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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl


    I htink it is time you got back to full time work billaney - too much time on your hands! :lol:
  2. Better in my lake than over the footpaths outside the houses of the rich
  3. Gee when I had them they cost me $5 each :lol: (that was a few years ago)
  4. and you are on my magic list
  5. Pics and an article for the Aquarium World would be much appreciated when you have finished it Tony. Two articles even - one on building the stand and another on setting up the actual tank
  6. Yeah and you can see the Isuzu parked in the driveway! :lol:
  7. Stompa how did you make your pots and do you have a bigger pic of them?
  8. My Jebos both came with filter media. Do you have them down there that don't? I have never seen them without media included. I know Fluval used to sell with and without media.
  9. Go buy a LOTTO ticket or the equivalent Frenchy! From reading the link, there may be some residual effects but it is non carcinogenic and you will still be able to reproduce Am curious, why was the pond filled with bleach? Hope they removed the fish first!
  10. Caryl


    or photoshopped?
  11. Hi and welcome Al. Not kept discus myself but there are some keen addicts in here. I think you would have access to more medications over there wouldn't you?
  12. She does not need a male.
  13. Landscapers are back today. They think the leak is around one of the pylons so are re-doing it (pouring Emulsifier 93, I think they called it, down there too) plus lifting all the rockwork around the edge and coating the sealant higher underneath. Pond holds approximately 6,600 litres (when it isn't leaking) apparently.
  14. Ignore Ira Caper - like the rest if us do :lol: Just don't use a heaped teaspoon (sorry, half a teaspoon) of liquid
  15. I doubt it evaporates that fast at this time of year. Besides, it also rained overnight (1.0mm) :lol:
  16. pH down is only a temporary measure as you have found. Put some peat (make sure it is natural and has no mould inhibitors in it) in your filter or in some old pantyhose and tuck it out of sight in the tank somewhere.
  17. Over the past 24 hours the level has dropped 1.5cm.
  18. So what tank does that one go in? Very nice fish - err bike 8)
  19. I find Java fern most hardy and adaptable to all sorts of temperatures, pH and light conditions. Anubias isn't fussy about light either.
  20. Angels are peaceful (except the ones who aren't ) but will eat anything that fits in their mouths. When small they will be fine but a large angel will happily eat neons.
  21. You would be most welcome POMEREEF. I didn't have to do as Pegasus suggested as I could lean out from the end deck and hold an old broom handle at arms length to have it in the deepest part of the pond
  22. Caryl


    A lot of them will do that occasionally. Not only do they burp but they let go at the other end too
  23. You sneaky boy. I will try that but we are sure it is very slowly still dropping and Grant thought it would seal more once a bit of junk had settled too. Level isn't low enough yet to work out if it is just an adge leak or all over. You asked about the trees earlier. There is one large silk tree overhanging and it does not have a root system that will cause problems. The leaves, when they drop, are very fine so should not clog the filter or make too much mess. Because of the prevailing winds (and anyone who has been here knows we get strong ones here) most of the leaves will be blown away from the pond anyway.
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