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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Opened the post today to find over $2,000 worth of bills! Almost half of it (only 3 bills) is insurance, which has gone up $377.00 this year. Bah humbug.
  2. My pond, when I set it up, tends to be warmer than my tropical tank and can sit around 28C. I would suggest no more than a degree per day, depending on the fish species as some are only semi tropical anyway so will adapt to the lower temps a lot faster.
  3. Photos and article please someone! Doesn't have to be long winded (people prefer pics anyway) just the basic owners' and fish names, tank dimensions etc. :bounce:
  4. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    There are little kids there too so they are always up early, not matter what they did the night before
  5. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I assume all the New World supermarkets do it but ours had their 'special day' they have every year at this time. Staff dress up and wander about offering free goodies. I went shopping and enjoyed a small piece of chocolate cake, salmon dip on crostinis, salmon fresh on a spoon, cheese and bacon croissant, choc coated strawberry, pikelets with jam and cream plus a 3 nut and cranberry mix (over the course of the day) On a sour note, I have had to call noise control on the neighbours again. Why they think the rest of us want to hear their music, profanity filled conversations, and their little motorbike being ridden around the lawn, I can't imagine. I was put on hold when I rang - turns out I was not the first to complain! I had gone over earlier about the music and got a quick apology and it was turned down immediately but alas, it did not last. When the music from there drowns out our TV, through double glazing, it is too loud.
  6. Good grief they are only leopardfish. Certainly not worth anything like that But if they can find someone willing to pay that then good luck to them. Caveat emptor
  7. It's a little added excitement for the fish hovmoller at the start of their outdoor holiday Similar to a bungy jump without the extra bounce :thup:
  8. I have thrown tropical fish into an outside pond over summer months. Guppies, swords, platies, lots of barbs and tetras, danios and bristlenoses immediately come to mind.
  9. You have obviously not seen a blue heron fishing in a pond. It is unbelievable how large a fish they can grab, and how fast!
  10. It is also possible he can afford to heat said pond and perhaps had oscars or other large cichlids in it. A heron could clean out a pond in a matter of hours too.
  11. Ducks can make an awful mess in a pond. I don't thionk geese lay daily and their eggs are almost double hen sized ones.
  12. Caryl

    south americans

    I am now confused (not a rare state). I thought you were asking if anyone had a tank but you now say you have them in one and have a 6ft for them to go into. What are you asking?
  13. What time and/or day suits you? I am working tomorrow and out Wednesday night. Otherwise, any afternoon or evening should be fine. Do you understand the PM system? If so I can send address details etc.
  14. I'm sorry about your fish. A timely reminder to all to be wary of using sprays near a tank. I knew to keep the spray from going in the tank but the thought of the resulting dying insects had not occurred. Mind you, my tank is totally covered so it would not happen so I am lucky in that respect.
  15. For plastic stuff locally you could try Roselands Garden Centre, the $3 Shop, or that Gifts 4 U place (not sure of the name) where Millers used to be, in Blenheim. If you want some live stuff I am over-run with red Rotala again. You are welcome to some.
  16. I can see the first and third but not second and fourth as he has moved them in his Photobucket so broken the link. Welcome David
  17. Caryl

    south americans

    I'm sure we realise you meant fish but which species? More detail will help give you the help you are asking for.
  18. If you mean me, I checked and it was turned off!
  19. I have just set up, and decorated, my Christmas tree... You can't see the pretty lights flashing on it though.
  20. Found this... Let the carpet dry completely if the stain is wet. Use a dull butter knife to remove any excess rust or white debris from the carpet. Work carefully; avoid pulling the carpet threads off the backing. Mix a solution of mild detergent, such as dish soap, with cool water. Avoid using antibacterial soap. Clear soap, without dye, is the best choice. Put two squirts of soap into a spray bottle, and fill it with cool water. Spray the stained area with the soap solution. Use a clean cloth to blot the area. Avoid rubbing because this will push the stain down into the fibers. Just blot until the stain lifts off the rug onto the cloth. Rinse out the cloth often. Let the carpet dry once you have removed as much of the stain as possible with the soap. Create a solution of 2 cups of lemon juice and 1 tsp. of salt in a spray bottle. Use this solution if the soap does not remove the stain. Let the carpet dry before spraying the lemon solution on the stain. Blot the stain again with a clean cloth. Let the carpet dry. Mix a paste consisting of cream of tartar and water. Use enough tartar to cover what remains of the stain. The consistency of the paste should be similar to toothpaste. Spread the paste over the stain, and let it sit for an hour. Blot off the paste with a clean cloth and cool water. Read more: How to Remove Rust & Water Stains in Carpet | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_6146069_remove- ... z2Drll51qr
  21. :slfg: When you type the address to get the picture from, that website doesn't actually have the picture. It then gets the picture from where it is held so you can see it. Your computer then holds that pic in its cache (on your hard drive) so that next time you go to have a look you are actually seeing it from the copy on your computer, not the website. To see it displayed here, it needs to be a direct link from the original pic on a site that allows you to do so (ie Photobucket, Flicker, Imageshack etc). At least I think that is what he's saying Otherwise... it doth breakest thine interwebs :roll:
  22. One day I went into Photobucket and it said "here is the new layout, if you want to keep the old one then click here". So I did.
  23. It is my understanding the male is thinner and darker than the female and they have been bred in aquaria but not very often. Kudos to you if you manage it
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