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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. I have looked it up. Couldn't find anything. Was hoping you guys knew something I didn't =/ Why? Lol i woke up at 6.15 -.- got some science test at 7.30 I couldn't think of that site's name. I was thinking catchaflight? haha
  2. Any trains that we'd be able to sleep on? That run through the night?
  3. Per person? So far thats $200 to travel on train or $72 on bus =/
  4. You could quite possibly get arrested for that sentance, if you put your mind in the gutter...
  5. My girlfriend has a lot of family in Wellington. And a few friends. For ages shes been wanting to "pull an all nighter" by taking a train to welly, seeing everyone, going home via train, something like that. I was thinking we could try make a holiday out of it. Hopefully be able to stay with her family. If the two of us save till the end of the year, we should have plenty for it. (provided i don't decided I need more fish ) Any suggestions on transport? So far cheapest has been bus, then plane(surprisingly) then train? I cant find a cheap train =/ This is about 5 months away, and knowing how teenage relationships go, chances are it wont happen. But hey, if it did it would be sweeeeet Any ideas?
  6. My slow internet didn't load the pictures. I thought you were talking about a kid at first
  7. This is daddy dearest and the kids This is the rest of my set up This is the tank i plan to put the males in
  8. Are the danios currently in cold water? Breeding fighters needs multiple tanks. To get rid of snails buy some loaches. Animates currently has a snail on a loach that will remove snails. 25L is enough for one fighter yeah. A small school of tetras with them will be ok. Having a fighter as the centerpiece limits choices with the other fish. Tetras, cory's, bristlenose plecos. loaches. No fin nippers
  9. All my fish are straight. My spawn the other day had hardly any eggs and my female wasn't interested from the get go. I assume it was, how do i put this, invoulentry? Try the mirror thing. Maybe the little man is blind? Find a fish he's likely to conflict with. I threw a guppy in with my sad fighter who is happy as larry. Well not any more, that guppy got stuck inside the power head of my HOB. But hey, the fighters happy
  10. Still looks 41.6 times better then anything i've ever done :roll:
  11. Sweeeet. They've hatched now =] Went to have a look, male was rather intrested in trying to attack me instead of tending to his kids, so i turned off the lights and left haha
  12. I'm loving it =D Make on with 600L tank on the bottom and make it for water dragons Why don't you just turn a room of your house into one? =D
  13. At my parents house I had a tank tucked beside the bed, one in the cupboard, one on my desk, chest of drawers and on a stand. Room was packed full of fish stuff :lol:
  14. Shot. I knew that microworm culture was worth it =p
  15. I really look forward to raising these little guys =D Brineshrimp first? Microworms?
  16. This little boy http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =300965119 with a blue HM I had a nice similar coloured one to the male, but she was very unresponsive. I think she hurt herself on the bottle. Need to find something better then my soldering iron to make the holes! Pink HM PK with a blue HM What will the genetics be like?
  17. I have awesome news =] I THINK I HAVE EGGS!!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: White spheres in the bubble nest, female hiding, male defending the nest from her (and his reflection) I'm not sure if i do, it could just be funny bubbles. But judging by the behaviour of the male, i think its eggs. I released the female, and then forgot =/ So i don't know what happened. Not as many eggs as expected but i think they are eggs none the less! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: 8)Too many smileys 8)
  18. I'd put my bet on female after reading that =D
  19. I'm supposed to be running 7 tanks off 2 power plugs -.-
  20. When you put the water into the tank, did you use a hose? Bucket? Often when putting water into the tank it can throw up a bit of dirt. When i put water into my planted tank, even if i try my hardest not to, i throw up a bit of sand. Give it time to settle grettle =D
  21. =] I'm sixteen and I often will be looking at fish. My mates come over to play LAN games, and i'll be checking the forums and then we all die and they get angry ^^
  22. well, I asked him what they were, and he said "mosquito fish" Leopard fish are illegal? Gambusia is illegal for sure? ....
  23. MTA WHAT! I should play that with you. I think i have GTA SA somewhere on a HDD
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