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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I am going to have to come and visit you :lol: Where in Ireland are you? We are planning a trip to Scotland so could venture a bit further afield while over there
  2. Caryl

    Import list.

    On the MAF site
  3. Caryl

    Westy too

    It must be a wide or high tank for a 4ft to hold 500L. Africans are interesting. Always something going on in the tank. Plenty of movement. Welcome.
  4. I have to wonder about the mentality of some people. If my mother did that I wouldn't hate her, I would be concerned about how she felt as I am sure it wasn't deliberate. Grow up guys and show some empathy towards others.
  5. Yes! You go to walk up the stairs and can't lift your leg cos your trousers (even very lightweight natural fibre ones) have stuck to your knees :lol:
  6. You must be working out the wrong muscles Anna I have rarely found a loo seat so bad I had no wish to touch it.
  7. What water bills? We don't pay for ours
  8. It isn't the heat, it is the humidity that makes it worse.
  9. Can't see the glass and wondering why they aren't moving forward?
  10. Caryl

    River tank

    I have room in my pond if anyone is coming over this way? Anyone attending the Wine Festival next weekend? It is Blues Brews & BBQs beer fest today.
  11. I wouldn't put convicts in with anything! Worse than rabbits. Known as the "just add water and they will breed" fish. Only need a small amount of it too :lol: Mine were more vicious than yours Anna_&_Chris and they attacked anything that moved - including other convicts.
  12. I have always found these fish will breed if they want to, or not if they don't, regardless of conditions :roll: They particularly favour tight spots in, or under, driftwood.
  13. Yeeha! Tell them we will be good babysitters and make sure you behave and go to bed early
  14. Caryl


    Just a bit bigger than the fishes. Doesn't have to be huge. Most fish prefer a tight fit (within reason). The size of the opening is more important as they can more easily defend a small one from predators.
  15. Is that the cheapest for the train these days? Check the bus - a lot cheaper - esp if you are a student
  16. We could possibly offer rides to anyone from Blenheim on a first in first serve basis. If you wanted to come up on the train wilson we could take you from there. Cheaper than flying. This will be a limited offer!
  17. LOTS of socialising! I always find I learn more in the social gatherings than from any formal meetings or talks but that may be just me. Only one short talk before the AGM itself and a very interesting speaker on a subject of interest to all, especially fish breeders More details on what to expect in the magazine, or posted here within a few days.
  18. Caryl


    I suspect the only difference would be the cherry flavouring. Both are Erythromycin ethyl succinate and both are gluten free! I assume you know the suspension must be kept refrigerated. You can also get Erythromycin stearate (also gluten free) but do not know how this differs from the ethyl succinate. Neither Dr was able to hazard a guess for me :-?
  19. There will be a slight delay as I have waited for finalised prices so I could add registration forms for Top of the South '08 conference - to be held in sunny Nelson. You will still get the magazine in February - just not in the first week as is usually the case. I hope you will all consider attending conference this year (Queen's Birthday weekend May 30 - June 2. Nelson have put a huge effort into the organisation and have great things planned. We don't want to hear "it is too expensive to travel to the South Island" as we South Islanders are always paying to go north for conference! Book early and get cheap fares. Sign up to Grab A Seat for really cheap flight deals. We may even consider going the extra mile to pick some up from the ferry terminal (an hour and a half drive from Nelson so perhaps a donation towards fuel would help) but this is still being discussed as to feasability. Nelson is a popular destination and books out quickly this weekend so it is vital accommodation is booked before the cut-off date or rooms will not be held. More information to be found in the February Aquarium World plus this site (soon. Registration forms will also be downloadable from here once we have them finished)
  20. A female guppy can store sperm for many months and have several broods without being anywhere near a male. As long as they are big enough to do the job the current males can impregnate her (but she will already have stored sperm from the previous male(s). Keep her in the main tank then. Java moss is ideal for the fry to hide in
  21. A female guppy that isn't pregnant is a rare thing They can drop fry every 4 - 6 weeks. Transferring her to a breeding trap may cause her to abort. Better to leave her in the main tank with lots of floating fine leaved plants for the fry to hide in.
  22. Bud is so important he gets pics all to himself
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