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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. Maybe they haven't been back online?
  2. I'll try later You're always welcome to pop around and see them
  3. I have to replace one wall and the roof still Grandad's willing to try and my parents are now willing to help haha Thanks Ryan and Hovmoller. I'll just use treated and nail the poly on
  4. Was going to say that I often watch outrageous fortune on demand. Minutes after the shows finished on tv, its uploaded to the site. It should be there
  5. Treated or untreated 2x4 for the stands and wall? Silicone to attach the poly to the wall?
  6. If you're in east auckland I have a temporary tank you can use. Or I can hold the fish for you while you get the tank fixed/replaced.
  7. Alright. I'm no expert on diseases and what not, but maybe another water change? 2 weeks is a pretty big gap (Edit, in my opinion anyway)
  8. 1. What size is your tank? 2. How long was it before you put the angels in? 3. How often do you do water changes?
  9. I have a very nice shiny green female PK that looks like its had its scales painted on if you want to take a look I'll try and take a good picture later
  10. Heating a pond would cost a fortune haha. And its not like in a tank where you can have a nice look at it! Maybe get an equipment upgrade or some new plecs?
  11. Wait till she spawns the Plakats she got from me
  12. All those fish I spawned will be a large mix of stuff bred by Adrienne. Every type of colour or tail in the spawn I have seen in Adrienne's tanks
  13. I hope you're going to cycle that tank haha
  14. When I first asked about Killies the person in the store told me I needed to child proof the tank, with the killies being the children :lol:
  15. If somebody gave them more then what they would earn normally they might.
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