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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. but did you spit it back into the tank or was it too far masticated by then? :sick:
  2. Looks gorgeous. We found hidden parks around Hong Kong too.
  3. I do not understand the modern NCEA system as my kids had left school before it was implemented. Are the levels 1, 2 and 3 like the old 5th, 6th and 7th form? Do you have to get so many credits per level then over a certain total at the end? Are these credits then used to get into uni?
  4. I loved the blue! It made it even more stunning
  5. HOB filters do block up very quickly, especially with messy fish like goldfish. You will have to keep rinsing the sponges. Just rinse enough, in old tank water, to allow a decent water flow through. Clean the gravel when it looks mucky. I would not bother every 3 days.
  6. I was going to suggest what Zayne did - except Perspex or glass would work.
  7. Tannins are not dangerous.
  8. The endlers I saw overseas were nowhere near as colourful as those in the pic either. They looked like small, multi-coloured guppies.
  9. Caryl


    Care sheets for these all say they should have a varied diet eg; Axolotls are carnivorous and should be fed every 3-4 days with a varied diet of appropriately sized prey items, such as bloodworms, earthworms, crickets, blackworms, whiteworms, lean meat, small pieces of shrimp, daphnia, mosquito larvae, very small snails and appropriately sized fish pellets. Feed just as much as they can comfortably eat within 10 minutes. I would think nothing but ox heart may not be so good for them? Ox heart is said to be very lean though so that is good. Ours ate earth worms. Blood worms would have been way too small for it.
  10. How will water changes help if the tap water is high in nitrates? Found this... Health Effect of Nitrates on People High nitrate levels in water can cause methemoglobinemia or blue baby syndrome, a condition found especially in infants under six months. The stomach acid of an infant is not as strong as in older children and adults. This causes an increase in bacteria that can readily convert nitrate to nitrite (NO2). Do not let infants drink water that exceeds 10 mg/l NO3-N. This includes formula preparation. Nitrite is absorbed in the blood, and hemoglobin (the oxygen-carrying component of blood) is converted to methemoglobin. Methemoglobin does not carry oxygen efficiently. This results in a reduced oxygen supply to vital tissues such as the brain. Methemoglobin in infant blood cannot change back to hemoglobin, which normally occurs in adults. Severe methemoglobinemia can result in brain damage and death. Pregnant women, adults with reduced stomach acidity, and people deficient in the enzyme that changes methemoglobin back to normal hemoglobin are all susceptible to nitrite-induced methemoglobinemia. The most obvious symptom of methemoglobinemia is a bluish color of the skin, particularly around the eyes and mouth. Other symptoms include headache, dizziness, weakness or difficulty in breathing. Take babies with the above symptoms to the hospital emergency room immediately. If recognized in time, methemoglobinemia is treated easily with an injection of methylene blue. Healthy adults can consume fairly large amounts of nitrate with few known health effects. In fact, most of the nitrate we consume is from our diets, particularly from raw or cooked vegetables. This nitrate is readily absorbed and excreted in the urine. However, prolonged intake of high levels of nitrate are linked to gastric problems due to the formations of nitrosamines. N-nitrosamine compounds have been shown to cause cancer in test animals. Studies of people exposed to high levels of nitrate or nitrite have not provided convincing evidence of an increased risk of cancer. Do a Google search on how to reduce it.
  11. Never watched it actually but I have seen the trailers and understand the concept 8)
  12. I meant my daughter got a lot of hers from the previous year's intake at the place of study.
  13. Your nitrate needs to be at least under 50ppm and preferably less than 25ppm.
  14. The leopardfish do not seem to be bothered by the high temp so I have not done anything to try and bring it down. Perhaps I should re-name it the non artificially heated tank 8)
  15. Then you should only have given one word Joe isthmus
  16. My hero :happy1: :happy2: :love:
  17. Current outdoor temp south side of house in shade - 31C Lounge 30.5C (I have been out so doors have been shut) 3 tanks in lounge; 4ft tropical with lights on but surrounded on all sides and top (except front) by solid wood unit - 26.5C 3ft platy tank with no lights on 29C cold water tank - 29C
  18. Not fully cycled, no.
  19. Ask at wherever it is she is going to study as they often have books for sale. They will even know of places to get them 2nd hand elsewhere. Daughter couldn' t help sorry.
  20. They will get together and vote one of the fish out of the tank
  21. If you have been away, were the rest of the family members? Was the house shut up? That, combined with the lights being left on will be the culprit. I should think the water chnages plus added oxygen will see them coming right (hopefully) over the next day or two. Others have mentioned that white cobwebby algae before. Remove it by hand, or siphon it up, and see if it returns once conditions are back to normal.
  22. What makes you all so sure the room can't be that hot at 2am? Ours is :-? Actually, the computer room is currently 28.3C and it does not drop much, if at all, overnight. That is the reason we have aircon in the bedroom! Now, if I could just hide the remote so Grant doesn't turn it off complaining that 17C is too cold... :tears: :sick:
  23. I will check with my daughter but she is away at the moment.
  24. You are in Wgtn, a lot of members here are in Wgtn, ask (or tell us which suburb you are in) and see if one of them is near you to offer matured filter media. I am sure someone will be able to help! Some work in pet shops, I am sure they can help, even if they take media from home to work for you.
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