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Posts posted by F15hguy

  1. I would have thought the pump on the filter would be more efficient than normal as it would not have to work against the head height as much.

    You could try a small sump tank to act as a cooling reservoir, maybe even using it to add to the tanks heating capability

  2. In Asia (the home of goldfish) they are all 100% tropical.

    most of asia is actually temperate, and even te warmer areas get quite cold over winter, I think you will find that goldfish originated from western china near the border of russia, which is a lot colder than NZ over winter

  3. I would be asking for a photo of the filter unit,and the heater. I would assume it would be a sump style filter system, but then again I have been surprised before. also would like the filter flow rate .

  4. I would more question the person testing than the results. 6.5 - 7.0 is a massive range really (considering +/-0.1 difference in pH is 10x more/less than the previous reading.)

    I'm not saying that my results are 100% accurate, just that they are done with the test's I use for my tanks and are accurate anough for my useage (plus I use different brands for different tests, and stick with the ones that are best for each measurement)

    plus if you went to a certain store I would be surprised if they actuially performed the tests at all :P

  5. ok, test results in

    pH: 7.0 - 7.2

    phosphates: minor reading less than 0.5ppm

    Ammonia: 0

    Nitrites: slight reading? less than 0.05ppm (colour chart not very accurate at lower levels, but definate reading)

    Nitrates: 40ppm, thats where the test maxes out so may be higher, tested 3 times to make sure

    may have had a mini cycle causing the fish to keel over, but the Nitrates are very high, reccomend doing a water change :P

  6. ummm... seriously overstocked!!!!

    the flying fox will quickly out grow your tank (within 6 months)

    you option for algae eaters is restricted pretty much to a group of oto's

    im assuming the flying fox is the black line flying fox we see commonly, it will reach a size of approximately 15-18cm

  7. Nitrates 0???, unusual, and your tanks don't have enough plants for that to be the cause.

    pH: 6.5-7.0??? Mount water supply known for being hard to drop, and even worse to keep stable once down, unless the wood is extremely acid.

    I would not be surprised if there is a bit of harrasment going on as well, especially if the krib fround out the girls were food producers.

    are you on atm????, I can pick up a sample today, and test it for you

  8. yeah, most anabatoids prefer warm moist air, cold dry air can lead to infections even in adult fish, but to be honest the humid air will settle in the area above the water, it really only becomes a problem when you have them in a freezing cold shed or something. Never seen those tanks before, but look cool, would like to take a gander to see how they are set up, if you like that sort of look the Aquaone nano cubes are pretty good with a descent filter system all hidden away in the back. I would recommend a lid anyway, better than finding you betta on the ground.

    good to drag another lurker out of the shadows :P

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