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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. His system is awesome. I'd love to try and copy it
  2. Your school care taker sold me some platies on sunday. Tried to convince him to jump on the forums =p I'm year 12 at Pakuranga
  3. Anybody in/near glenfield and able to pick up some fish? I'd be happy to give some of the fish i'm purchasing to the person that picks up I'm in howick/botany and are unable to get out that far but i'd love to buy an auction for some peppered corys. Was wondering if anybody was able to assist?
  4. Hi, the end walls are approx 1cm thick, sides and top are around 6mm. The bottom is reinforced with extra glass. It's a really solid sturdy tank... weighs a ton. The only reason the top got broken is my husband dropped a hammer on it from a height accidentally while it was in our garage! Hypothetically speaking that is the reply to the question. Hypothetically speaking I will put as much into obtaining this tank as I can. I will get it fixed too =] On another note, I have for sale a 60-30-38 tank. $25. A unicycle. And possibly other stuff I can find ^^ A piece of glass 45 wide for the brace wouldn't cost more then $15 right? :roll:
  5. This is hypothetically me trying to fulfill my discus dream as cheap as possible. And hypothetically, this tank is on an auction currently at a price a teenager can afford. And hypothetically the owner has a broken brace. So hypothetically i cannot access the tank till purchase
  6. Ok, so in a hypothetical situation, my tank is 90cm long, 45 wide and 50 high. The center bracing on top of the tank is broken. Is it essential i have it fixed?
  7. I saw these yesterday. They're wicked
  8. I haven't had a wheel since good ol' PS1 =D I don't play GTA, haven't in a long time. Silly Sam is AlWAYS playing during hardcore fish convos...
  9. Been feeding microworms and a bit of liquafry. As P44 suggested. Need to figure out how to hatch my shrimp =/
  10. Did said little birdie eat the zebra pleco? :lol:
  11. She'll be 16 and a half by then 8) Yeah, been trying my best.Her parents gave me the evils just holding hands :-? Unfortunately I don't do any of that stuff =/ (the fishing stuff, not the other stuff :lol: ) Edited this. Because my wording came out wrong -.-
  12. Almost sixteen. Plan to do this for our one year in jan. Seems like I'm really thinking ahead for a teen relationship, but its an incentive to save =] And hey, if her and I fail or whatever, I have a heap of money to spend on fish 8)
  13. I look like the wrong crowd though. High up there kid asked me if i was "stonned" in maths the otherday because i looked tired. I told him I've never done drugs in my life and he didn't believe me haha. Looks are decieving Also, I am the male that is dating her daughter. And males usually have certain organs that parents want to keep away from their daughters. I lost the fight before it started :lol: :lol:
  14. Speaking to her before, she knows her parents would never let her. They don't seem to be too keen on me $49 each way would be an awesome price. Same as the train =-D
  15. Looks really nice. I like how with dwarf cichlids you can have gorgeous breeding tanks :lol:
  16. Have they been brought up around other axos? My two were male and female and didn't often fight. Then again i kept them well fed. Males are more slender. Females are thicker
  17. Lighting is nice. Makes it easier to look at. The little turtle would probably enjoy a heat lamp?
  18. Slight problem. I'm 16 I'd hate to see something mean cheap or whatever and realise I cant buy haha
  19. =] I've lost so many fighters its not funny. No deaths is always nice =p
  20. Thats my theory. Taking the scienic train down would be nice. Leave for home on a night, giving us that day to do stuff also.
  21. I was thinking take the scenic train down. Fly back up. Fingers crossed her mum approves and we can stay with her family And that I get the job I applied for =p
  22. i ment to say a special on loaches. Striata Loach. Get a fighter off HFF or a private breeder =]
  23. "Hi, I'm a goldfish. I grow huge and thrive in the worst of conditions."
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