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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Pies, what reserves have the Lion Fish?? Alan
  2. What do you propose to do in a few months when winter comes. Can't keep them IN the pond then. They'll need somewhere satisfactory to hibernate. Alan
  3. Alan


    I know nutting Alan
  4. Alan


    Dunno if they'd let you in Frenchie. But if you did you need good leak-proof bags, and a steelie face, and a hidden compartment, make that compartments, and - - , and - - , and a bit of luck.. But like Warren says, "tings are tuff on da border" But I hear Aussies try any thing Even cricket and rugby. Good profit on zebbies too if you can pick them up here, and get them back in. Alan
  5. Alan

    heater problem

    nearneenee nearnee nee 7oC last night. But crystal clear out at the moment. Will be a good New Years Alan
  6. Welcome co**---well, if your over there and also from the Sth island. Welcome anyway. I'm interested in how many cichlids that you have available over THERE. Also the catfish. That makes for quite an impressive list. Bet you've got more than a two footer now. Where in Q'land are you? I have a daughter that lives in Ballina. My specialty are killies Alan
  7. Alan

    Hello, im new

    Welcome Tracey. Do you have fish in the tanks? Some nice rodents there girl. Looks like you are about to spill your shake in one of those pics. Alan
  8. http://groups.msn.com/AngieandAndrewsAq ... 7350810238 Don't know if this works. Just something that popped up on one of my clubs I belong to Alan
  9. Shake some flies into the new culture, leave a piece of handy towel for them to rest on. Make sure you have no surface moisture as I swear, the little buggers will dive into it and drown themselves. The towel wwill also help solve this problem. Block the entrance of the bottle with cotton wool, or a fly and pupa proof mesh. Alan
  10. If you are contemplating having animals that are legally undersize, I am pretty sure, you have to get a permit for them. Tell them that it is for educational purposes, which of course it is. Alan
  11. Beg your pardon Robbo?? That is what is recommended for whitespot, with a rise in the heating, which increases the cycle of the ich, so as they come into the water column and are killed by the M/B and also aeration, because the oxygen content of the water drops with the water increase ot the water temperature. BUT For clown loaches, you are in trouble with the meth. blue. As you are with other scaleless fish, ie, the rainbow, and redtail sharks. Alan
  12. Alan

    Setting up new tank

    Stress zyme doesn't help that way at all. It needs live whatevers to do the work. You are correct, and they got your dollars. To do it properly without fish, (fishless cycling), you use ammonia into the water, and daily checking with test-kit, that can cost a bit. I think if you put what I have in ()'s on the search, you'll find out how to do it Shove in half a dozen neons, they are bright, flashy, and cheap, a good displaying fish,and can be added to, if necessary. Alan
  13. In nature when they hibernate, they crawl into a small space, no light, then go to sleep till it's warm enuf to wake up. Go by the wild froggies, you'll hear them. They don't feed while hibernating. Alan
  14. Alan

    dwarf cichlids

    What will you and Julie be drinking if that is all she's bringing?? Alan
  15. Put it in a box in the fridge over winter to hibernate as they do in nature. Alan
  16. Alan

    dwarf cichlids

    How much do you need Bruce for a reasonable time of mourning. I SAID reasonable Alan
  17. Alan


    Using a bare tank with a floating mop is the way I go. Raise the lid, you must have a jump proof one as they CAN jump. Remove the mop, and squeeze gently and do a numbers check to make sure a fish isn't entangled in it. Then if your eyes are okay, (I use $2.oo shop, 3Xmag hobby glasses)search the strands of the acrylic wool, which can be any color, for the little spheres about 1mm diam. for australes. Remove these gently and place them in a shallow container of water with a slight amount of meth. blue. In close to 10 days at 24oC you should start seeing the fish babies hatching. Remove to another shallow container, and they can be fed immediately on BBS. My containers are close to the size of matchboxes, I use those workshop tidies. Have a snail in with them and that should take care of any uneaten food, and they neatly parcel it up for you when you do the daily water changes. I do about 90% changes daily. Amieti are done similarly, but their eggs are twice the size. Initially they went okies for me, then stopped, so I put a tray of peat in for them and they have been using that. Leave it for ten days then remove to another container, with no other fish, and if you are lucky they should start hatching in a day or two. Keep rotating three trays of peat for this system. Otherwise they are the same as the australes. The eggs are quite hard, and if they do break then they are either being held too tight, or too fresh, or not fertilized. Remedy by a. don't squeeze them so tightly b. leave the picking for an hour or so after they finish laying. c. don't worry, they weren't any good anyway, change the male if the problem persists. All of the above is how I do it. Others may have different ways, but this works for me. Marty where did you get your fish, and what expenses did you incur for them. Mine at this time of the year are almost exclusively fed live food. Alan
  18. I don't think they are impossible to breed But I reacon we don't give them deep enough tanks to do their "spiral" and finish mating before they exit the water. This is a common fault with ppl trying to breed sea-horses. Thefemales are definately greentummied whem ready to go with the male not having any of this coloration and of course, a lot slimmer. Mine have spiralled, but the water was less tham 300mm deep. I had no babies, but one day, just one day I may try seriously Alan
  19. Alan


    Pegusus said: How long can Killie eggs remain dormant? Marty said: how long do the eggs take to hatch if they are laid in the tank in moss! and left in the tank? Looks pretty similar to me, like I said, what species do you have, or want to get? Alan
  20. Alan


    Marty, this is exactly the same question as the first on this thread. What is the species you are referring too?? Alan NZKA 104
  21. Tis' right Caryl, but I've been using them for years now, and only really had one bag that was bad, and had to be fed very sparingly. It was fresh and over cooked. The fish bloated very quickly, and of course there were the enevitable deaths until I had figured what was wrong. Alan
  22. well that makes two of us. Where do you get yours from? Alan
  23. Alan

    heater problem

    When trying to remove the rubber bung from the glass tube, when it has grown together. I have used one of those plastic headed pins, slid it down between them both, then rolled the pin between the fingers, this "walks" it round the bung and breaks it's seal. Don't rush it, that will only cause breakages, so make sure safety precautions are taken when doing this. Alan
  24. Alan

    Moving house

    get in touch with Rob, Pres. of the waikato club I bet he can organise some help for you, they're good like that. I'd help but I'm too far away. Goodluck Alan
  25. Layton, you could have saved yourself the trauma of a 'stuck heater', if you had connected up another "thermostat only", into the circuit of the heater. This is set at a slightly higher temp than your main heater, and when you see it operating, you know your insurance policy was worth it. Imagine what would have happened if you had been away. Why ppl with thousands $'s outlay don't add this simple protection to their systems, I do not know. Alan
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