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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. I believe they are 4.95 standard price The buy one get one free was for the weekend only
  2. I know that. But I was merely stating that they are still pretty cheap
  3. Looking good James! Needs more catfish Whats the multibuy on penguins normally? Don't they go down to like $3.50 each?
  4. Tropical is way easier IMO. I run quite a few tanks, everything is happy and breeding. I was at Crazy_Critters yesterday and she has a few AR380's and they look really good set up with a few tetra and plants, apposed to goldfish.
  5. I've had a good look on there. Most places wont ship, or they want a fortune for shipping lol I'll check that place out now Henward
  6. Does anybody know any sites for importing food and gear etc that want payment in USD? I want to take advantage of the exchange rate and stock up on some good stuff
  7. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=42159
  8. How big is the tank? How many goldfish? How big are they? Whats the filtration? Whats your water change regime?
  9. http://www.hollywoodfishfarm.co.nz/detail/view/glo-t5-ho-lighting-system-48/m/1238/
  10. Hang on back with some filter wool over the inlet? Or some sponge
  11. They're only like $30 from HFF
  12. Wouldn't have happened without Mel, Waterlogged and Rabbit Tbars will find their way :lol:
  13. Best I can do for you Cant get pics of the L140 and the barb is too small for my camera to notice without it being a blur
  14. Thought my L140 had been a fail parent (again) and lost his recent batch, but turns out they're hatched and he's looking after them :thup: Also found a baby cherry barb in one of my plec tanks :sml2:
  15. How is everybody going? I managed to lose 5kg when I got really sick and haven't been able to gain it back over the past fortnight :sick: Have been really fatigued when at the gym
  16. It sure does apply to new members Ryan! Maybe I could bring along two spotted bristlenoses as prizes for whoever wins the competition? :roey:
  17. Other animals products are cheaper than most pet shops Will try and get you some pictures when one comes out of hiding The tank has horrid lighting, no gravel and lots of wood and rock
  18. Price depends on who wants it at the time
  19. I'll be selling my bumblebee pleco for $30 to Auckland club members if anybody is interested. Price remains at $50 each to non club members This meeting only though!
  20. L066 kicked today and my GBA is on eggs :happy1:
  21. I can only think of four? :dunno Not sure about St Lukes. Have heard Sylvia Park
  22. Get a master test kit. Its awesome. Also got myself a medium sized easter island head. My male GBA is already inside it fanning haha
  23. But you can with DIY. Just change the amount of yeast next time I also found them helpful for seeing when the mixture needs replacing
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