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Posts posted by F15hguy

  1. Increased competition is only good for the system if the demand is there, otherwise it can cause oversupply and a collapse of the industry, to be honest I would like to see another commercial breeding outfit in NZ first than send our money overseas for fish that we could easily breed here ourselves, this would free up our importers from bringing in a whole range of species letting them expand their range.

  2. had acouple of test kits dud out on me before, I'm using tha aquaone one now, its not very accurate but It always gives a reading, and really you dont need to know exactly how much there is, just if there is any (I rate the tests on a None, some change time and whoa scale)

  3. colour enhancers to look out for

    Astaxanthine = Red,

    Beta Carotiene=red/orange



    Zeaxanthine = yellow


    Phyocyanine= Blue

    however caroteinoids can enhance other colours

    University of Hawaii researchers cited previous research which found that fish could sometimes metabolize carotenoids and use them to intensify colors in a different range from the carotenoid the consumed. For example, Discus fed astaxanthin and Beta carotene (orange) intensified the fish’s blue coloration.

    IMO the best colour enhancer you can get is to keep your fish happy

  4. true, I am currently running to tanks, on a 21L NZ mudflat marine, the other a Leopard fish breeding tank approx 50L (with more on the way) my total outlay so far has been $15 for the marine tank, $5 for the Leopard fish, $3 for the light tube, $5 for a hacksaw to remake the light fitting, total $28, and a heap of fun!!!!ok they not the prettiest tanks, but they are interesting, fun and I've fallen in love with my sand goby.

    last time I think it cost me around $250 to set up 8-10 breeding tanks, with fish included

    so budget is all in your own head. get creative, its the kiwi way

    p.s. just noticed the Crayfish tank in Sanfords is running an under-gravel filter connected to its sump, the under-gravel filter is made out of some shade cloth held down with 5 big stones

  5. after reading that post from Livingart I don't think I will add any further posts to this as I would not want to give people Ideas when they do not have access to a qualified electrician, I will still be going ahead, but I will be running everything through my dad who is a qualified electrician.

  6. have an old single light unit with built in ballast, its currently a 36"cm unit but I want to cut it down to a 18", its quite rusty on the ends but the main components are fine, Is there any thing special I should be wary about when doing this?

  7. unfortunately the market share that would make this idea work is taken by trademe atm, and the added variety would not really make more people enter the hobby, but more likely mkae us in the hobby stay longer and have a worse case of MTS.

    the best way to increase the amount of people in the hobby is finding out who's spouting that fish keeping is hard work, takes too much effort, can only be done by scientists, need a bachelor in water chemistry.

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