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Everything posted by Alan
Keep your eyes open for another to replace her. Sorry, From your discription the fish has dropsy and is not worth mucking around with. Next time you purchase one, take your time and watch them in the LFS tank before you buy. They aren't cheap so that for a starter makes the obsevation worthwhile.. I was in an LFS the other day, and a guy was going to buy some BN but they were in a tank with about 20 plus platy, and I considered that if they were lucky, only five would be alive the next day. When the server went to get a bag to put the purchase into, I pointed out my fears to the buyer. He hadn't even noticed. I suggested to him to say he was really after bigger ones and that he'd check the other shops. This he did, and prolly saved himself the possibility of wiping out his own tank. Moral of the story?? Check the tank inhabitants before you buy, and quarantine your purchase for at least a week on taking them home. By the way, Q. that female, but I'm about 99.5% sure that it will die from that malady. Sorry. Alan 104
Only need to change the compost if the worms start climbing out. Remove bread if it goes mouldy, but better still, don't feed so much, so as they eat it all. Do you wet the bread first then squeeze it out when you put it into the culture?? The mites are a bonus, looks yuk, tastes yum. Fishwise that is. Remember with the summer here now, the white worms need to be kept cool. They hate warmth. Alan 104
Try getting a piece of plastic spouting, cut to the required length, and two holes where necessary, and hey presto, you have no more room glare. I have just finished doing that to six of my tank lights. For added reflection I painted the inside with Chrome finish paint. Works a treat. Alan 104
Typical female "problem" A headache Alan 104
Silly? Yes But you had me a bit worried when you asked if you wer ILLY?? Had me wondering there fora while. Thought it may have been a new word.. In cases like that I prefer to check at night using a torch before doing and water changes etc. At least you now you have viable fish tho Paul You "illy" lad!!!! Go and sit in the naughty corner!! Alan 104
Put it into a Q tank and dose the lot with erythryomyson (spp) One cap to 600x300x300mm tank Alan 104
I'm surprised that you haven't joined already shiuh. Alan 104
Black sharks grow to over 600mm long, I have seen it so I know it's true. While cleaning the sharks tank, the owner put it into a 2 footer and it had it's tail curvrd to fit. Unfortunately it didn't like it's cramped overnight quarters and jumped thru the lid to die a slow death on the lounge floor. Hope you have a big tank for when it grows up. This is another fish that IMHO should not be imported due to it's size, as most ppl when they buy them at 75 to 100mm long do not realize their potential. Alan 104
Awesome pic there Herc. Congrats on breeding them. Remember to not feed, or attemt to feed them, till they are free swimming, which will be about 4 or 5 days from the hatching date, then they'll take newlly hatched BBS. You picture of the pair clearly shows the difference between them. The MALE has the spangles on the dorsal, caudal and anal fins, while the FEMALE doesn't. Now all you have to do is raise them. Good luck Alan 104
Hi Shane, thanks. All the info I know is above as I've had nothing to do with this contact. If you have his contact details can you get him to PM or email me please?? Alan 104
And you clean the "gunk" off the filter and sponge etc using TANK-WATER, otherwise you'll kill all the "goodies" Alan 104
I am writing this in the hope of trying to trace down a new member to the killie group. His application form arrived in the Sec./Treas. mailbox out of the blue. EJ., the S/T., sent him some eggs of the Yellow korthause in peat which he hatched, then he rang Erling enquiring what to do next. He is possibly a Dutchman that lives in Mangere, whose first name sounds like Maurice. Now if you are this person, or know of him or who he may be. Please PM me urgently. The reason we are doing this is because EJ has misplaced the form and "Maurice" never sent me one at the same time as he mailed EJ. Now we know why we ask of that requirement. Hope to meet you soon "Maurice" Thanks Alan 104
Yes, and it MUST be acetic cure. Also a health warning, use in well ventilated area, the fumes can damage the lungs. Alan 104
That glue is only what is squelched out in the manufacturing of the tank in the first place. It is smoothed off to a fillet with a wet finger, and it leaves a feathered edge. The algae just noses in under the edge and just keeps growing, forcing it self under the RTV and finally able to dislodge it. It could be cut out and not affect the tank, as the main joining power is the glass to glass join, where it is only a very thin gap, and hard to seperate. When I remove that fillet, my fav tool is a piece of freshly cut glass ran down the fillet keeping pressure to the base and side of the glass at the same time. After removal and cleaning and drying, another fine run of RTV can be run for peace of mind. Alan 104
Have you tried toothpaste followed by brasso?? Alan 104
How do i get my gravity right in a tank?
