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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Tuck it into a certain someone's silage pit :lol:
  2. Caryl


    Are you going to post in the "where did your user name come from" thread? :lol: As a side note, I once picked up some discus in Palmy, had them bagged and in a poly box in the car as we travelled south, over on the ferry, floated overnight at my place, then continued on their journey to Christchurch - with no problems whatsoever. If they are bagged correctly they actually travel quite well.
  3. Caryl


    Welcome. There are a number of fish keepers in Taranaki. They are still a club but they don't have meetings. Contact me if you want some local names and contacts
  4. It is Murphy's Law. When you have a particular species - so does everyone else and you can't give them away. If there is a particular species you want, they are not often seen and expensive when they do come up for sale :roll:
  5. My formative years were spent on a farm so we had lots of animals of various sorts. When I was a teen we had some goldfish in a tank inside then dad built a pond. When I got married we decided to buy a tank - or two. Eventually ended up with 18 tanks as the kids got into it too and wanted their own tanks with different species breeding and not able to be put in with others etc etc etc. We then saw an advert late '88 asking if anyone was interested in starting a aquarium club in Blenheim - and here we are, still in the club and still keeping fish, although down to 2 tanks again. :roll:
  6. I certainly got one when Frank told Grant he looked like he needed more meat - then proceeded to cut some and feed it to him...
  7. Who has those for sale?
  8. Caryl

    omg omg!!

    Exciting isn't it? :lol:
  9. Never thought of trackers! :lol: The plants do get out of hand quite rapidly. A good thing I don't use fertilisers or CO2
  10. 120L would be fine. No smaller though! I would get a fish of a similar size to the lone inhabitant though or one might get bullied.
  11. Grant has dealt with many of them through his work with our customers. He says they all have their problems and are as good, or bad, (depending on your point of view) as each other. :roll:
  12. All talk and no action so far
  13. Just algae. Won't harm anything.
  14. BNs either breed or they don't. Does not seem to have anything to do with what we do to encourage them :-? I had mine for about 5 years before they suddenly kept producing spawn after spawn. They did this for a few months then stopped for another few years. They have started again recently but I have no idea whether the parents are the originals, or some of the previous fry. I just leave them to go as they want in the tank. I definitely have at least 10 adults (that is as many as I can count in one view as the tank is heavily planted) but I know there are more, just can't get them to line up in the front - plus fry of varying sizes. I know there were 16 adults (and no fry) about a year ago when we cleaned out the tank to get the plants under control because we counted them as they were caught :roll: They are not that prolific in a community tank as only a few survive to adulthood.
  15. Caryl

    Hi there

    Welcome Melanie. No need to "do" anything with those bristlenose fry. They will look after themselves. No need for special food or anything as they can suck on the bottom feeder pellets just like mum and dad 8)
  16. They could be! It is hard to tell but perhaps they slipped by MAF by being mislabelled You don't think I will get a MAF visit do you?
  17. Don't buy the cheap no brands as they are not made of as good a quality plastic as the dearer branded ones IME
  18. Hi there. Hope you enjoy your time in the fishroom.
  19. Definitely not copperus or metallicus :-? We have not managed to sex them but assume the one looking lost is the male. Until I learn more about them I am loathe to offer any food at all, in case it is the wrong sort! So far it does not seem to bother them - neither has the lack of water so I guess it is a moot point whether they are fresh or marine :lol: I did wonder if they were modelled on an actual species though, and if so, what?
  20. I can't register the breeding if I can't ID them but I am going to try and breed them once I know what they need. I assume the 2 big ones are the parents of the small ones 8)
  21. I got some from Animates last time they had a big sale as they had a big pile of them sitting on a table Your lfs ought to give, or sell, you some. As said, an ordinary clear plastic bag will be fine. Either upsidedown or tape the corners down so the fish can't get stuck in them.
  22. It is not often I buy fish when I do not know anything about them but in this case I couldn't resist. I suspect they might be marine. Is anyone able to ID them please? Assuming they are not hybrids of course :-? I posted here as I didn't know whether to put them in the freshwater or marine section. I should have asked at the time of purchase :oops:
  23. Welcome. Fish keeping is a lot more fun, and easier, if you have a partner also into it.
  24. It does not have to be your own fish. If you don't know what the fish is perhaps we can have a "Name that Fish" competition :lol:
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