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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. They often get bloated after feeding. If theres air in the shrimp or something. Used to happen to me. Was entertaining to watch haha
  2. How easy is it to DIY a Syphon overflow? =D
  3. My thoughts are a bunch of small tanks each with a male fighter cascading alonge and heated with a decent heater and filtered with my EHIEM ^^
  4. http://www.aquarticles.com/articles/man ... scade.html
  5. Your fish tank is simply amazing
  6. They just slaughtered a good Beatles song....
  7. Whats your favourite fish? Eggs or livebearers? Fish even? Don't breed humans like Ymir suggested!
  8. Oh my bad. I wasn't reading the thread just felt like jumping in with some practical from economics
  9. What year was that and what was the rate? I'll give you it in real terms ^^
  10. I was told i'd be called for a job interview after speaking to the manager. The interview would have either been in 1 or 2 weeks. That was 8 weeks ago...
  11. Good design i think? Haha Turn the 90L into a sump
  12. I was stating wild caught over bred stock. INFLATION =[
  13. FAAAAAAAR OUT. I thought 2 demons a day was bad....
  14. Holy wow that is a lot of V. I used to be addicted to energy drinks. 7 months clean =D New years resolution
  15. A fighter bought off Adrienne spontaniously died on the way home in the bag =[
  16. Welcome to NZ =D Best to put what place in NZ you are =p If you're in, say, Christchurch, Us aucklanders wont be much help when it comes to those tanks ^^
  17. Wild caught fish cost more, seeing as they are RARER and all :roll:
  18. Tanks too small for discus and pictus, from what i've read. Put up a diagram of your wet/dry trickle filter? =]
  19. KNO3 is pottasium nitrate KH2PO3 is Monopotasium phosphate Do plants use FeII or FeIII? P44 we need your help
  20. Other tetra and the Clown Loach are both schoolers too =p
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