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Everything posted by Alan

  1. and they can even go around corners too. Alan 104
  2. Alan

    Blanket Weed

    Wot ya smoke in bed I think :roll: Alan 104
  3. Alan

    Blanket Weed

    Yes, dat was me. Hope u enjoyed. Alan 104
  4. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOh Don't even think of getting those fish replaced You'll just put more loading onto your uncycled tank Time and water changes (small) are the healers. Just give ya kid a hug, introduce him to this site, join a club, and ask questions. The dumbest question is the one you didn't ask. Alan 104
  5. Alan

    Blanket Weed

    Is your friend called Noddy?? :roll: Alan 104
  6. From experience, DO NOT USE THIS METHOD. I always like to go one step further, and thought, right, if 12 volts can kill snails, 240 will do a better job, I know DUM and DUMBER But the snails died and so did my scaless fish. From the oxidization of the copper. Now we all know that copper kills snails, but in most setups, too heavy a dose, isn't good for the rest of the inhabitants. Try a piece of lettuce, weighted with lead around the stem, attach a string to the lead for removal of the trap and lead. The lettuce provides food for the fish and snails I set this method overnight, and remove it in the morning, carefully, and dip the trap into VERY salty water. This kills the snails almost instantly, and then if there is enuff bait left, reset it, or replace the lettuce. Cost ZILTCH Success, HUGE Snail population, LOW. Alan 104
  7. This system has the disadvantage of spreading disease if a U/V system is not used in it. I prefer box filters, sponge filters, or U/G filters. There is nothing wrong with a nude tankeither, easier to clean and water change. Alan
  8. Don't the bubbles from airstones BREAK the surface-tension? Thereby increasing the surface area? Alan 104
  9. The fin should be straight and upright Alan 104
  10. Chris, when I bred them I removed the parents and used BBS and daphnia. Fairly quick growng too. Good work. Alan 104
  11. I don't know what filtration you have. But if it is an U/G filter, put the divider over the top of the plate. The green water is an ideal environment for any babies that may appear. Remove Mum as soon as the spawning is over, and Dad as soon as the babies are free swimming. Goodluck Alan 104
  12. Alan

    keeping snapper

    Ouch A tank and water, salt preferably :roll: Alan 104
  13. You seem to have set them up well. The only thing I would suggest you do is to divide the tank into two and separate the pair. feed copious amounts of LIVE food and cut a polystyrene cup into half lengthwise and put it in with the male, there is only one obvious way to float it. Put it near to the divider but not against the divider, hopefully the male will get real amorous and start building his bubblenest. Hey? Don't like asking the obvious, but are you sure that you have a pair? As on my trip around the shops in Auck., the females were noticable by their absence. Alan 104
  14. Alan

    bent killies

    Your reply earlier Bill was enlightening to be near enuff without adding to it. I was pointing out to another that we, as do the ponds, have not got much choice. Except to not breed with any deformities that show up. Alan 104
  15. As they evaporate the sea water at Lake Grasmere, the water is pumped from one lake to the next etc., till it arrives at it's final lake and most of the water has by then disappeared. In each of the lakes prior to this, different elements have been dropping out until the final result is attained The brine-shrimp at L. Grasmere, "polish" the salt. Before their introduction, the salt had to be washed as it was "slimey" from algae. Well that's how I understand it from the guided tour we had. Alan 104
  16. Alan

    bent killies

    Why the prob in bloodlines?? That is rubbish Do the fish in the wild go find another water-hole?? I don't think so. Alan 104
  17. Alan

    keeping snapper

    It isn't the point of having them. It's having the "undersize" ones that worries them. Just tell the W***** that you have school kids round to see your tank/tanks and you get them set up as educational aid. Alan 104
  18. That's nice of you to say Kim. Nice friendly group. Thanks for inviting me. I got back safely, even if I was forced off Glenfield Rd by road works and did a big loop coming up Archer Road Alan 104
  19. The tide is out at some times. :roll:
  20. Good on ya mate See ya wed. morning Alan 104
  21. Go out on a showery night and collect ya nite crawlers into a margy container, then place into a deep freeze. Don't bother cleaning, that just takes away food that can be utilized by the fish. When the worms are frozen into a solid block, just use the cheese grater. Don't tell the missus or mum before you clean it and put it away. You could refreeze the "gratings" into a thin flat sheet to be fed later by snapping off the size required for your fish. Alan 104
  22. Alan

    green water

    Add a splash of milk to water, leave it in the sun, hey presto, green-water. Alan 104
  23. Alan


    They often die of lack of oxygen when the catcher is too greedy If when you catch them, you put them onto a damp piece of sheeting, spread them out as you tip them onto it of course, and you can build a few layers like this Just immerse them at home, and very few losses. Feed definately has a lot to do with their coloration. Clear, not much food around, brown or red, feeding on plant deitrius, green, feeding on algae. Wonder if I could transport mossie lavae like that as well.mmmmmmmm might try that next time. Alan 104
  24. Your day has not been wasted Ira. Alan 104
  25. Yes Midas, just got the female blue-eye I lost the whole shooting box, Mum, Dad, and all but one of the kids in a heater malfunction; over-heating. Wouldn't have been so bad if it was convicts, I know that they look the same, but the price is dramatically different, possibly the reason why they haven't been imported since the initial arrival. The differnce? $7.00 for Convicts. Blue-eyes? Over $40. These prices were seen at Hollywood Mt Roskil, I bought mine half-price from a wholesaler. Alan 104
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