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Everything posted by breakaway

  1. breakaway

    wet pets

    Has anyone got any info about what might have caused this?
  2. Do you have to do it that slowly? I thot you just stick em into warm water and they will be ok. Because at my LFS, (Mt. Roskill Hollywood Fish Farm) they have this tank of danios, and on the tank it says "These Fish are in cold water, but they will live in both Cold and Warm Water." So I assumed it would be ok to just get them from the shop in cold water and put em into your tank. Fortunately, I havent bought any danios yet.
  3. OMG! I wonder how much they charge for postage to Auckland!!!!
  4. What kind of mesh did you use lb? Is it made out of metal or is it the fabric type?
  5. breakaway

    wet pets

    That is just sad. Any chance of finding out what caused it?
  6. A breeding trap is too small for a stressed guppy to be in. Dont you think?
  7. Here are some of my Guppies, sorry about the low qual pics :lol: The right most fish is not a guppy, its a red phantom tetra. The left 2 ones are guppies. The first one on the left is the female and the middle fish is the male. Ive got 2 females about to drop already :lol:
  8. Post Menstrual Stress? (Before Period Stress) Or do you mean Post Maternal Stress?
  9. Ive got 2 females who are bloated like the one in the 1st pic. Do you guys have any advice for me (first time something has bred in my tank)
  10. Lol. I wasnt even expecting it to happen so soon. Can anyone give me an ETA on the fry? Thanx Breaka\/\/ay
  11. Can u guys help me out some more by telling me if any of these guppies are pregnant? Any Help Appreciated.
  12. Hi Warren Thanx for the input. I will be looking into why Im getting the cyno. Thanx
  13. Hay Guys Thanx for all the valuable input. I used to have a bristlenose but he didnt seem to want the algae. For now, I guess Ill just stick with cleaning. If the algae doesnt clear up in the next few weeks, then I will add the erethromycin tabs. Here is a photo of the tank - I cleaned and re planted it (Taken today Monday 15th November 2004) Plz tell me what you think of it.
  14. No, There are 3 females altogether. Thanx for all your info guys, its been really helpful.
  15. What quantity? Where do I get it from? Isnt it a type of antibiotic? Ill do anything to clear that monstrous algae
  16. Its not really harassing, more like he just likes to sort of follow her around. Thanx for the info Ballistic.
  17. Some more photos from before the algae rampage began: http://www.freewebs.com/p00phase/Left%2 ... 202004.JPG http://www.freewebs.com/p00phase/Right% ... 202004.JPG
  18. Hi All, I have a very very bad algae problem. The dastardly :lol: algae is everywhere. On the heater, on the filter, tank walls. There is a green film of algae everywhere. I have always avoided adding unwanted chemicals into the fish tank, like chemical algae removers, and I would still like to keep my tank chemical free. But I have to somehow get rid of this algae. It just wont go. Its green and its everywhere. It is growing on the plants and causing them to stop recieving light from the 2 floro bulbs. The ambulias "open" during the day and "close" in the evening. Due to this algae problem, the algae is on the leaves and some of them are stuck closed and some of them are stuck open. Even my so called "bananna plant" that flourishing a week or two ago looks very pale green instead of the usual bright green. Please guys, I need help or I might loose all plants in the tank. Take a look at my tank below, and see what the algae has made it. :evil: Before: http://www.freewebs.com/p00phase/Before ... 0LoRes.jpg Note: The Grassy Plant in foreground had to be removed because it died due to excess algae growing on leaves. The bananna plant has not been added yet. After Heavy Algae Attack: Green Film of Algae on Ambulia Another Photo like the one Above, here there is more damage. Even the gravel has algae growing on it.
  19. Is it because he is expressing his interest in her as a breeding partner? My male guppy is chasing the (largest) female guppy around most of the time. Also how do you tell when the guppies are pregnant? Any Input Appreciated.
  20. Why, Thankyou But the fish on the right hand corner is not a guppy, its a phantom tetra, or something :-?
  21. Just found out that freewebs wont let you upload more than 50 photos in the Image Manager section :evil: Had to delete some to get my guppies on there:
  22. Good Stuff Luke, I especially like the look of the planted tank Aquascape
  23. Hi MorknMindy Ive got answers to some of your questions. Yes, I recommend you do that, Depends on how many fish you have in there. If your "load" is "heavy" then it wouldnt hurt to put another airstone in. Hope this helps breaka\/\/ay
  24. I dont think that would happen in the near future. Might take a few million years. Enzymes are temperature specific, and will not change so quickly. Guppies temperature preference and resistance is a product of millions of years of evolution. More like several million years, right? Amen. No one take offence from this post, just voicing my opinions. Plz correct me if im wrong.
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