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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Alan


    you only put them in the pond to cool down warren :lol: Alan
  2. Alan

    Tank pics

    Make sure you take plastic bags with you to Fiji Warren. Alan
  3. Alan

    Tank Construction

    Nearly had it right boss Now about lights over a tank, and broken glass. Just sussed it. The glass is heated by the light, the fish are in the tank, the fish "splash" the water, the water hits one side of the glass, BANG! the glass breaks. Just the same as the one that a lot of aquarists have experianced. When a heater that is removed from the water, and is replaced when it hasn't cooled down properly. "woops" new tube needed. Alan
  4. Alan

    Tank Construction

    Napier Aquarium had a viewing pane break from a camera flash going off close to it. SWWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMMMM It was their main tank at the old aquarium. Alan
  5. Alan


    We can allow a few traitors warren Your excused, do you want your fare now or later? Alan
  6. Alan


    Welcome budak, by the way, you didn't miss anything not going to the Sth. Island on your visit. Alan
  7. Congratulations POL, you didn't even tell me of the situation. Don't forget to tell the registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages. AKA Rob Alan
  8. I found it, I found it At least Cliff did. Thankyou Cliff. It is Labidochromis textilis. Mini Atlas page132 pic. A But it has a similar colouration to B as well. Stuffed if I know with theseAxelrod books. Who knows?? Did a search using the textilis name and that looked a helluva lot better than anything else Mine are starting to colour-up nicely. Bigger tank for them me thinks OH NO! That will prolly mean more babies Alan
  9. Some talk of having a large capacity abilityof storage is coming thru. I ie. use those large blue plastic drums. But for heating, I do not require it, as the drum/drums are kept in my fish room which is heated so the storage heating isn't required. After reading the expense of the heater that was going to be used, I thought a bit. "Ya must be able to THAT cheaper" Why not go to a "Farmlands" or similar, and get an immersion heater., I have a couple of these from the days before heating the whole room period. Another thought is a replacement element for an electric jug. Just drill a hole, insert with the supplied washers, and 'hey presto' a large electric jug. You may need a thermostat set up, just in case a 'Senior Moment' hits, and you have an over heated LARGE amount of water. Just some ramblings. Alan
  10. Alan


    Putting shoes on is even harder Alan
  11. Please lie down on the couch Dark. Tell me what comes into your mind first when I say fish !! Alan
  12. If I wanted to say leopard fish, I would have. I breed them and do know the diff. In fact I have quite a little family of them coming on at the moment. The gups I refer to are like wild guppies and similar colouration, but as I said smaller and have black spots on them. To me they would be catorgarised as feeders. Alan
  13. Check in the Breeders pages DH, you'll see all the registered members who have bred them. Alan
  14. Alan

    Greetings Y'all

    Forgot a bit of vital info. When you refill the tank, make sure you have de-chlorinated the replacement water, otherwise the new bacteria will be wiped out. I squirt the hose, HARD into a drum to realease most of the chlorine, and then leave it to stand for about 2 plus days with an aerater in use. G'luck Alan
  15. Alan

    Greetings Y'all

    http://groups.msn.com/AngieandAndrewsAq ... sics2.msnw This is borrowed from AngieandAndrewsAquatics. If you follow that link you'll find all you ever wanted to know about "cycling". DON"T use the additives from the LFS, you may as well throw in a dead prawn and let that start your cycle, does the same thing and is cheaper. Need a good test-kit too. Goodluck Alam
  16. leopard fish, rosy barbs, some killies, golden barb. Alan
  17. Alan

    Tank shot

    Don't ya just love the replies in Reef Central. What a pack of pessimists. BUT they forgot one thing with a tank that size. The ebbing of the tide. The ends would have to be constucted higher than the centre. Just the simplist of things can ruin a small project. Alan
  18. danios, leopardfish, bronze corys, swords platies, killie fish. The list goes on Depends where you are and how long you are going to stretch the breeding season. Alan
  19. If you have, or can get the use of a diatom filter, that WILL clean your problem up. In fact, if your tank has no scatches in the viewing area, you will think you have no water, because it is so clean (polished). Alan
  20. Just wondering, Do you find this coral up around Fiji. 8) Just a stray thought went buzzing thru. Alan
  21. Anything BG that wont fit into the Oscars mouth as he grows. Alan
  22. How do they travel in plastic bags? Do they need to be immersed in water, or just kept damp for a qik flight? Alan :oops:
  23. Just my ******* luck! Hi! How are you duckie? Alan
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