decided that with the set up that I am doing that I will concentrate on one species of fish at a time and breed them instead of several species of fish to breed. So if anyone is willing to let me see their tanks and setup it would be muchly appreciated. Cheers again. :bounce:
  8. I to wouldn't mind buying some as long as your happy shipping Awesome Job. :bounce:
  9. Many sites that I have been to also mention Koi. Are these available in NZ at all as I haven't seen any on trademe. So its comets or fantails. Cheers ..... now where did hubby hide the shovel........... :evil:
  10. Friend of mine has an outdoor pond and has veiltail goldfish on his with no probs. Cheers for the info though.
  11. Well I pickup the keys today to our new house and in the very near future I am building a pond. It won't be as fantastic as Caryls but I am hoping to do a japanese garden effect with rock work and simple plants. I was wondering what forms of goldfish can I have in an outdoor pond. Cheers. :bounce:
  12. Ok if you cut the glass then walked away to put the saftey gear on that is where you first went wrong. When you go over the glass with the cutter it needs to be snaped there and then. Not left to be done later. I have also found this out the hard way due to the phone ringing. All I did was get up answer the phone then came running back with the phone and it wouldn't break so it doesn't take long for the cut to go wrong and not break. They also say that cutting glass is supposed to give a sound and when cut right you will get a certian pitch which will tell you that you done it correctly but for the fact that I can't hear these sounds I go on feel but everyone is different and in time you will discover what is right for you. Also make sure that your cutting wheel always gets oiled ever 2-3 cuts it does. This will also help the process. Cheers and good luck. :bounce:
  13. Ohhh cool. We wanted to get a house out in nightcaps but our mortgage conditions wouldn't let us so we are stuck in town but thats all good as now that we have a house we can get another one later Good luck
  14. Awesome to hear that you have got your own house. We are in the same boat. We just brought our own house to and move on the 17th. This is how I go about moving my tanks. I have done it once already. At Mitre 10 are cheap 5gal buckets. Yes the lids don't sit tight but they are better than nothing. Unless you can get nappy buckets from somewhere. Work it one tank at a time. Empty fish and some water into this bucket. If more buckets are required due to extra large tanks then spread the fish out over these buckets. Empty the rest of the water out of the tank so you are only left with gravel,plants and ordaments if any. Place tank and buckets into car or tank on trailer and buckets in back seat straped in with seatbelts (Place towels underneath for spills). If tank is on trailer make sure it is well padded and straped in or place boxes around it to keep it from sliding about. Once at new house find best position for tank and set it back up. Half full the tank with warm water from the new house. Make sure you run the taps for a good couple of mins first so you don't end up getting water that has been sitting in the pipes. Place filter and heater and switch on. Add fish from buckets to the tank and finish fulling with the water from buckets. Leave the light off to help reduce the stress on them untill the next day. Watch with a close eye if possible and best of luck. Simple term is bucket fish and some water depending on size of tank. Relocate tank and fill back up and leave lights off untill next day. If you are moving into town invercargills water is naturaly 7.2-7.4pH. Hope this helps and I am sure that others will give you their ideas to. Do what works best for you and for your fish. Congrats on the house. :bounce:
  15. http://www.poppe-images.com/images/index.php There ya go. I hope thats the one you were talking about. Cheers :bounce:
  16. I have got two molly fry in my tropical marine tank now and they are doing fine. Heres how I done it I got a jar which I hung inside the tank with 1/4 water from salt tank and rest from freshwater tank which I done first thing in the morning. About 30+mins before lights out I removed 1/4 water and added more salt water. I then left it for a day to monitor and kept a close eye. Following day I then removed half of the water and toped up with salt water. Next day I just tiped it into the salt tank and away it went. I have seen them eating off the rocks as well as the little white crawly critters on the glass. They always seem fat and happy and get fed 2-3 drops of frozen daphnia or a small scraping of microworms which they get every 2-3 days as there is a lot of other things that they seem to be nibbling on. I have two mushroom corals in there and they are not bothereing them so all is good for me so far :bounce:
  17. I have found a very good site (I admit it doesn't list every fish available) and tells you what fish are compatible with others. http://www.timstropicals.com/Compatibil ... Search.asp :bounce:
  18. could it be that they have been injected with dye or something? As they don't look right but the second pic looks awesome.
  19. WOW if you manage to get any male crowntails out of that lot please let me know as I lost my beloved ct male last week and would love another one. Cheers
  20. I don't know if this is suitable for our area of the world but I thought it might be of some use to people. I has a lot of photos of all sorts of things. Might be of some use to help ID the new things that pop up in tanks http://www.poppe-images.com/images/index.php
  21. Unfortunatly I have lost my crowntail betta and hoping that the small handful of fry I managed to save from his last spawning will come up with something good. But I would like to show off the lovely male I have from spawning my HM big red male with a veiltail female. Hes not a HM as such as when he flares it doesn't form a straight | at the base of his tail. So probably more along the lines of a super delta or round tail. But here he is anyway. :bounce:

    My Angel fry

    These little guys have been freeswimming for about a week or so now (can't remember exact spawning/hatch date) and thanks to my new magnifying glass I can put it over the front of my camera and take extra close macro modes. They were moved from a jar with an airstone last night to the breeding net untill they are a little bit bigger to survive in the tank with guppy, platy and molly fry (hopefully no one will fit in anyone elses mouth! ) Surviving soly on microworms and this week I am going to slowly introduce them to very finely crushed flake food. I crush mine in an egg cup with anything I can find that has a rounded handle and crush it up untill its very very fine powder. Works a treat. :bounce:


    ok I will stay clear of them for now I also have a couple of other things that need to be ID. So if you could let me know what these are it would be great. First is a snail. I have 3 of these and the guy that I got them off also doesn't know what species they are. Now I was also given 3 clumps of this brown stuff which I have tied down on to rocks. I thought I had killed it a while back because when I was cleaning the rock with a tooth brush the rock it was on fell off and landed wrong side up. It died off over a couple of days and then within another 3 days it had all grown back and is now sending out runners with more little buds comming off it (yesterday I noticed this) and today the buds are all open. Very fast growing and I have now got it on my filter intake. Seems to live under any light types. Cheers in advance. :bounce:
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