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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. And PSN wont let me sign up and the campaign is boring. I fell asleep twice playing
  2. Two years max. More like 1.5 on average IME
  3. Multiplayer. Part of the games when you get them from a store.
  4. Mozzie larvae will appear outside in the warmer months. Microworms are cultured in porridge and are really easy to keep. White worms or grindal worms, tasty but I have never cultured successfully. Daphnia needs green water which is easy enough. Live Baby Brineshrimp is easy enough.
  5. You'd be surprised how often it happens
  6. I cleaned Davids every five days with the hose. Easy as
  7. Throw some small hidden bits in the tank. Mine devour bamboo
  8. If you're thinking what I'm thinking... My L066 babies could use some coats
  9. Ammonia in the fresh water supply? It happens
  10. I'm using nutrafin bottom feeder food. Cheaper and almost the same.
  11. Removing dead fish can be a real pain when serving customers, although there should be none in the first place
  12. Hopefully going to register Cherry Barbs today :happy1: And I will be registering GBA and L140 today
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