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Everything posted by Brianemone

  1. are you sure the tank will be secure with out the bracing? I am facing a very similair dilemma to you at this very moment What are your tanks dimensions?? My tank (in cm) is 1200longx600tallx700deep.
  2. i think people get high quality tanks confused with adequatly made.
  3. LOL, yeah, notice how earlier in the thread there was a misunderstanding and they were all very polite and apologetic. The reason I am setting up my tank again as a planted tank instead of setting up a reef is for the relaxation and calming effect of the fresh water tank, it has far less movement purely because the water isnt turning over at 100x.
  4. Im scared i will find the same thing when i go up to auckland this week, as i only really see what is available internationally since i very rarely visit the LFS
  5. Lights, RO/DI and CO2 gear are all ready to go. Filter is in the country and will be here some time this week. I will be substrate shopping this week between the frenzied stripping of wall paper and putting up the new stuff. So the tank can go in by weeks end. I might even manage some water and plants this week
  6. What is the most cost effective method for lining a medium sized pond measuring approx 2m x 3-4m Concrete or a variety of black rubber liner are my two main contenders that is see at the moment
  7. Thanks for that recipe Warren. And as per the drinking water thing it is good to see that common sense prevails
  8. I've got a new RO/DI unit for my planted tropical tank that should be running within a weeks time, now im also planning on using the water for drinking water as the stuff out of the tap has a horrid taste. With it being so clean once it passes through the RO unit is there something i can add to it to make it more suitible for regular consumption? also should i be thinking about doing this for the fish tank water before adding?
  9. Awesome, great pics Alan. Do you have a planted display tank? would love to see a snap of that too.
  10. sounds like a good spot for him, you probably wouldnt need to block off the stream either
  11. Still need to find a suitible location, I dont want the fish for my self, just want to see the beast in the flesh really.
  12. Yip thats what i am thinking Blue Alan if you write a post look underneath and check out the second box from the top that says Disable BBCode in this post, if it is ticked then you should probably change one of the options in your profile which says Always allow BBCode:
  13. im interested in catching the beast and relocating it, anyone else want in?
  14. Quoted it works fine, i haven't changed anything on this one (second post form the top of the page
  15. hows this? all you needed to do was make the img tags lower case. infact the easiest way to do it is paste the link in the post and then highlight it and click on the Img button at the top of where you write your post.
  16. Once you get it onto a website its fairly simple, why not inlist the help of someone here to walk you through it via a shared browser session in MSN??
  17. Which is perfectly logical, I would like the reverse to happen as well though, I would like to see species that cannot survive here intoduced to the list of allowed species.
  18. Definatly looks like it here
  19. either rent a bigger bottle or buy a bigger bottle IMO, most gas places charge 10-15$ as a minimum charge to refill a small bottle. I have a 2kg on for sale as well for 170$.
  20. Im pretty sure the fish youre talking about is a Chromis, can't remember its name though.
  21. I definatly agree about the colour of the Cardinals, they are far more attractive than the neons (and most other tetra's)
  22. I dont really want a challenge though, I want to keep things simple and have a stunning display tank without needing multiple tanks setup to breed fish.
  23. I've kindof gone off the Discus as the plants will be the main focus and the constant watre changes needed to keep the discus at their max is not going to help. 5 years is a long time for a neon, much longer than i would have expected, good news i guess.
  24. Im planning on getting a nice school of fish for my planted tank but want to find out some info in relation to their longevity. I guess Tetras would be a great place to start, I was thinking of having a school of about 50-60 neons in the tank but I am concerned about how long they would last. i would prefer Cardinals but the price of a school of 50 would work out at about 400$ as opposed to 90$ for a school of Neons. I had thought of breeding the Cardinals but I don't know if i have the patience to keep up with the demands. But if cardinals proved to be a hardier fish overall then it might be worth the investment Glowlights are semi affordable option but i do prefer the blue and red of the neons and cardinals. Anyway, opinons on what fish make for a good school and have a fairly good survival rate.
  25. Heres a nice looking one that popped up today.
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