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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. How old is it? I didn't think they had been out that long, isn't it still under warranty?
  2. If you want something the kids can see I would go for goldfish. The natives etc all have natural camouflage and hide a lot.
  3. We taught him to talk but he also rings like the telephone! Along with the testing, puddy tat and sneeze sayings, he says "give us a kiss" (after spending a week at my parents') "CQ, CQ" (an amateur radio term) and wolf whistles. Tonght he was watching the Aquarium World coming off the printer and decided to taste test a few pages :roll:
  4. When I first saw the title I thought the aro had died :-?
  5. He goes free range every night from about 5pm til 8 or 9pm. He flies the length of the house and isn't clipped. Very disconcerting for visitors when they enter the hall to have a budgie zoom past at head height! :lol: We always warn visitors when he is out as many people are scared of birds flying about inside. He spends a lot of his time in the computer room with us. When I am in chat he is often bouncing across the keyboard muttering "Testing! Testing!" or "I tawt I taw a puddy tat" among other things. He also sneezes. He usually forgets to say "bird flu!" first though :roll:
  6. Plantgeek is a great site. I refer to it often.
  7. I have heard of people, in warmer areas, throwing their oscars into the swimming pool over summer.
  8. Most Erythromycin pills are 400mg each. It as been suggested 400mg/100L. Someone else said 250mg/100L. I seem to remember using 4 pills in my 280L tank which was probably overkill but I didn’t know the dosage at that point and it certainly worked without harming the filters or fish. I dissolved the pills in about ½ cup of water. They dissolve very slowly as they have a coating on them. Give them a stir every now and then to speed up the process. Once dissolved add it to your tank, swirling the water around to spread it quickly. The stupid fish will think it is food and try to eat it but don’t worry about that. You should notice the cyano dying off within 24 hours or so. It is important to keep siphoning up the stuff as it dies or it will pollute the tank. After 3 days, dissolve and add another dose, siphoning out the dead cyano remains as required. Erythromycin is a prescription only medication.
  9. Someone asked the other day what Bud has been up to lately. He is getting very excited about going to conference and has been helping pack (well, unpack actually. He can fling T joints quite a distance!) second hand goods ready for the "make-an-offer" box. He has taken to perching in the spider plant. This wouldn't be so bad except he nibbles on it as well so the lower parts are dying off :roll:
  10. 18 was the most we ever had. Down to 1 240L now (although I have 5 sitting empty) and a 6,600L (approx) pond
  11. It gets hot in ChCh in summer
  12. Sit them in the sun 8)
  13. I breed barbs outside here in summer.
  14. Just bring it with you thanks wok. Dave is bringing the banner too as they borrowed it for the Fish Show.
  15. They aren't that great outdoors in my opinion as they are very hard to see from above (as you would look down on them in the pond). They don't stand out like gold or red goldfish :-?
  16. I've imagined he sent his imaginary reg, money and everything! :lol:
  17. Try not to land on the dog fishtv :lol:
  18. Searching river banks after floods is a good idea as extra always gets washed downstream.
  19. You think we could run a book on how long he lasts?
  20. Husband Grant is agreeing with everything tHE cONCH said. It needs 500mg of the meds but since it isn't stated whether the 4% is volume or weight, we don't know how to relate the 500mg to whatever's in the bottle. Grant came up with 500mg of meds but since we don't know what the 4% relates to we can't say how much to use.
  21. Come on over Caper. I am sure we could use more possum hunters! Hi and welcome Benny. Odd job for someone to take up I would have thought.
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