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Posts posted by F15hguy

  1. good article.

    would just like to add that recently there have been reports of an Ich parasite that instead of leaving the fish to develop actually stays in the fishes mucus membrane to reproduce. using many imaginations and years of knowledge they have decided to call this strain "super - ich"

    so far all reports are from north america and germany (to my knowledge) where commercial level breeding is widespread

  2. nah im not OCD, I just have a thing about power cords (my dad was a electronics developer so grew up with noodlefarms), and also see a lot of tanks that people spend sooo much time working on the inside and the outside is a mess, a 5 second clean up with some cable ties and it would be fixed .

  3. trust me your not outgunned, normally its the SA crowd getting the flak. as for tank size go as big as you can possibly afford then go bigger, Every one sits there and goes "one day i'll get a bigger tank", why not save money in the long fun and just go big quickly, anyways, big tanks are a lot easier to keep due to the larger water volume. I would go the longest widest tank approx 400 tall (600 if you want really big buggers) but keeping the height down also saves a bit on the build cost due to the decreased water pressure requiring less bracing/thinner glass

    240, 350 or 450 are my options which is most suitable.

    unusual sizes, what is the reasoning behind that??

  4. ok have a nice active and peaceful (for a mbuna setup) african tank. normally the fish are always up from watching you, playing with each other, and generally being cute lil nutters. yesterday they suddenly became very spooked, any movement would send them scattering for their caves, went back to normal after about an hour or so, but did the same again today for a bit (about 1/2hour each time)

    water params = all perfect, 0 0 >20 7.8

    I am thinking the heater might be shorting out sending stray voltage into the tank. is there any easy way to test this???

    and no, no kids have annoyed the tank either

  5. im surprised, normally this question starts a war =P

    Im lucky, I love my africans, so colourful and active. but I have a breeding pair of severums where the male hates me and tries (and succeeds) to take chunks out of my hand, but the female who loves me protects me quite ferociously.

  6. Wundertonic is good, but if it is a fungus infection the I would look more seriously at your water quality, pimafix should have dealt with the fungal infection easily. if the water quality is up, the fishes immune system would have dealt with it. if you have a quarantine tank I would use it with a salt treatment. (approx 1g salt per Liter),

    what are the fish living in atm, what are the water params, it is possible that by using a broad spectrum antibiotic such as melafix you may have killed of many of the benficial bacteria in you system causing the water quality to fall even further

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