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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. Pictures yet? I think you also mean spotted, not spotlight :lol:
  2. I recall another member raising agassizi in a tank with A LOT of algae. Forgot who it was though. It makes good fry food. I use green water when fighters just finish consuming their egg sacks. Congratulations on the spawning
  3. I guess your kids will just be staying in the cages then :lol:
  4. I'm sorry to hear that Adrienne. If I see any nice fighters come in I'll point you in the right direction
  5. Just found that photo. Can kinda make out the eggs on the left.
  6. I like to lead them on and ask them stupid questions like how do I turn the monitor on :lol:
  7. Hence the reason stores don't call them coldwater anymore :roll: In theory, those guppies and platies I mentioned earlier should be dead Lets not even bother asking kiwiplymouth how his cories in his pond are doing :lol:
  8. Good to hear its going well! I'm keen for a picture or three
  9. I wouldn't use them because of the carbon. In terms of them going brown, cleaning them in tank water will help. Will eventually need replacing. But with the carbon, it'll need replacing every six weeks.
  10. More pleco's=more hiding spots Otherwise you can have aggression issues.
  11. Gravid spots are further down I like howick. Pretty alright area. I know people that have kept tropical platies and guppies outside with no issues. I remember when you could also get coldwater livebearers, cory and algae eaters. That was only 5-6 years ago
  12. None of them look to be females. I may be wrong though. Can you see any with gravid spots?
  13. Buying media will be cheaper in the long run. Even if you were to buy filter wool its only like $5 a bag as opposed to the $7 odds for the replacement cartridge
  14. That picture was just to show the gravid spot. I know what they look like
  15. They are livebearers. Females usually have gravid spots
  16. I will ask at work tomorrow. I forgot the name but a colleague explained it to me.
  17. The "guppies" she bought are not guppies. They're like guppies but coldwater. They're imported all the time
  18. I also thought they needed a steady supply of live food?
  19. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=386144633 I use that. I know David R also just sticks a pump with a hose attached into his water barrel
  20. Three. I got some of the 1/2 styles and I hate them
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