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Everything posted by Sheepsnana

  1. They mention that adolescents who use the substance get the long term IQ drop. I'm not quite sure when the brain fully stops developing, if it does.
  2. Party Pills, BZP, were great for getting people off of P. Now they can't use it.
  3. Lights aren't cheap. Filters and heaters are a bonus. Include labour, and markup, and $800 doesn't seem too bad.
  4. I asked for 3 sheets instead of asking what they were for. :thup:
  5. Yeah, since you're current plans for legalisation are going SO SWELL. :roll:
  6. I can estimate the retail value of the glass at about $550, based on the cost of Tauranga glass. Unless labour is normally $1850 to build a tank :dunno: , he may want to shop around. Is the stand cheap enough to offset the cost of the tank?
  7. So... The MJ users on here are sure that it's a good idea. They're sure that they have a large enough number of the population agreeing with them. We all know that the legalise party are a bunch of ...they're just not that smart. Why not start a referendum? Wouldn't that work to your cause without worrying about who is in charge?
  8. Hi, your local ITM can help with the poly sheets. I get the 50mm 1200mm x 2400mm for $11 +GST per sheet. If you decide to make the tanks yourself, you can ask the local glass companies about bulk rates. Your ITM can also provide the silicone tubes pretty cheap too. Use Sikasil RTV Clear to ensure there are no mould-inhibitors.
  9. I like the one-liners. They're to the point, no messing around.
  10. I remember the time Steven was in court for mary jane: Cops bring out the 2kg of "evidence" and Steve blurts out "Hey! Where's the other 3kgs!?" He was fuming, but it didn't help his case. The cops were adamant that only 2kg was collected.
  11. shortly after dawn could be the media's way of saying 10am :roll:
  12. the season finished. Season 3 hasn't been confirmed or denied- but they really shot themselves in the foot plotwise. If the general public wanted Mary Jane legalized it would have happened. But we all voted for john key instead. Which WAS a good thing til he lost the plot.
  13. Do you honestly think the money just sits in the bank? The federation has expenses too. Aquarium World, Website hosting, there are some funds in the bank that are already set aside for specific tasks, which cannot be re-distributed. It might pay to check out these details before you assume the federation has money to throw around.
  14. Because MPI like to go overboard. Lots of red tape, likes of time-restraints, lots of paperwork, lots of expenses. Anyone else get the feeling that they want us to give up?
  15. We've had them in our tank before. They cleaned the sand all day. I didn't mind them, she REALLY didn't like them. Much MUCH harder. I have yet to see an African tank that I like.
  16. Homebrew: We had a guy come in to work, ask if he can grab some offcuts for firewood. It saves us dumping it, so sure, go for gold. He asked if it was cool if he brought in a trailer. We said sure, no prob. When he was leaving with his trailer load, he brought in a bottle of homebrew for us to say thanks. It was easily the best Bourbon I have ever tried. Legalisation: Regardless of the information you provide to people, it is still people who make the decision. All of these arguments (to me) seem like a good reason to ban alcohol until NZ can sort out their binging attitude, not to give them more choices. If it's all just to feel good, why not legalise opiates too?
  17. When TV is crap, stream. We watched more of GoT season one (I have both seasons saved to the HDD). It was better than the dribble she was watching the other night.
  18. My wife dislikes corys (not actually corys, starts with B but i forget the proper name :facepalm: ). Especially the albino ones. I dislike cichlids. Not the apistos or angels or kribs, but the ones that all look the damn same at the pet store. Electric blues, Yellows, and bugger all else (in regards to shape and colour). Just my 2c worth. edit: Brochis.
  19. This sort of attitude could put a lot of people off working with you. Not all of us require a particular fish that isn't already here. I am happy with the fish that I have.
  20. :slfg: How much were they after?
  21. The stream he frequents has hundreds, I hope it stays that way.
  22. But if you disregard the media, and actually go out yourself, you notice some very interesting statistics. As a sober driver, you can notice a lot more of what is going on around you. It's not 18-24 year olds out on the town, getting pissed off their feet. They can't afford it. It's the 30-45 year olds. They can afford it, they grew up with it, and they want a good time. And that guy licking that other guy's ear was just plain gross. :sick: There's your issue, not so much the teenagers, but the adults. They're not teaching the kids to drink responsibly. While they're out on the town, the kids buy in bulk and drink at a mates place. Unsupervised. Logan drank the vessel from the 4 Kings game. He puked, como'd out (we kept an eye on him, kept him clean and warm), slept it off on the couch, and woke up with a girl in his arms and no idea where his pants where. In NZ, he's called a legend.
  23. Our culture needs to change for things to get better. Look at the French. They encourage drinking responsibly. Children are brought up with watered down wine, which as they get older becomes less and less watered down. This builds up a tolerance. They frown upon drunkenness. It is not applauded, it is shunned. And the main point, the one I feel NZ has really let us down on, is that when they turn 18, it's not the flick of a switch. In NZ we go age 12 : nothing, 14 : nothing, 16 : with parental supervision (so not much), 18 : Go nuts, you can drink as much as you can buy.
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