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Everything posted by oO SKIPPY Oo

  1. is that cooked or uncooked chicken ? the big fish get prawns as a treat once a fortnight etc and worms if i find any in the garden... after speaking to Henward I think i have gone off the idea of mealworms - sounds like my hayfever would drive me and the misses nuts !!
  2. i dunno if that pump would look HUGE in my nano tank - i think the filter i have pushes quite a bit of water around the tank but i will take a look with fresh water and food coloring to see if it would form a whirlpool type effect in the tank - that should be ok aye ? this sounds like a plan if it will speed up some of the process - where do you get straight ammonia from ? thats good to know that a chiller is not 100% required. tiny rockpool fish, starfish, crabs, and whatever else i can find will be going in there eventually so i if i start now by getting some live rock this weekend - im looking at about October before adding any creatures in there with weekly 25% water changes
  3. The tank dimensions are 50x25x30 (lxdxh) so actually only 35L Patience is something i need to learn - have always been pretty bad with wanting to do things on a whim - but this is something i have been thinking about for quite some time by streaming do you mean the water flow around the tank ? Cheers Skip
  4. i read that starter a while ago but maybe i will refresh my shocking memory cause it really was ages ago... now i need to go find a small enough lump of live rock on the weekend to put in my nano tank.... i think im gunna really like having something totally different to my fresh water fish and turtles im thinking i might go take a look at the island bay marine reserve again and ask some more questions about starfishes, crabs, and other little critters
  5. holy crap 4 months - gees thats ages - by live rock do you mean the stuff that the pet shops sell ? or can i get a chunk of rock with "corals" etc on from the rocky shore line? does that class as live rock or just rock cool about the water - thought there might be other stuff in sea water than just water and salt :bounce: ok guess if im going to wait for 4 months for a cycle the food questions can all come later
  6. ok that sounds cool - i wasnt planning on any lights being in our kitchen its quite well lit anyway - what are some gotchas about cold water marine ? ive read some of the posts about tropical setups and needing lots of gear etc but with such a small tank i hope to be able to do away with a lot of it.. * i assume i would need to cycle the tank for a couple of weeks (or longer) etc before getting any fish. * do you just use salt water from the ocean or can rock salt be added to tap water ? * what food will i need to get to feed the crabs and will the local fish etc eat food i have for my tropicals
  7. is it possible to do a 40L cold water marine tank ? i have a spare tank i was using to bring up baby swordtails but now its doing nothing so thought maybe i could setup a nano marine tank - thought about catching crabs and little rock pool fish from around the bay near us what do the experts reckon ?
  8. not sure where this belongs - but i was thinking about feeding my hungry severums and chocolate cichlids some worms for protein etc is this a good idea ? if so whats the best / easiest option ? ive fed the severums flies during summer but its getting hard to catch them now running out of heat in the afternoon etc. do i persist or should i start up a worm farm ?
  9. hmm strange - air new zealand were fine with the idea of me bringing my fish home with me - they just said make sure security were ok with it. i reckon it depends on who you talk too and what frame of mind they are in at the time
  10. your not the only one that doesnt like spiders Aquilam_11 - my wife cant stand the sight of any sort of spiders - i showed her a picture of one of those that were posted a while back with the huge body and she almost killed me :roll: sometimes i come home from work and theres a cup sitting upside down on the floor - i get closer to it and find the smallest daddy long legs in there - now our daughter is just as bad with anything that is not a cat or human :evil:
  11. thats the thing - it all depends on who you talk to - cause i knew i was going to bring a fish back from akl i inquired 2x with air new zealand and both times they said as long as its domestic then its not a problem with them - but they did want me to talk to security - so i rang security in akl prior to us flying to akl and they said yep no problems - when at the airport they wanted me to open the poly box up and remove pretty much everything so they could check to make sure there was metal or anything in the box - they dont put the fish through the xray machines but they were fine about it all
  12. i bought a fish home on air new zealand recently - the one on my avatar - took it as hand luggage - just make sure you can get into the package so security can check its swimming about etc. and there are no sharp objects
  13. yep that was big bust for the Police - a huge undercover op with a lot of man hours put in Puffer - if i were you i would get out of the situation and put myself as far away from the person(s) that have the drugs in the house etc dont associate with them at all. unsure but it may be a wise thing for you to actually go to the police and tell them whats going on - be up front that you have no involvement and want to get out of there..
  14. i put a cropped version in but not sure how many votes it got there are sooooo many good entries for POTM all the time i dont know how well it would do
  15. i did indeed - it was once a very shy fish when it was in a tank by itself - i got it and put in with 2x green severums, 1x gold severum, 2x chocolates, and its not the dominant fish in the tank and pretty agressive
  16. im based in wellington and will be travelling to and from levin to wellington on tuesday - not sure what time of the day yet though - i dont mind helping out from there if thats any help ?
  17. do scales grow back / replenish - i just noticed my middle sized severum missing a couple from its side so thought i would check cheers skip
  18. yeah i see nothing but static - if your not wanting to buy that tincam software there is a freeware app that does the same thing i think - http://sourceforge.net/projects/dcamserver/
  19. when i got them a couple of months ago i think they may have just stopped shedding cause there were still some old bits hanging on in some places
  20. should i start a raffle ? any other takers of when they will shed ?
  21. oh ok - thats all good - the 2 you suggested look a little worse for wear are definately looking better since that photo - how long do you think it can take for the shells to look 100% - another 5-6 months being winter and all ?
  22. i agree there - our cat was hit by a car about a year ago - he disappeared for about 3 days so we rang the SPCA luckily someone had taken him to the afterhours vet and they fixed him up - about $180 later for the treatment he received (its as bad as going for a dentist visit !!!)
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