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Everything posted by Nymox

  1. Narrow head wide hips. If it doesn't have a rank smell to the skink itself (not enclosure) then I would be even more convinced its female. My best guess, 70/30 female/male.
  2. I can't see any fry left in the sump. They've spawned again this morning though. Maybe better luck this time around.
  3. Aww your a big softy lol I'm about to start the long walk down, if I don't make it send a scout lol. Look for the hairy mess with the walking stick.
  4. There seems to be at least 10 - 15 there, but they are very hard to spot and love hanging out in the mulm. Starting to get an eye for spotting them but I can get a clear shot, I scared that one up there and turned the sponge filter around to get that picture, otherwise camera just tries focusing on reflections. Will try for a cluster shot again tomorrow.
  5. yeah this is true. I am paying my subs tomorrow so should make it in time
  6. They're so hard to spot, really the only way is to wait for them to move. As I have noticed with this batch they are far from lethargic, maybe the high water flow in the sump keeps them active. They are definitely growing too, and quite quickly. I hope they make the next 6 days I would really love a certificate for these guys!
  7. Take good care of her Anthony and give her my best wishes.
  8. wasn't quite as fun as the millions of baby seahorses back at the other place, small river by the time we made all the trips back and forth with the nets, and he was still squirting them out. Next fuzzy fry video must be clowns 8)
  9. The very tips flavour a stew just right, leave it in till the bone dissolves and the scales float to the top, spoon them off and add your veges of choice.
  10. That's why I though the end might be near by. They can near enough hold themselves up on the tips, could have slipped through something and twisted slightly. Enough give to stop it breaking further up.
  11. no just might help figure out what happened, bobtail skink now.
  12. Take him to L.A. or bring him here tomorrow. L.A. probably better. No sign of the other end of the tail any where?
  13. I have a tank outside that has lots of java moss and mulm in it, the sunset wcmm are in there. It gets fresh water daily from the daphnia pond. I'm sure I can find a little heater around some where, about 40 ltrs good foot print. I have a cycled sponge filter too. Would it be better to put the minnows in another tank and try raise the fry in there? I would have to bring it inside but I can manually do the wc but I don't mind at all if there is more chance in raising some. I fear the return pump might get its fair share in the sump, as well as the mts.
  14. Had a great time watching these little fellows today! Well done again L.A.
  15. So far I count 21, I haven't looked through the media chambers yet and it's hard to see into the mulm so I might be counting some twice or missing some.
  16. The only thing I could blame on having poor grades when I was 15, was the fact that I was 15. The attitude I have now I could have easily picked up a few more chores as well as the part time job, and do well at school, it was much much easier to learn and work then too, almost seemed effortless in comparison.
  17. Another hour and L.A. should be around to help you out. This is right up his ally :sage:
  18. I think the humbug as 4 stripes. Not to sure if the tail is counted or not though. :dunno:
  19. First coral looks like a brain coral. The 3rd pic down looks like devils hand. The black and white striped damsel fish would be a humbug damsel or 3 stripe I think. Guru's will correct me I am sure. That is about all I can help with. HTH
  20. Couldn't agree more Caryl! Ruling with an iron fist is one thing, but I don't see it in this case. You can see the father struggling with this, its breaking the poor mans heart. The world isn't an easy place, and my generation has added to the problem by spawning more then raising disney channel kids. Parents like this guy deserve a thumbs up for being involved in his daughters life, not running through the muck because he cares.
  21. I think it was a well deserved reaction. Most of today's teens don't have a clue about how life is in the real world, we worked for the flash new shoes, or the new skateboard, we worked for our first car. And usually when parents would see you applying yourself they would help out in the end. I think this girl is lucky to have a father that cares enough about her future to try and set her strait now, he takes an interest in her life which is a lot more then many kids. He certainly isn't as ass of a parent, though I would expect this kind of comment from the facebook generation, which is the problem he is trying to address. They expect the world for free, and get upset when its not given to them, spoilt undeserving consumers.
  22. I've loaned and given away too much stuff I don't have a small enough heater any more for a fry tank, so the sump is my only option really, but I tried using a credit card to get them off and I just ended up killing 2 so I might leave it all together this time till I am far more prepared. Need a really sharp blade to get between the egg and glass.
  23. No, he passed at at around 4:30am, quietly went to sleep and then the rigamortis set in. Tried my best poor wee fellow, not as easy as penguins these guys are stress bombs.
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