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Everything posted by Alan

  1. AW, what is your location please. Could you go to your profile and in location put it in?? That would be kewl if you did. As Auck is fairly large, it would help if you put what district it is. Thanks
  2. That may be correct, but some of the more elderly ppl still do, sometimes, :oops: , and if it is an older advert, it could be construed as either/or. Have you the measurements of the tank bulldog? In feet and inches of course.
  3. It is one hard job tho Jim from what I've read. You'd have to be real dedicated to do that.
  4. But is that USA gallons or British gallons. The USA are short changed.
  5. Alan


    I don't think so. The guy I got them from I'm sure had them with other fish. Afrikan may be able to help as she knows of whom I speak and has seen his set up. They had babies when I first met them which was the clincher why I bought them. A proven pair as they are almost impossible to sex. They are in their own tank at my establishment.
  6. Alan


    T/L would clock in at about 200mm+
  7. Do you have any other fish in the tank? If so, what are they??
  8. Alan


    Add one of those frozen shrimps ya get at the super market, you just have to keep your eye on the test then.
  9. Alan


    Clean water is a MUST with these fellas. The temperature is in the high 20's. They will decimate a planted tank. I know, they ate everything including java fern. But some baby indian ferns that survived have been left, unmolested and floating. They love duckweed. Cut up worms are scoffed, as are trout pellets, and flake food. They can be easily frightened and will tear to the back of the tank to hide, I have driftwood and a filter that the play peek-y-boo from. They definately are aware of strangers. The Uaru are found with angels and discus in the wild and IMO should be treated similarly to discus. I use "Kaimai" water, which, if you ask Warren, said after a test, that it was slightly acidic, and had only water in it. I had 11 of my babies survive and they reached "Qualifying" age on the 21st of this month, and have grown to T/L of 25mm. and all are a similar size. They still attack the flanks and fins of their parents who secrete a slime the same as discus, so I would pick that raising them artificially would be an extremely difficult option. They are gentle giants and would get on with any fish that has the same needs as them, just watch that tank mates don't take advantage over them. Maybe not a good idea for too small a fish tho as they do chase down mozzie larvae to the last one. What did the youngsters cost you Snookie??
  10. Absolutely cracking, PCF, looks like that could be a first in NZ. If those are so few and far between and they aren't coming in again, I'd say you have a BIG responsibility with these then. Excellent discription of you setup and parameters, a lot of breeders of fish of that rarity would just say "Oh!! Just water, nothing unusual" You couldn't have been clearer. Thanks for sharing.
  11. Well, just got back from getting those staples out. I was cheated, only had 13. Apparently I combed one out; no wonder it hurt. RECOMMENDATION If you have a choice of sutures or staples, go for the sutures. I was not a very happy boy after having them removed today. It hurt like hell, I even used the BIG word a couple of times. But I did get a cold, wet flannel, and a drink of cold water after the deed was finished. I promised myself that I wouldn't stand on a make-shift stand again with fishtanks above shoulder height.
  12. Or push down on the end of the crack and let it run it's course to an edge then patch it. The patch is ALWAYS done on the inside, with a good run of glue around the patch and one over the crack. Well that's how I have done them, and I have even done them under water.
  13. Alan


    What about the chlorine in the water those of you suggesting using a seeded filter then tap water. The filter will get zapped by the chlorine and you have an uncycled tank. It wasn't mentioned I don't think , that constant testing of the appropriate types must be done to check the ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels while doing the cycling of the aquarium.
  14. Then you are in the poo It will keep running to an edge. You may get away with gluing a patch over it; don't need to do the whole base. But future stresses my cause it to continue running then leak. Is that the one you paid $12 for?? If so they said it doesn't leak. Did you pour in the boiling water?? Woks idea doesn't seem so stupid now does it??
  15. Is the crack running across a corner or does it run and then stop in the middle of the sheet?? :lol: Wok
  16. Alan

    Wunder Tonic

    I would have applied it directly with a cotton-bud or similar, and not to the whole tank. Remember that clown loaches don't like that meth blu treatment at the suggested strength.
  17. Love the pics guys, but try and get them down to 128000 bytes if you can. It is something about the bandwidth I think. It is apparently a bit expensive when higher than this is used. It also takes a while for dial-up members to download. Thanks.
  18. Alan

    Time Zone

    Never saw that Rogan, I was away on Sunday for a rest, in fact the whole weekend. Good that you noticed it, what reminded me that I saw several members were posting quaint times.
  19. Alan

    Green Poo??

    Eating habits can cause this. Have you any duck weed in the tank. My goldies are fed this with pellets and have lovely green poos.
  20. Alan

    golden barbs

    We do have frosts Caryl, one or two, but I can't remember seeing any of the baths I have iceing up.
  21. Alan

    golden barbs

    I had mine outside all year in Whakatane, until the floods came and washed them and my rosy barbs away
  22. Thanks Whiskas, two more for my Favorites.
  23. Depends on temp., but allow 10 to 14 days to hatch. Have lots of floating weed for the babies to hide in, then you may get away with some surviving.
  24. Alan

    Time Zone

    The profile times have to be altered back manually to GMT + 12, from GMT + 13. Go to Profile centre top, click, scroll down to where it says Time Zone, now alter your GMT + 13 back to GMT + 12 Scroll right down and click on submit. Kewl, now ya aren't an hour earlier than those that have changed. :roll:
  25. Wok uses them and says that they are kewl.
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