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Everything posted by hovmoller

  1. Such invaluable treasures destroyed forever for a quick $...
  2. Finally... succes!!! Only around 20 fry remains (I'm guessing because of the very poor fertilization rate through the divider..) But the good news is that both parents are participating in holding them and the fry pass freely through the divider.. It was very intereresting to note that the eggs were somehow passed from female to male on day 5 (halfway to day of release) How they managed that I have no clue.. Some pics: Father with fry: Mother with fry:
  3. Your obsession with fishes eating habits is quite disturbing Henward! :lol:
  4. This is the same as Ryanjury said but just said differently :lol: Yes you still need to mechanically fix the poly to the wall with e.g. flat head nails.. but seal joints with silicone You could do the bottom plate (piece of wood that runs along the floor that the studs sit on top) in treated timber (H3.1) and the rest untreated.
  5. Update: Female has been carrying eggs for the last 6 days but today I came home and she didn't (disappointment again) Until I noticed the male... he is now carrying them!! :bounce: Kids must have passed through the net!
  6. Could someone with experience tell us what ballpark average percentage of fish is lost during import/quarantine? Not talking about "bread and butter" fish here.. but the more "interresting" species.
  7. Makes me think of the ad on TV years ago where a few crafty Kiwis were standing beside the road in the middle of nowhere and were selling bags of "fresh New Zealand air" for $5 to asian tourists passing by in a big bus.. :lol:
  8. So in my fantasy world this is what would happen: 1. HFF/Importer start a thread about which fish (on allow list) people are seriously interrested in. 2. HFF/Importer offer people to buy a % share of x amount of y species for $z per % 3. I pay HFF for 10% of 100 no. of y species. 4. 60 fish show up.. I get 6 fish and HFF returns 66% of what I paid for the last 4 (risk shared 3 ways) 5. I'm happy 6. I manage to breed y species and recover my cost in selling offspring. 7. Voila!.. new species now avaliable in NZ. Perfect world I know..
  9. Importers take risks all the time when importing fish... that is what importers do isn't it?? What Smidey first posted is a situation where the importer (could also include the retailer) has made a sale even before placing the order for the fish overseas.. I don't see why these orders couldn't be more common.. Yes of course the price of the fish may vary depending on how many fish eventually shows up and so on but surely agreements can be made. Eg. HFF&Importer states on this forum that they will import 100 of species x and you can buy at the cost of y amount dollars for a % of fish left after quarantine... Then I might order 10% of that lot (10 fish) but knowing that I might end up only getting 6 fish if some are lost on the way and then a certain discount should be applied so in the end all parties involved share the risk of import. Yes this is complicated and just pulled out of my .... but I'm sure something like this could work so that it would be feasible to import some new species that certain people are after (provided they are on the allow list of course)
  10. Suphew I think you're analysis of cycling in Denmark is spot on People still use the main arterial roads to cycle into the city but cyclists are kept on wide good quality cycle paths and as you said completely separated from other traffic.
  11. The really positive thing here is that as a cyclist wearing a helmet is mandatory.. I have made a few references to where I come from and what a cycling paradise it is (exagerated of course) but the ironic thing is that you don't have to wear a helmet as a cyclist there.. Which IMO is just nuts! When I hit the deck about a year ago and broke some ribs I also cracked my helmet in a few pieces but my head was fine (or at least the same as it was before the accident )
  12. The obvious choice would be Discus.. but that have been done to death off course (myself included) As far as I know angels would not be a problem with Panda but I don't have experience with that myself.. BTW I was picturing your tank in my mind as you were describing it and I was LIKING IT A LOT!! I hope you go with the Peru Altums and that they don't eat the Pandas
  13. My wife's expensive chef knife?? sorry but no..
  14. Yep.. I found that a long thin very sharp knife was the best way to go.. (filleting knife perhaps) I used a long chef kind of knife. You can slide that in behind the filter and cut through the "dots" of black silicone.. Then afterwards when the box is out you can remove the rest with a razorblade or even rub it off with a dry cloth if the silicone is also dry.. This whole thing is WAY easier if the tank is empty but I guess it can be done with water in it.. Also take out everything from within the filter, even the plastic divider that slides down into it, that way you can "bend" the filter a bit more when trying to squeeze in the knife to get to the back silicone dots. The bigger the filter the longer the knife you need.. Be very careful not to poke the knife into the silicone holding the actual aquarium together.. and as Dennis said, removing the filter will void any warranty on the tank.. Good luck (I have done it to both a Rio 300 and a Rio 125)
  15. Barrie/Alan.. Why do you guys keep repeating the same point over and over again... Yes we all agree that cycling can be dangerous and yes if you stubornly stand on your right and just go because it is your right to then yes sometimes you will hit a car and yes then for sure the cyclist will come out worse.. I don't think anyone disagrees with these points! My point is that instead of saying "it's too dangerous to cycle so let's not (or drive another car on the road) why don't anyone talk about why this problem is so bad in New Zealand and what we can do to make motorists and cyclists share the same roads without it being excessively dangerous? In my view it is a culture problem.. I can only compare to where I come from and back there cars and petrol is so expensive that kids can not just buy a car when they turn 16 (and you have to be 18 to drive BTW). This means that EVERYONE bikes around everywhere always... and it is not until you are well into your late 20's that you are finally able to afford a car and by then you would have gotten a great appreciation of what it is to be a cyclist and I think that carries over with you as a motorist... Therefore there is a ot more respect and understanding between motorists and cyclists and far less conflict than what I have experienced here in NZ.
  16. Yes I know I quoted you suphew and I know you didn't call anyone an idiot, it was more to sum up what many had said and I was just a bit annoyed that everyone keeps saying how stupid it is to cycle. In fact I think Tamaki drive is one of the safer places you can go cycling in Auckland.. but that place sees thousands of cyclists every week and as David so eloquintly drescribed earlier they come in all levels of ability to conduct themselves as cyclists.. This makes it one of the places with the highest number of accidents in the country (not to mention when someone ploughs into a whole flok of cyclists in one accident.. this bumps it up quickly in the statistics) But not necessarily an unsafe place to cycle for the individual. BTW they have just made better cycling lanes there now so that is a plus and one of those things that can help improve this whole problem.
  17. This attitude will get cycling nowhere... We can all agree that cycling in certain places is dangerous but all I hear here is how stupid you are if you do this and that.. Wouldn't it be better to acknowledge that we have a problem here and instead of saying you're an idiot if you do this and that we should be saying what can we do to make things better/safer so we can all do this and that without getting hurt?
  18. IMO.. Bad theory.. bad idea.. If you grow out those 4 Texas and keep the current fish in there I'm predicting chaos and death in your 180L tank.
  19. I suddenly feel like becoming a member!
  20. Thanks P44.. and a big HOORAAYYY for the brilliant importing/naming system in place.. I guess I'll just go and ask for "some of those" because they look pretty!!
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