Clean water is a MUST with these fellas.
The temperature is in the high 20's.
They will decimate a planted tank.
I know, they ate everything including java fern.
But some baby indian ferns that survived have been left, unmolested and floating.
They love duckweed.
Cut up worms are scoffed, as are trout pellets, and flake food.
They can be easily frightened and will tear to the back of the tank to hide, I have driftwood and a filter that the play peek-y-boo from.
They definately are aware of strangers.
The Uaru are found with angels and discus in the wild and IMO should be treated similarly to discus. I use "Kaimai" water, which, if you ask Warren, said after a test, that it was slightly acidic, and had only water in it.
I had 11 of my babies survive and they reached "Qualifying" age on the 21st of this month, and have grown to T/L of 25mm. and all are a similar size.
They still attack the flanks and fins of their parents who secrete a slime the same as discus, so I would pick that raising them artificially would be an extremely difficult option.
They are gentle giants and would get on with any fish that has the same needs as them, just watch that tank mates don't take advantage over them.
Maybe not a good idea for too small a fish tho as they do chase down mozzie larvae to the last one.
What did the youngsters cost you Snookie??