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Posts posted by F15hguy

  1. as often as you want, no negatives to doing one, lotsa positives.

    I always say a minimum of 50% per fortnight. mine get one per week, plus any extra I can be bothered doing or if my guys look horny :P

    p.s. how is the gravel vac, I always looked at those as a gadget more for the person than for practicality (though they are awesome for small pond cleanouts)

  2. plus the bumble bees will make tasty morsels for the angels and the loaches will knock them round a bit.

    not much point in cycling if you dump a large bioload on it.

    best to add fish slowly in small groups, about a week apart

    test daily for ammonia and nitrites, and do lotsa water changes.

    and if you have the $$$ invest in some live bacteria like TLC or Cycle

  3. prevention is ensuring the owners are knowledgeable.

    this guy has somehow been taught that Oxygen weed negates the need of water movement, and that cold water tank require less water changes (among innumerable other things) and I hear these from people every day,

    prevention is finding the people teaching these things and either educating them or wringing their necks

  4. the emeral dwarf rasbora, i.e. Microrasbora ethromycron


    easily available, and on the lists atm, just ask your LFS to order them in.

    my personal favorite, the emeral eye rasbora


    doesn't look like much, but they have a glowing green patch under the eye that can be seen from across the room.

    p.s. good luck finding Celestial pearl danios, they are around but no one want to give me any :cry:

    I'd try a group of 3 or so guppies to avoid any problems with him

  5. about water changes, ask Sheepsnana, he recently set up a system like that, you just add the water conditioner to the tank when you start filling, or you could get a water filter that removes the chlorine.

    you should add your location to you profile to make it easier for every one, if you in TGA i'd be happy to help if I can.

    remember that a 800L tank will weigh approx 1000kg + when full, including stand equipment etc....

    ensure it is placed across as many support beams as possible....

    heres a similar thread


  6. yeah, use a fish bin to keep the fish happy until the tank is up and running.

    have you checked to make sure your floor is strong enough for it??

    if your worried about water changes set up a detachable hose system to the nearest tap.

    p.s. Im soooooo envious

  7. yeah, more just for them to play with and to add more soft algae to the water (plus they double as an infusoria culture)

    more food the happier they will be

    p.s. they have just gone in and seem to be settling in great, found a second fat female, so hopefully the skinnier one is a male

  8. I would avoid the Zebra danios, go for a small group of harlequins if you must, but smaller fish such as emerald eyes and microrasbora, if you go guppies, go male only and you should be ok.

    as for the gourami, make sure the tank is humming nicely before ading them, plus adding them last prevents a lot of aggression issues. The honey gourami are better as they get smaller, and the gold ones are stunning. another option would be a short fin betta (longfins dont like the surface filter unless you create a quite area for them.) or if you can find them Badis make good options too (is anyone seeing a terend here :P )

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