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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. The initials pH stand for "Potential of Hydrogen." Acids have pH values under 7, and alkalis have pH values over 7. If a substance has a pH value of 7, it is neutral-neither acidic or alkaline. Because the pH scale is logarithmic, a difference of one pH unit represents a tenfold, or ten times change. For example, the acidity of a sample with a pH of 5 is ten times greater than that of a sample with a pH of 6. A difference of 2 units, from 6 to 4, would mean that the acidity is one hundred times greater, and so on. Therefore, 6.0 is very acidic.
  2. A 60L tank is not big enough for sharks.
  3. Caryl


    Fish don't care much plants like 10 - 12 hours
  4. It may also be a case of old age.
  5. Most of us belong to multiple forums!
  6. Hi limegirl and welcome to another Aussie.
  7. It is normal in a new tank.
  8. Caryl

    Brown Algae

    Is this a new tank? If so, it is normal and will disappear as the plants grow and the tank cycles then matures over time.
  9. See how you go with the ones you have but remember your tank isn't very big and you don't want to overstock
  10. Sorry about your loss. I suggest you stay away from oscar until you have calmed down a bit. Alternatively - fish for tea! Caper, as fish get bigger they will eat anything smaller so it doesn't matter how long they have been tank mates - smaller fish = food.
  11. Fish are like people - they have different personalities (or should that be fishnalities? :-? ). It can depend on the sex and dominace of each particular fish. I would not have said that red eyes are particularly noted for their aggressiveness.
  12. I think it says on the box Caper. Somewhere it has "equivalent to 100w" etc.
  13. Some tetras like to chase the guppy tails Caper - not the neons though
  14. That is a lot of fish for a new tank. This brown outbreak is normal in a new tank and should settle down as the tank completes cycling and balances and the plants grow bigger.
  15. Most councils have bylaws regarding the depth of the pond being built. 18" is the usual maximum (which is why the fibreglass and plastic ones you buy are so shallow) before any consents need to be sought but this varies from council to council. I have 2 baths sunk into my garden which, theoretically, should be fenced! In Marlborough, only 18" is too shallow as it gets too hot here unless you build in a shaded area.
  16. Also, I would be wary of tetras with guppies (depending on which ones you are thinking of)
  17. Caryl

    Some plecos

    More what - Scooby snacks? :lol: Show us your plecs Z
  18. rummy nose teras or harlequins
  19. No (and, as you can see, I have all the stars so speak from experience) No T shirt fairy either
  20. We used to have an octopus but rarely saw it as it was very small and hid in the sand. He escaped one day and was fluffed to death on the carpet
  21. It is merely related to the number of posts made. PS. If you want to email me a pic of you in the shower madcookie I would be happy to grade you accordingly
  22. Children, children stop this useless bickering at once!! :evil: Just to add my 2 cents worth, I have never lost a daphnia culture for inexplicable reasons and have had them continually for about 15 years now. I can get free brine shrimps and eggs 'cos I live near Lake Grassmere! Baby axolotls will not care about the nutritional value of their food so give them plenty and give them variety. No problem!
  23. I do not breed goldfish but I understand they lay their eggs to stick to plants like the undersides of lily leaves. The male comes along behind and fertilises the eggs as they are laid. Eggs and fry will be eaten if kept in the same aquarium. They can interbreed as they are all just variants of the same type of fish.
  24. Some plants don't like to be moved and to help them cope they will drop a lot of leaves to concentrate on a few. They should take off again. By the way I posted some rotala to you today
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