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Posts posted by F15hguy

  1. french

    have a mental image of a mime in a tank "cant get out"

    Chain loaches are awesome, probably better with baby bnoses round, the problem with chain loaches though is they tend to struggle with trumpet snails, though they decimate populations of ramshorns, planorbis and paper snails

  2. is that a faded spot on its side? (can't tell if there is any fuzzy stuff on it)

    yeah you did the right thing, quarantine will protect your other fish, and also when an infected fish dies the pathogens normally leave the host and hunt for a new victim. keep an eye on him, and note down how the disease progresses, this will help you with a positive id on whats going on in your tank

  3. both of them must be browns from golden parents. their genetics are pretty close to mendalian if you want to have a play with them (you can make it as complicated as you like, but the basic mendalian concept works well with Bristles)

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