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Everything posted by beachy

  1. beachy

    cycle question

    Cool, thanks paul, just wanted to make sure.
  2. Hey all, tanks been up and running for nearly two weeks now. I have modified the filter(ar 620 t) well pretty much got rid of it, and have put a hang on skimmer on the back. My ammonia has spiked up to 4.0, and my nitrite is just starting to climb 0.25 at the mo. I was told by my lfs to add a slice of mussel to assist with cycling, do you think this is neccassary concidering that my ammonia is already high? I think because i have used coral rock, it must have enough decomposing stuff in it? I quess there is no need to do a water change until the nitrites start to drop? cheers
  3. beachy

    New Tank

    So say i dont buy a skimmer, keep the standerd filter, and add a power head, will i be in for disaster?
  4. beachy

    New Tank

    I thought you might say that, i was gonna get in contact with you, will my coral eventually turn into live rock? What kind of skimmer do you fit to these tanks? i have a berlin, but i reackon a hang on type might look better than having the berlin stuck down into the tank. Cheers
  5. beachy

    New Tank

    Hey all, finnaly made the jump to marine :bounce: The tank is an ar620 t, 130 ltrs, it has about 14 kilo of coral rock. Just set up yesterday, i have added some more ceramic noodles and some ehiem filter substrate to the filter, cause it only comes with a tiny amount of material. I'm contemplating getting some better filter material,if anyone can recommend something to me. I havent got a protein skimmer, well i have, but it wont fit unless i do some mods to the filter, and if i can get away without using one i will. Im going to add another power head, cause there isnt much flow in there at the mo, can anyone tell me how much flow i will need? if i can i want to keep some soft corals. Well any help will be greatly appreciated, and i will do some searching through all the threads.
  6. beachy

    sunsun tanks

    Hey all just wondering if anyone here has had or is using sunsun tanks, there is a couple on t/me, they look pretty good. Just thought i would see if i could get a bit of feedback. cheers
  7. I have used it, I used bio balls in my trickle tower, and scoria in my sump as a way of adding more surface area, it does work but can clog up. Its good if you want extra surface, but i preffer bio balls.
  8. Thanks guys might give it a try, cheers 8)
  9. Does anyone know if snail rid works? If so what does it do to your water, fish so on? I have snail probs, but i cant put c/loaches or puffers in my tank. Any suggestions
  10. For bigger plecs, get the zuccini, chop then ends off and put a teaspoon through the middle, handle first. It will sink to the bottom, they love it
  11. beachy

    Black Sand

    Muriwai sand will prob be to high in iron, you could try piha sand its a little lighter. It would pay to do some kind of test first though e.g getting a magenet and trying that, and maybe put some in a bucket with water and see what happens to the parameters. I tried river sand from mitre 10, and i can tell you that it needs to be really clean, and its really hard to get it clean. It made my water stink like cats wee, and when you do a gravel clean you loose quite alot, unless you gently skim the top. It lookes really good though, people here have probly had better experience with sand than me. See what they recommend.
  12. My lfs keeps its mals at a ph of 7, if you decide that you do want to raise the ph some more, try a few pieces of coral. Hollywood sells bags of coral rubble for quite cheap, you could stick some in your filter if you can, or scatter some around the tank.
  13. Great thanks for posting a pic klaymann. When i saw the tank, it had a red devil in it.
  14. Thanks for the advice klaymann, i will give it a shot. That stuff is really aggressive, i can do a gravel clean and get rid of it, and two days later it is back. Do you think a uv sterilizer would help, i used to use one on my tank, and never seemed to have any probs at all. The water was always crystal clear.
  15. Hmmm, not to sure what could be causing the smell, have you added any new decor? Are you on tank or town supply? it could be something in the water. I am having the same problem, my tank has been setup for ages, water quality seems good, and i do weekly water changes. I have a problem with that slimy green stuff, i have been told that it is cyanobacteria, i wonder if that could be causing the smell in my tank. Or maybe its just ak water supply. Anyway someone might be able to help, doesnt sound good if your fish are dying, i might just get some carbon for my tank, it usually doesnt smell any.
  16. beachy

    sex red devil

    This works with flower horn, Females have a u shaped vent and males have a v shaped vent. When a female is going to lay eggs the vent will drop. This should help with sexing red devil.
  17. I have a cool idea that seems to work well for me. This works if you have a sump. I connect the garden hose to my laundry taps, then put the hose into my sump. Then start the syphon with gravel cleaner in the tank, and turn on the hose and match the flow. This way i can do a water change and gravel clean without the water level dropping at all. I find my fish dont stress as much, and i can keep the water flowing through my trickle tower. I could probably keep changing the water all day, but cause im using cold tap water this wouldnt be to good for the fish, and my biological filtration.
  18. Agreed, you wont always get the answers you want, dont take them as insults, but as advice. Some good some bad, its great to get answers from people at all levels be it expert or begginer. Every one has their own experiences to share so if you ask a question then be prepared for an answer, be it good or bad.
  19. Thanks for that, if keeping the two together worked for you it will prob work for most, so that clears that up. That was something i heard from a mate, so many do and don'ts, some say this, some say that, if it works it works.
  20. hmmm, sorry for your loss, i have been told not to keep black ghost knife with them either. Something to do with the electrical pulse that these fish use, they get crossed up.
  21. beachy

    brown algae

    Nitrates at 20ppm should be cool, thats a good level to maintain.
  22. Totaly off topic, here is a pic of my 6 foot malawi setup, i dont have this tank any more, i look at the pics and wonder how i got away with putting that much weight in there. Any way i thought i would share, and sorry for your losses , i used to feed spirulina flake to mine, they seemed ok for my e/yellows, might not be ok for your others though.
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