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Posts posted by F15hguy

  1. oh well, taking 3 home with me tonight, fingers crossed I get a female and a male, one looks like she's full of eggs (hard to tell they too fast) now to explain to the missus why I have icecream containers full of water and rocks outside :lol:

  2. yeah done that, but then there reading reports and then actually talking to someone who has.

    one report interestingly noted that they only spawned on a particular coloured leaf...

    but then again, thats for phase two if the let them free and see method fails :P

  3. nah, no trouble, Lotsa fun though, from what I have read they will breed in a well aged tank, with the right conditions, which happen to be about the same as what I'm running my leopard fish in (and I doubt they will eat the fry as the tank is seriously full of plant for hiding places), Just need a bit more soft green algae growth, and an infusoria culture.

    If I have to play around, then even more fun!!!

  4. If you want to d things on the cheap, go for a wander down your local creeks and have a look around. learn a bit about the local plant life and you will find heaps that will do well in your setup. (make sure you learn to identify the nasty/noxious plants as well though) and try and find areas that are spray free. around here there are wild populations of Green and red ludwigia, blue, red and plysperma hygrophillia, Lysamachia, some crypts occasionally... etc....

    I would look at setting up a live gravel area that could double as a trickle system using a small airlift or powerhead, 4mm riverstone from a landscape supply shop would be cheapest, maybe with small hessian bags of soil around your plants roots.

  5. thats actually a very good point, I wonder how efficient a tank is as a heater (watts in per watt out), Our fish room sits at around 25-27 degrees with just the tanks heating it, and the heaters come on very rarely (to the point they keep seizing up)

  6. creates a weak point, in a pressurised system the pressure bends the metal slightly in the thread making it sealed, having a thread seal in the gap will risk the thread sliding, rare but it does happen (learned this when studying hydraulic systems, scary when you see high pressure liquid injuries)

  7. I have a big one at work (large polybox size) that consumed 2 whole slices of bread every 2 days with no left overs before I sold a few cultures. I bought an Icecream container worth home with me tonight, Missus doesn't understand why im so happy about a container of dirt and soggy bread :lol:

  8. thought I would challenge myself and was wondering if anyone had any experience breeding Otocinclus catfish.

    also was wondering if it would work breeding them under my livebearer breeders, so I would get 2 fish out of one tank.

    Love these fish, but way to expensive normally, and have some VERY fat girls atm

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