Alan replied to mickey-tropical-fish-mad's topic in Saltwater
By putting the right salt/water ratio into your tank, or take a trip to the beach Alan 104 -
PMSL Alan m Join SeniorNet Just have to be over 55, and I'm certain that you qualify Alan 104
My brother on a canoe trip down the Wanganui River years ago, decided at a tedious place to drift along with the slow current with his feet over the sides in the water. An eel took the challenge, bit onto his big toe and in pulling his foot rapidly out from the water, lost the skin off it. Tells me it was SOOOOO painful. Years ago at the little warf at Clevedon, Auck. was an old fella that had lots oftrained, not tame, eels. He'd bang a 4 gallon tin while it was in the water and the eels would swarm around waiting for a free meal. His heart was broken, for when returning to his boat one day to find that he'd been watched and that the local maoris had taken advantage of his training and stolen, killed, his wet pets. Pity. Alan 104
We both have a similar contrivance Alan But the first baffle starts fron the top to 1/3 from the bottom,and the next down, up, down, up etc. If it starts reversed the first plate is superfulious(spp) Mine is no longer in use, and I now have 'coke' bottles with lids on, up the right way with the lid drilled so as to allow two airlines to pass thru it. One air in, the other out. This allows air to be use many times over (number of bottles, then to an airstone in another tank) and not go to waste as some other methods do. I syphon from the top of the bottle just under the floating eggs once the air has been turned off, and filter the mass thru one of my small made- for-the-job nets. Some were for sale a short time ago on this forum. $25 a set I think. Came in 4 various grades of size and excellent for grading mozzies, daphnia etc. The salt water is returned to the bottle, lids replaced and air turned on. There is no air deffuser on the airline, it runs hard and fast. The water from the mix is the most dangerous for the fry as it contains toxin from the breaking down egg shells. But I also, don't go to the extreme of washing with fresh water, it's NOT the salt content that's the problem. Egg shells?? Don't worry with a few that can get thru. They float and don't move, so are not the target for the fry, the only nuisance thing with them (egg shells) is that they stick to the walls of the tank on the water-line and are unsightly and have to be removed at maintenance time. Alan 104
Ummmmmmm NB They want to kill mosquito FISH not mozzies. Oscars will bowl any frogs, inunga, as well as gambusia, even eels that they can get into their mouth So back to the poison me thinks (lime). Alan 104
Haven't you sent it yet?? Don't ship near the end of the week in case it gets held up over the weekend. Alan 104
Last resort is the way to go. Do a recue on the animals you wish to save then ZAP it. Oscars was I think/hope suggested with tongue in cheek. But if not. What happens whan you get a late or early frost. Oscar fillets?? You could also use a DOC electric fish stunner to get them. How deep is the pond, can you wade thru it?? You'll the electricutioner and the recoverer who nets out the ones that you wish to dispose of. Be careful tho, those appliances are dangerous for ppl with weak hearts. Alan 104
And the season. They definately don't need one now Or a hot water bottle. Alan 104
Talk like that nicky will get you absolutely no where. As by saying that, without putting a name to the person/persons, tar the rest of us. Maybe I'm one of them?? So I take exception to what you have just posted. NO!! I'm not having a bad day either. Alan 104