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Everything posted by beachy

  1. No not to sure sorry, but my lfs had two youngsters and the one i bought was the most colourfull, if he turns out to be like the adult in the display tank, which im sure he will, he will be very impressive.
  2. No its definately a redhead, i have never seen them before until a couple of weeks ago, my lfs had a big one in there display tank. Not cheap i might add, but after seeing the adult i couldnt resist buying one. I am trying to get hold of a digi so i can take a pic of it and my new tank setup. http://www.petfrd.com/profiles/showphoto.php?photo=102 this link has a pic but my redhead seems to have even more red around the head and lower fins. cheers
  3. Hey all, just bought myself a redhead or red shoulder severum. Beautiful looking fish, its only a youngster but already has excelent colour. I was wondering if anyone here is keeping any and had a bit of info on them? I have done a google search but cant really find to much info.
  4. Sometimes the venturi fittings can make a bit of a noise too, just thought id pop that in.
  5. Not to sure but a pet shop here in AK was selling Texas parrot hybrids, so it could be one of those?
  6. Apparently they have or are in the process of setting up a 2000ltr aqurium for him, so i am told by my LFS, i havnt been to the zoo yet to check him out, but will soon.He has been gone from my lfs for a few months now.
  7. Did your black aro keep its colour? someone told me that they go more silver as they get bigger, i have seen a young one, they are very nice looking.
  8. Yep they get massive, my old silver now lives at AK zoo, i sold him to my LFS and he was in their display tank for about a year, he would be over 2 foot now. So a big tank is needed i suppose its a bit like getting a pacu, nice when small, but watch out! silvers are tank busters.
  9. They are available here in AK all the time, usually around 100-120$, depends where you are though and if you are keen to travel.
  10. beachy

    Oddball Fish

    GO THE ODDBALLS!!!!! Love all of the odd and tank busting fish, just not enough available here. mine include: Albino senegal senagalus Polypterus Delhezi Datnioides Microlepis(indonesian tiger) The rest arent to odd angelicus syno,parrot cichlid and albino plec, wish we could get Gars, rays, snakeheads and so on here. Polypterus are my fav's
  11. Thanks anne, i usually do a water change weekly, but skipped a week so maybe my water is a wee tad dirty, i'm feeding ox heart and shrimp wich dirtys up the water quickly. Will have a search on the net for planeria see what i come up with. Cheers.
  12. Hey guys i was looking in my tank today and noticed some tiny little white worms, they almost look like mosquito larvae but way thinner. Any ideas on what they might be and what could be the cause?
  13. I think the fluval 404 is a great filter, quite well made. They can get noisy-ish as they get older, but the noise isnt anything really loud unless there is a problem.Turn over does slow down as they get dirty, but even with a lower turn over they still seem to do the job.I done away with the carbon and just filled all the compartments with ceramic noodles, that slowed the filter a bit, but it still kept my tank clean.I had 3 fluval 404's on my 6 foot tank and had no problems.So rather than one filter go for two smaller ones, then when you have to clean them, do them at different times,that way you will always have a filter that has sufficient bacteria. You could always go for two bigger filters, budget permitting :lol:
  14. beachy


    Yea i have read that as well caryl, its a shame people cant be more responsible.
  15. beachy


    Yea i agree Frenchy, dont really believe in all of that, its just a marketing tool, they arent as popular as they were a couple of years ago. I just like them cause of the colours, i know that heaps of people are againts them, cause of the X breeding thing. I just thought people might like to know they were available, ive only seen them once before, a couple of years ago
  16. Great thanks pies, will go check it out, i'm not sure what the ones under my house are, but hey 9$ isnt much compared to 30-40$. Cheers
  17. how good are they for colour inhancment, dont aquarium tubes have higher colour spectrums? or can i achieve the same with normal tubes?
  18. great thanks ira,i have some normal ones under my house i will give a try, just being tight dont want to spend the $ :lol:
  19. beachy


    Hey all hollywood on the shore have some flowerhorns available, very nice looking fish and well priced to. http://www.geocities.com/fishflowerhorn/
  20. oops suppost to put this in the technical section :oops:
  21. Hey all i was just wondering if i can use normal flouro tubes in my light rather than fish ones? i dont have any plants only a bit of java fern. Would they be any good for enhancing fish colours?
  22. I have very little if any bba in my tank, but dont mind a bit, but i only have a java fern in my tank not fancy plants, so i dont need to add fertilizer. only because i had to, hence the ahhhhhhh.Nothing else goes in there. This site may help people with a Bba problem http://www.csd.net/~cgadd/aqua/art_plant_algae.htm
  23. I know a lot of people will prob dissagree but, why dose your tanks up with all sorts of chemicals and nutrients? If ya bba isnt out of control just leave it, a little bit of algae makes a tank look natural. I hate having to put anything into my tank bar water, had to dose my tank for white spot the other day ahhhh what a nitemare. I know that a lot of plants benefit from added nutrients, but my bro, who hardly never cleans his tank, has more success than anyone i know with plants,must be all the fish waste.He never seems to loose any fish either,must be because he dosent muck around to much with water chemistry. Thats just my thoughts, keep it natural
  24. beachy

    Using scoria

    Cool thanks warren, i wouldnt want to risk 1000 fish either.
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