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Everything posted by Bishop

  1. Bishop

    Project AA

    Could be wrong but I am pretty sure rotalla goes red based on phosphate more than iron. They die off at the stem with lack of iron though.
  2. Bishop

    Project AA

    What he said^. It isn't even a little red. Any film or anything on the water? How far away are the lights from the water level?
  3. I meant if the stand is 2mm higher in the middle than at each end and then the ply goes down over that. There is no way the tank can flatten that our as the ply has nowhere to go. Just heaps of stress at each end. Anyway regardless, if it's a steel stand, as you say I doubt it will matter what you lay on top of it, it will just be there to support the poly. Edit: I see what you are doing now. MDF should be fine I reckon, with a layer of poly and the weight of the tank I doubt you will run into issues, could undercoat the MDF if you wanted that extra level of being safe in your mind.
  4. Sounds expensive . I know you have done this before so probably not telling you anything new, but make sure that ply goes down super level middle and at each end. even 12 mm ply can bend so a 2mm difference will put some real stress on your tank. Especially at that length. Sounds like a fun project though.
  5. You will be fine if you brace it, if you are worried use 4 braces, one at each end and 1 at 1/3 and 1 at 2/3.
  6. You take those Joe? Postcard worthy nice photos.
  7. I was doing some reading up on it when I first saw them a while back. Frozen bugs, water spray bottles ect. I would say its safe to assume that for the " dew " to form up like that on an insect it would have to remain still for quite sometime not flapping their wings or moving at all. Wouldn't be surprised to hear that some are real but for every great bit of photography you can find that is real everybody jumps on the bandwagon and when you make money off it you can't really wait around for that perfect shot all morning so its easier to make your own. Regardless of real or fake they are truly stunning images.
  8. Becoming quite common now days, not 100% sure how it's achieved but I know they are set up shots. Not sure if the bugs are dead or glued but I cant imagine them sticking around after having all that water sprayed on them. http://500px.com/photo/8196182 This guy has been doing it for a while and has been in National Geographic a few times. http://500px.com/shikhei?page=2
  9. OMG that is cheap. Looks pretty good. Power supply is a bit on the low side for a 2G graphics card.
  10. You have photoshop or similar? just make canvas double width of screen. If both screens are 1920 x 1080 make canvas 3840 x 1080 and play till you heart is content.
  11. Looks good, the roots on that ech. mush be huge
  12. jesus this has taken a turn for the worse. So you are angry because he could be lying? what reason would he have for lying? because he wanted to shoot her laptop and needed a good reason for it so just decided to make up a facebook post about a daughter he may or may not have that may have not done her chores that may or may not have existed. What if he was a sausage and the laptop was a shoe? Sorry Zuri, I read you posts a few times but your argument changes and doesn't seem to have substance. We have seen an act from a girl that is true, there was a link to her facebook, this was a repeat act and she was warned previously. The father states why he did it and the history. Correct me if I am wrong, but your argument is that we can't debate it because he could be lying? Can you explain about what? I am lost
  13. What? Yes it was dramatic that was the point. I was referring you analyzing their family history as " drama " How do you know and based on what, one action? Pointless debate. I would like to point out though as you said. "as a once trained child trainer is that there are other ways of demonstrating tough love than the way he did it" So you had to be trained before you knew that. There are no manuals when it come to raising children you use what is at your disposal and I think he did that well. YES it could have been treated differently but that could be said about every action you or I have ever made. Would have been no different if he drove over it and even worse if it was a story you heard about and only getting half truths. Don't understand the argument to be honest. Girl broke boundaries Father warned her girl did it again girl faced repercussions
  14. Your response although a fair opinion seems to have nothing to do with the video and more about some deep personal issues you have with parents. :sage: Anyway, most parents do the best they can and based on how they were raised. I think the guy is using all the tools he can to teach his kid right from wrong. And that is a good thing regardless of our opinions of how he went about it.
  15. The girl gave her side on facebook, Kudos to that dad. Social networking was her domain and he jumped on it to show her the repercussions of her actions. Why do you analyze the family history? Because she has been told off before? Why do you make it seem like this is a major drama that other families don't go through? I really don't get the haters. Sure he has approached it differently from what we consider the norm, I will give you that this was even extreme, but not extreme in the punishment in any sense. He has set boundaries, she crossed them for a second time. Who the hell are we to judge what that man does with his family? Stories about how you had it tough and you were a good kid by no means gives you the right to judge another man on how he raises his daughter.
  16. Gutted I haven't really had time to get the tank done. have decided to change the height from 31 to 36 cm and see how I go. 31 cm is very low but it will do if the 36 cm breaks in testing. Almost finalised my plant selection and animates had a sale on glowlights so I grabbed another 10. No idea how much I have now. Can't be more than 30. hopefully have something more to post soon.
  17. Thanks guys hopefully it stays nice. Although the photo does hide a lot.
  18. Pretty much done now. Some minor touch ups here n there.. Would really have liked to use a stain to bring out the wood grain but there was too much filling that needed to be done. Bit of Gruen Transfer going on in the background :nilly: Now for the Tank.
  19. Where would you get the powdered ingredients? I see there is KNO3 on trade me but not much else.
  20. Surely you mock me. I can never really get my head around the nutrients thing. I use the drops from Valray also and have found them pretty good. I started increasing the dosage week by week and trying to observe the results. I just dropped the dosage a little when I noticed BBA starting to emerge. I know that probably doesn't help much but in my experience, it is easier to sustain plants at 90% health and make minor adjustments than to get rid of an algae outbreak.
  21. Do you mean as an adapter for a regulator valve or just try n use the soda stream fitting? Either way I think I am going to pull one of my stands apart just to have a look
  22. That is pretty good, guy here was trying to tell me $200 for a small fire extinguisher bottle. So does anybody know of a place that I can get the fittings for soda stream bottles? every avenue I have gone down seems shut pretty quickly.
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