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Everything posted by Sheepsnana

  1. My comp finally blue-screened today. Was expecting it to happen a while ago. It's 3 years old. Graphics card is finally on it's way out... I still have half a year on the warranty, so the insides are being fixed tomorrow :thup: THIS is why I went DELL.
  2. Hey, what are you doing on Saturday morning?
  3. This got me in a bit of heated water. Went to send you a link and it was posted instead. :slfg: I'm sure there are a lot more with less hope than the dope smokers.
  4. Keep smiling and stay positive :thup: Don't read this as negativity. We are trying to make sure that you don't pour money into the project, only to find out that you need to go back and do it again, which can be quite disheartening. We want you to succeed.
  5. I'ld expect Tropicals. A little more colour than orange and white.
  6. I asked "Is that the jug that I'm meant to use to fill my tank?" She didn't say anything, but she gave me a look. Kind of like "It's stupid, I know, but mention it again and I will ask you to leave".
  7. Have your laugh. What we are seeing from you is a lot of complaining and no follow through or helpful input.
  8. Care to go into this in more detail? Seems pretty close to a one-liner... Where do you think all of this money is coming from? As mentioned earlier, stores and importers are not desperate to add to the list, as they will be one off profits and then on-going expenses (stocking nice fish that no1 can afford). They are better off selling bread and butter fish. We're not better off, but they are.
  9. Been into a pet store today. 11L tank, hexagonal, and it spins. Like a blender. Tell me I'm not the only one that thinks this is cruel.
  10. If your steel stand looks like this: (birds eye view) ____________ |___|___|___| I thought the ply was to prevent the poly sinking in between the supports? (while the poly on the supports gets squished)
  11. We wouldn't all fit inside. Working on it. Idea's welcome.
  12. :smot: Matua Hall is WAAAAAY better than standing outside my garage...
  13. But if you smoke pot at least you're remembered as a statistic?
  14. If you're worried about presentation, seal the batts behind GIB Aqualine. It'll cost A LOT more though.
  15. 50mm S grade is $22.62 +GST to the off-the-street public. 50mm H grade is $27.80 +GST to the off-the-street public. I got mine for the 30mm S grade price. Didn't realise this til now. :thup:
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