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Posts posted by F15hguy

  1. if you have more than 2 Jewels, I would put them together in a tank and let them pair off on their own. how big are they atm??, jewels start showing spawning behaviour well before they get down to business (kinda like Tauranga Teens)

  2. most of the jumpers I have dealt with have had a bit of a fright, could even be as simple as a door closing too hard, or a mouse in the room (use to lose a heap of swordtails at the fish farm, whole heap would jump out of just one row every night, then when I went in after dark, there was a rat running across the tanks edge, dead rat, no more jumpers)

  3. wonder if they do wavelength specific underwater LED's, i'm after a 670nM submersible setup, brighter the better. for a fish attracting device

    blue tinge could be due to impurities in the resin they are made out of, my dad recently got one with a sandfly embedded in one

  4. please remember that the placebo effect is incredibly strong (GrahamC should know the exact figures) and pharmaceutical testing has to beat this level before it can be considered.

    there is a book called "Where there is no doctor" which describes the taking of modern medicine into Africa and their belief in injections in one area being so strong that people were almost Dying from no descernable cause after being cured of certain ailments, yet after an injection of pure water they came right. (shows both the positive and negative effects of placebo)

  5. yeah it is a bit scary, but easier if you focus on the fact that over 80% of fish are infected without ever showing signs.

    doesn't hurt to do more water changes.

    your LFS should provide free water testing, or you could get a master test kit for around $50

    make sure you get pH, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, hardness is really optional if you are tight for $$$, but useful if you can get it

  6. possibility of parasitic infection, or in worst case scenario mycobacteria.

    check all your water parameters, increase water changes and pretty much try and get your system 100% healthy, the fish's immune systems should be up to the job if its early enough. also make sure your water movement is up to scratch (blocked filter?) and that your heater is preforming properly.

    Also just as an extra precaution wear gloves in the tank as mycobacteria can infect humans causing annoying sores that don't heal properly (im sure im not the only poor sod here who's dealt with it)

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