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Posts posted by F15hguy

  1. I was wondering that, I actually thought it might be for a feeder fish tank out of sight somewhere :P

    still a festae is good enough, but with a bit of astaxanthin??

  2. yeah, gotta take care of the plants in the shop better than I have so am studying up as much as possible, learning heaps everyday. and am helping out with 4 planted tanks (other than the two lo-tech ones that are all mine) already knew most of those but a few are surprises to me such as the Bacopa sp. and Lysamachia. (although I must admit I have never had sucess with Giant babies tears or lysa's

  3. sometimes it is possible to gently push it back in with your hand and hope it heals up (extremists will stitch it back in but thats too expensive in my books), its risky, but the fish will die eventually due to complications otherwise. hopefully (and rarely) its just the reproductive organs (much higher recovery rate than bowels) if it is the bowels it is most likely caused by an intestinal blockage. STOP FEEDING IMMEDIATELY, add a prophylactic dose of medication if you want to prevent infection and lower the temperature a bit (this will help if there is a gas issue as well. Prolapsed rectum is most commonly caused by a diet too high in protein without enough roughage.

  4. the vets will (or more likely should) only supply it when there is a need. It is prescription only for a reason.

    To be honest I have never needed it before and in most cases (im assuming you want it for hole in the head) keeping your water quality good and letting the fishes immune system fight it is your best option.

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