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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. They will attempt to mate with anything that moves - not necessarily female either :roll: Does not mean there will be a result - apart from some really annoyed fish!
  2. They are very shy! Usually only seen in small glimpses as they feed They may have even bred for all I know. You can't see through the jungle!! :roll:
  3. I like Ira's answer but not sure I would bother with the good scrub part :lol: Barrie if we use the expensive fusion stuff do we still have to squeegie after every shower? Perhaps the answer is to pimp my shower so it can travel over 60kph then when I wash the water just blows away :bounce:
  4. Most of us spend a lot of money to get rid of them! :lol: My set-up is my back yard - particularly the pond filter. Lift the lid and cockroaches run in all directions! :evil:
  5. Caryl

    best algae eater?

    Here is a true Siamese algae eater. Note the black line goes through the tail? (Sorry I didn't clean the glass first)
  6. What? Crossbreed, or produce without a male? :lol:
  7. You need to come and see it in person adodge. What about on your way to or from conference this year?? Great chance to visit your dad again :lol:
  8. Mine sticks so tight to the driftwood I can't remove it :-?
  9. Guppies and mollies have been known to crossbreed as they are both Poecilia sp but platys and mollies do not. Female livebearers can produce fry, without a male, for over 8 months or more.
  10. If the tank has been runnning that long and the problem with deaths is recent, I doubt it is phosphates (unless council has added something to the water supply). Our water is naturally high in phosphates too if I remember rightly and my fish are unaffected. Did the fish all die within days of each other? 25L is not very big and you had 12 bottom dwellers in it, albeit small ones. What is your usual routine maintenance (how often and how much water do you change regularly?) and have you tested the pH, ammonia, nitrite and/or nitrates? These would be more likely to cause deaths than phosphate levels I should think.
  11. Cut some fine slits in the wood and carefully ease a few roots into the split (or use exisiting splits in the wood) then you don't need to tie them down at all
  12. I have never bought an all in one so can't comment but I do not like the look of them. They are very expensive but to me they look cheap :-? My tanks have all been custom built by a glazier at a fraction of the cost. They have then sat on existing furniture or, in the case of the lounge tank, had a unit built for them. Some have just sat on blocks :roll:
  13. Thank you. I can help both of you with the lotus and affinis if you really want some. I can bring the affinis to conference Jen. I hope it travels OK though as it doesn't seem to like being moved :-?
  14. The tiger lotus keeps taking over! :roll:
  15. Sugar Ray Leopard incorporates 2 fish 8)
  16. It was said in another thread that people are so quick to have a go at someone, debate is great but sometimes it seems to get so personal.......maybe the forum should put a new catagory in called Fisty Cuffs then they can get on with it there. Living Art thought Fishy Cuffs would be better and then others started coming up with their own suggestions. Cichlid_fan came up with Pike Tyson and TUNAmanator while Sharkie thought Mohamad Sharkie was good. These are more personal names than category names but who cares? Any other fun suggestions? :lol:
  17. You need to aim the web cam at something more photogenic. I have yet to see Edgar anywhere :-?
  18. Pupuke Aquarium Centre is in the City View Building, 1 Lydia Ave, Birkenhead I believe (unless they have moved)
  19. Love it!!! Too late for us though as I am not draining and digging up our pond so I can put a letter under it. :lol:
  20. Stop ruining my attempts to make it look like I am selecting the healthier of the sugar choices!!! :evil: :lol:
  21. and the fact it is for sale again shows it didn't sell for that much
  22. We have about 22 signed up so far. The more the merrier. All welcome. If my daughter has her way there will also be a hard fought (if we don't laugh too hard) tournament on the 18 hole mini golf course next door after the tour
  23. I have always liked the snakeskin variety. Beautiful patterns (of course I like snakes too so perhaps that has something to do with it :lol: )
  24. I note the comments were all negative too and feeling sorry for the fish. Surely, if they owned the fish (which I assume jumped out of the tank) they would know it won't bite but they would have to beware of the spines as they can hurt! :roll: For the record, for those who do not know how to handle these fish, wet hands or a wet towel would have been the way to pick it up, supporting the whole body while you lifted it back into the tank.
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