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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    name my rooster

    My son suggests Starsky (cos he is in a hutch - sounds a bit suss to me) Daughter outlaw said Huggy Bear as he was a pimp with a harem of girls
  2. This reminds me of the lumberjack song... I wish I was a girlie, just like my dear papa! :lol:
  3. The cops are going digital these days so you will not be able to pick them up on any scanner for much longer. They have already changed in the Hutt valley I think. You will see a lot of scanners starting to appear on trade sites as people realise they won't be able to use them much longer. You can, however, still listen to ambulance and fire service and some other services.
  4. My BNs often get patchy at times with no apparent adverse effects.
  5. Are those Infinity Systems gas or electric? What difference do they add to the power bill compared with a hot water cylinder?
  6. I really get annoyed when shops sell certain fish as "coldwater" species when in fact they are not. They can tolerate cooler temperatures than most tropicals (eg down to 18C) but not cold! :evil: White clouds and the mussel are coldwater. Danios need 18C or more and the other two are tropical. 22 Lires is a very small tank and you have too many fish for a tank that size. Danios need a long tank as they are fast swimmers and reach high speeds. They are also a shoaling fish and are best kept in groups of 6 or more. Assuming your flagfish are Jordanella floridae, they will get up to 6cm and need more room. What sex are your swordtails? They need to be kept in a sex ratio of 1 male to 2 or 3 females. Of course, if you have two males you might be fine but the larger one will probably harass the smaller one to death as well as attack other fish. If you have females, have you considered what to do with the resulting fry? They can store sperm for many months so were most likely pregnant when you bought them. White spot is an indicator of stress and/or poor water quality. I would keep the white clouds and mussel and return the rest. Get more white clouds once the tank tests are clear. Watch the mussel. If it dies it will go off very fast and kill everything else in the tank. Since you already have white spot this is a distinct possiblity. The fish are most likely sick (fin rot and/or ammonia burn) as well as damaged due to fin nipping. The tank has been going 2 and a half weeks, why would you need to clean the filter? That is where the good bacteria grows. If you keep cleaning it you will kill off the good bacteria and the tank will never cycle. Have you read any articles about tank cycling yet?
  7. Grant scans police and ambulance all the time as he needs to know when a fault comes up on the system (he repairs some of it). Some of the stuff you hear from the police is very funny. I am glad they are able to retain a sense of humour through some of the stuff they have to deal with.
  8. Lately I have heard a farmer explaining abut her cows' scours while I have been eating. That is off-putting! :lol:
  9. I have just emailed my plumber friend so hopefully will have an answer for you soon, unless someone else is able to give you a definitive answer. Lindyloo, I would be going the plumber for his insurance to cover it as it was his mistake.
  10. It will be in the November issue
  11. One eye and the missing scales suggests to me he may have injured the eye, rather than have a bacterial infection. A sudden fright may have had him get jammed in a tight spot somewhere, rather than have been attacked. I would separate him and keep him in excellent water conditions. As I do not use medications I can't advise you on this
  12. It is good to see some are amused by so little. Stay happy
  13. Does the Oates cloth do as well as the Enjo ones are supposed to? I have a friend who works as a motel cleaner and she swears by the Enjo cloths, also no cleaners involved, but they are very expensive. I wondered if the Oates one was a similar cloth.
  14. Do snail bowls run fast or at a snail's pace? 8)
  15. Since you enjoyed your mistake so much I merely moved it to off topic LOL
  16. Caryl

    name my rooster

    So what did you finally name dad?
  17. At least you realised before adding it to the tank! :lol:
  18. I felt it here in Blenheim. Like bdspider, I thought I was having a dizzy spell then I noticed the hanging plants were swinging. Grant hadn't felt it and really didn't believe me until he looked it up on geonet :roll:
  19. Well done pufferfishnz! :bounce: Something that impresses at an interview is if you do your homework about the prospective employer beforehand and are able to ask a pertinent question to show you have researched them before the interview
  20. The Bonn Brush man has bottle brushes of various thicknesses. Tie one to a long bit of wire. Fluval (or Eheim) make such things you can buy
  21. Wrong time of year to start daphnia, wait until summer. No need for aeration unless you are trying to transport them in a small jar - then they die real fast! Dahnia are good for clearing green water in a tank but bigger fish eat them fast! You usually get them from someone with an existing culture. I am able to start mine just by leaving a container of green water outside!
  22. Caryl

    Pond cleaners

    No good for us Caper - we don't have a barn :lol:
  23. We can still get onto the Internet wok, just no emails. Xtra says it is a problem they are experiencing with a few customers and they are working on it :roll: Ira - I am ignoring you :lol:
  24. Hmmm PMs seemed to have stopped now too. I sent 2 and they appear to have been opened but no replies. Of course neither recipient may have sent one :roll:
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