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Everything posted by dogmatix

  1. so far i have had a negative result with aqua-medic exodin, the fish still have W/Spot and i have lost 2 acros :evil: :oops: :evil:
  2. might even put my piece of poo up there in a few weeks
  3. They need there own breeding tank rams are very shy and will eat the eggs or fry if there is the slightest threat. Heaps of plant cover etc, sometimes they will raise in a community but more often not. Good luck Ben
  4. I've had a recent case of Wspot on my kole, atlantic blue and clown tangs, have been using aqua medic exodin and its been working a treat. Good luck with it Ben
  5. one of my mates has this on four big tunze turbelle pumps and it works a treat, hasnt affected the pumps
  6. Terry the ones from waterD dont have unions attached do they ?
  7. Tanks looking as tho its gonna be great, allthough thanks to brian looks like ill be getting my next tank built in diamante glass
  8. And i thought my light hood was ghetto, but really it's coming along sweet craig. good work
  9. very happy with mine completely quiet except for the odd time on start up, and as mentioned sometimes need tweaking to start when turned back on
  10. Who arr, Looking great fay, as Brian said beautiful GBTA, and an awesome pic of the pyramid butterfly. Ben
  11. dogmatix

    "Fire Fire

    So sorry Mitch , i think this is a good lesson to be learnt all. Again soz to hear mate.
  12. odds are the sting was inside a tiny scratch, i had a bubble nail me this way
  13. dogmatix

    salt mix

    have a look at what these guys have to say http://www.northcoastmarines.com/salt_comparison.htm
  14. dogmatix

    salt mix

    The brand was crystal sea/ fourty fathoms. I did retest the results three times with three different brands of test kit that it why we dont sell it, im sure its a better batch now but IMO red sea and instant ocean are far better.
  15. dogmatix

    salt mix

    We trialed the salt in question and the batch we had was holding an NH4 reading of 2.5 after 24-36 hours. Killed a tiger cowrie and we almost lost our Rose BTA :evil:
  16. dogmatix

    New Reef Tank

    Thats some WICKED D.I.Y work. Tank looks just great. Ben
  17. The main problem is keeping them in circulation with tanks full of aptasia's otherwise the'll just wither away
  18. Looking great heaps of potential
  19. from memory it can be bought in 20kg bags pm me if you need a price (sorry fo the late reply). Ben
  20. dogmatix

    new saltwater

    Photobuckets the best IMO
  21. Looking great cant wait to see it finished hope your saving for the rock
  22. Is much more red than this in person, smae colour as the one you posted
  23. i've got that one its not cap but rather M.folliosa grows just as fast tho
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